This Act strengthens the current practice of obtaining service letters for employment in child care facilities to protect children from workers who have engaged in prior acts that are prohibited by the Office of Child Care Licensing. The Act does all of the following:
1. Requires service letters used for child care facilities ask previous employers whether they would have any concerns about the employee providing care to children.
2. Requires service letters used for child care facilities ask previous employers whether the employee was ever warned, reprimanded, suspended, or discharged for any violations found in the Department of Education's Regulations for Early Care and Education and School-Age Centers.
3. Requires the Office of Child Care Licensing to report any suspected failure of an employer to adhere to the requirements of a service letter to the Department of Labor for review and possible civil penalties.
4. Clarifies the Department of Labor is the only party that can seek civil enforcement under this section.
5. Makes technical corrections to conform existing law to the standards of the Delaware Legislative Drafting Manual.

Statutes affected:
Original Text: 19.708
Session Law: 19.708