This bill creates new subsections in Section 507(c) of Title 14 of the Delaware Code to define the licensure and certification requirements more clearly within Chapter 5 of Title 14 and provides the ability for charter schools to hire the administrators that they deem beneficial to the success of the school’s education program and the needs of students and staff. To that end, the bill defines “Instructional Administrator” and “Non-instructional Administrator” at a charter school. The bill clarifies that all Instructional Administrators at charter schools must be licensed and certified as administrators while Non-instructional Administrators do not. The bill also exempts the charter school administrator who reports directly to the Charter Board of Directors from the licensure and certification requirement and allows a charter school to request permission from the charter authorizer to hire an additional unlicensed and uncertified administrator.
Section 2 requires that the Professional Standards Board work with the Delaware Charter Schools Network and the Department of Education to provide for any regulatory changes necessary to implement the legislation.