This Act does all of the following:
(1) Creates a Director of Classification/Compensation and Talent Acquisition and a Director of Training and Human Resource Solutions.
(2) Changes the name of the Director of Personnel Management to Director of Talent Management.
(3) Directs the Director of Talent Management to assume a central leadership role for the development and maintenance of the Department of Human Resources.
(4) Renames the Division of Diversity and Inclusion to the Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
(5) Renames the Division of Labor Relations and Employment Practices to the Division of Employee and Labor Relations.
(6) Renames the Division of Statewide Benefits to The Division of Statewide Benefits and Insurance Coverage.
(7) Removes references to the Blood Bank due to lack of State participation with the program.
(8) Increases membership within the Commission for Women and the Delaware Women's Hall of Fame Committee.
(9) Expands the duties and role of the Delaware Commission for Women to subsume the responsibilities of the Delaware Women's Workforce Council.
(10) Removes the statutory language creating the Delaware Women's Workforce Council.
(11) Establishes The Division of Classification/Compensation and Talent Acquisition and the Division of Training and Human Resources Solutions with its associated powers, duties, and functions.
(12) Makes technical corrections to conform existing law to the standards of the Delaware Legislative Drafting Manual.