The Tree Preservation Enhancement Amendment Act of 2025 amends the Urban Forest Preservation Act of 2002 by redefining what constitutes a Special Tree and establishing new fees for the removal of both Special Trees and Heritage Trees. Specifically, the definition of a Special Tree is changed from having a circumference of 44 inches to 25 inches. The bill increases the fee for removing Special Trees to $55 for property owners receiving a homestead deduction and $100 for others. Additionally, it introduces a fee of at least $350 for the removal of Heritage Trees, with an alternative fee of $250 if a perpetual conservation easement is established.

Furthermore, the bill modifies the use of the Tree Fund, limiting its application for plantings on public property and increasing the maximum allowable amount for certain expenditures from $300 to $500. The amendments also adjust the funding allocation for school property, ensuring that it does not exceed 25% of the running five-year average of the fund's receipts. These changes aim to enhance the preservation of urban trees while generating necessary funds for tree management and conservation efforts.