This Act does all of the following regarding suspected human trafficking of children:
1. Ensures the sharing of information between the Child Protection Accountability Commission (CPAC) and the Delaware Anti-Trafficking Action Council.
2. Expressly requires a multidisciplinary response to these cases, similar to child deaths and serious physical injury.
3. Even though human trafficking of children is child abuse, specifically delineates it throughout the child abuse multidisciplinary investigative response.
4. Codifies a review panel and oversight committee within CPAC for these cases, with the same authority, subpoena power, and immunities provided to the system that reviews child abuse deaths and near deaths.
5. Establishes that the Office of the Child Advocate will staff the review panel and oversight committee.
This Act also makes minor technical corrections to conform existing law to the standards of the Delaware Legislative Drafting Manual.

Statutes affected:
Original Text: 11.787, 16.902, 16.905, 16.906, 16.931, 16.933, 16.934, 16.935, 29.9005