This Act codifies standards for recovery houses to become “certified recovery houses” either through the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health (“DSAMH”) or through a Division approved certifying entity. A non-certified recovery house may continue to operate and provide an alcohol and drug free residence to persons recovering from substance use disorders. However, a non-certified recovery house may not: (1) Receive referrals from a state entity or state court; (2) obtain state or local funding; (3) Receive referrals for individuals whose treatment is state or locally funded; (4) represent or imply that it is “certified”. The Division shall maintain a Registry of Certified Recovery Houses. This Act grandfathers existing licensed recovery houses. The Act takes effect upon enactment and will be implemented upon notice, by Division, of promulgation of final rules and regulations, published in the Register of Regulations or 6 months after enactment, whichever occurs first.