The Expanding Community Access to Safe and Clean Recreational Space Act of 2025 aims to enhance community access to recreational facilities located within District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) by establishing a partnership with the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR). The bill mandates that DPR create a program to allow safe and sanitary use of these facilities during evenings and weekends, outside of school-related activities. To facilitate this, DPR is required to enter into an annual agreement with DCPS that outlines community use hours, signage, communication procedures for special events, and necessary security and custodial services.

In selecting participating schools, DPR will prioritize sites that can increase access for communities facing historical disinvestment, high crime rates, and health challenges, while also ensuring at least one site is established in each ward. The program is designed to alleviate the burden on school administrators who currently manage community access without dedicated resources, thereby promoting the use of valuable recreational assets for neighborhood benefit.