Mayor Muriel Bowser has requested the reprogramming of $12,500,000 in FY 2025 Capital Funds from the District of Columbia Public Libraries (DCPL) to the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (DMPED) to facilitate the closing of Phase 1 of the Barry Farm project. This request is in compliance with D.C. Official Code 47-363(a) and is supported by a memorandum detailing the necessity of these funds. The Chief Financial Officer, Glen Lee, has confirmed that this reprogramming will not negatively impact the DCPL's budget or the District's overall financial plan, as the funds will be replaced by American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds awarded to DCPL.

The resolution also highlights that the reprogrammed funds will be sourced from the Southeast Library project, which will not experience operational disruptions due to this transfer. The Office of Budget and Performance Management has verified that the reprogramming is essential for the timely completion of the Barry Farm project, and any delays could impede its progress. The financial summary indicates that the Southeast Library project has a total budget of $53,181,360, with sufficient available funds to accommodate this reallocation while continuing to support community resources effectively.