This Act codifies the Delaware Hispanic Commission (“Commission”). The Commission was created by former Governor Jack Markell in Executive Order Number 28 to combine and streamline the duties of the former Governor’s Council on Hispanic Affairs and the former Governor’s Consortium on Hispanic Affairs. Under the executive order, the Commission’s duty is to advise the Governor, the Governor’s Cabinet, and members of the General Assembly on matters that are important to people of Hispanic descent in Delaware.
Under this Act, the Commission will perform the same duties it has since its creation by the Governor. Codifying the Commission will create equity with other heritage commissions created under Title 29. Codifying the Commission will also help the Commission to perform its duties by creating long-term stability, allowing the Commission’s members to be appointed by a variety of stakeholders, and giving the Commission guidance from the Delaware Department of State.

Under this Act, the Commission keeps all current members through June 30, 2028, and the Commission membership consists of the Governor’s appointees who serve at the Governor’s pleasure. All Commission officers who are currently serving will remain in office through June 30, 2028. After June 30, 2028, 17 members will be appointed to the Commission according to § 4502 of Title 29, and a chair and vice chair will be elected according to § 4502 of Title 29.