This bill repeals the requirement that the Housing Director provide notice of the allocation of Low-Income Housing Tax Credits and Housing Development Funds to the state senator, the state representative, and the chief executive officer of the local jurisdiction in which the project receiving the allocation is located.
These notification requirements are duplicative of federal requirements to notify a jurisdiction’s chief executive officer of an allocation of Low-Income Housing Tax Credits. Additionally, such notification requirements are considered to be impediments to fair housing choice. The 2011 and 2020 Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice reports, identified the notification requirements as impediments to fair housing. The reports were jointly prepared by Delaware State Housing Authority and local governments that receive HUD funding in fulfillment of their obligation to conduct fair housing planning. Furthermore, the National Council of State Housing Agencies (NCSHA), a nonpartisan organization that represents state housing finance agencies, discourages the use of notification requirements in their 2017 Recommended Practices in Housing Credit Administration report.