This Act deletes the current Charter of the Village of Ardencroft (the "Village") and replaces it with a new charter that differs in several respects.
Among other changes, the Act changes the Village's governing body from the "Town Meeting" to the "Village Assembly."
The Act also adds a requirement for residents to qualify as eligible voters. Under the current charter, eligible voters are persons 18 or older who have resided in the Village for a period of 30 consecutive days. The new charter provides that an "eligible voter" means a resident who is 18 years or older, and defines "resident" to mean a person who has resided in the Village for a period of 30 consecutive days and who currently resides in the Village for the majority of the calendar year. In addition, the Act clarifies that "resident" includes persons renting housing units in the village, as well as resident leaseholders.
The Act decreases the minimum required number of regular meetings of the governing body from 6, under the current charter, to 4, under the new charter, and clarifies that they may be held virtually, in whole or in part, and that they are open to the public, which includes persons who are not eligible to vote.
Finally, the Act removes the current charter's provisions concerning a town police force.