This Act adds the Senate Minority Leader and the House Minority Leader as members of the Public Health Emergency Planning Commission (Commission).
This Act also requires the Commission to meet within 30 days of the initiation a state of emergency due to a public health emergency for the purposes of discussing and evaluating, in an advisory capacity to the Governor, the response to the public health emergency. The Commission would be required to continue meeting at least every 30 days until the termination of the state of emergency due to a public health emergency.
This Act also defines the term “Commission” in the subchapter-level definition section since the term “Commission” is used in multiple places within Subchapter V of Chapter 31 of Title 20.
This Act also adds Commission governance procedures, including length of terms, filling vacancies, and defining quorum.
This Act also makes technical corrections to conform existing law to the standards of the Delaware Legislative Drafting Manual, including updating agency names.