January 6, 2025
The Honorable Phil Mendelson
Council of the District of Columbia
John A. Wilson Building
1350Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 504
Washington, DC 20004
Dear Chairman Mendelson:
In accordance with section 2 of the Confirmation Act of 1978, effective March 3, 1979 (D.C. Law 2-
142; D.C. Official Code § 1-523.01), and pursuant to section 601 of the Distri_ct of the Columbia
Government Comprehensive Merit Personnel Act of 1978, effective March 3, 1979 (D.C. Law 2-139;
D.C. Official Code§ 1-606.01), I am pleased to nominate the following individual:
Ms. Pia Winston
N Street, SE
Washington, DC 20019
(Ward 7)
for appointment as a member of the Office of Employee Appeals, filling a vacant seat formerly held
by Clarence Labor, for the remainder of an unexpired term to end April 6, 2030.
Enclosed, you will find biographical information detailing the experience of the above-mentioned
nominee, together with a proposed resolution to assist the Council during the confirmation process.
I would appreciate the Council's earliest consideration of this nomination for confirmation. Please
do not hesitate to contact me, or Steven Walker, Director, Mayor's Office of Talent and
Appointments, should the Council require additional information.
2 Chairman Phil Mendelson
3 at the request of the Mayor
15 To confirm the appointment of Pia Winston to the Office of Employee Appeals.
18 resolution may be cited as the "Office of Employee Appeals Pia Winston Confirmation
19 Resolution of 2025".
20 Sec. 2. The Council of the District of Columbia confirms the appointment of:
22 Pia Winston
23 N Street, SE
24 Washington, DC 20019
25 (Ward 7)
27 as a member of the Office of Employee Appeals, established by section 601 of the District of
28 Columbia Government Comprehensive Merit Personnel Act of 1978, effective March 3, 1979
29 (D.C. Law 2-139; D.C. Official Code§ 1-606.01), filling a vacant seat formerly held by Clarence
30 Labor, for the remainder of an unexpired term to end April 6, 2030.
31 Sec. 3. The Council of the District of Columbia shall transmit a copy of this resolution,
32 upon its adoption, to the nominee and to the Office of the Mayor.
33 Sec. 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
Maryland State Bar, Admitted December 2012
District of Columbia Bar, Admitted February 2018
WrLLIAM & MARY LAW SCHOOL, Williamsburg, Virginia
Juris Doctor; May 2012
Honors and Activities:
William&: Mary Journal of Women and the Law, Editor
National Black Law Students Association. National Parliamentarian 2010-2012
Black Law Students Association, W.C. Jefferson Chapter, Community Service Chair
Peggy Browning Labor and Employment Law Fellow, 2011
Marshall-Brennan Constitutional Literacy Fellow, 2011
William & Mary National Trial Team
William & Mary Alternative Dispute Resolution Team
Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology and African American Studies; May 2008
Ho11ors and Activities:
Academic Honor Graduate, African American Studies
Ronald E. McNair Scholar
National Labor Relations Board, Washington, DC February 2017- Present
Trial Attorney, Contempt Compliance and Special Litigation Branch
Investigate whether particular respondents have failed to comply with, and are thereby in contempt of, Circuit Court
Judgments enforcing a Board Order from the Labor reations Board.
Conduct civil and criminal contempt litigation in the U.S. Courts of Appeals to coerce compliance or to punish non-
compliance with said judgments.
Analyze submissions from Regional Offices, induding the Regional Offices' investigative files, to detemtlne if
contempt proceedings are appropriate and/ or whether other ancillary proceedings should be instituted.
Prepare recommendations for consideration by the Board., and upon authorization,
prepare pleadings, affidavits, motions, supporting briefs, etc., necessary to initiate cases.
Negotiate with parties to determine if compliance can be achieved without further litigation and draft appropriate
settlement papers.
Prepare motions, draft interrogatories and requests for production; condw..i: discovery including depositiorLs;
interview witnesses; and prepare for and conducts trials.
Present oral arguments to Special Masters, District Courts and/ or Circuit Courts, as required.
Mehri & Skalet, PLLC, Washington, DC
Find Justice Fellm.o/Associate Attorney February 2013- February 2017
Represented American Federation of Government Employees (11 AFGE") local unions for wage and hour (FI.SA)
violations, discrimination and discipline cases through the arbitration process. Responsible for all aspects of arbitration
preparation including claim investigation, witness preparation, discovery, directing and cross examining witnesses and
drafting and filing all dosing briefs and responsive documents. Developed litigation strategies and negotiated
settlement agreements providing for class-wide relief in employment discrimination, wage and hour, and fair housing
class action cases. Negotiated severence packages for mid-level and executive employees separating from employement
and all other aspects of employment law practice. Also engaged in the litigation of fair housing and consumer protection
cases in state and federal court.
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National Whistleblowm Center/Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto, LLP, Washington, DC
,Post-Graduate Fellow September 2012- February 2013
Provided litigation assistance in the areas of w histleblower protection and employrrient discrimination. Duties included
drafting motions, discovery requests and responses, pre-trial statements and other pleadings. Organized deposition
preparation and drafted deposition questions. Drafted Amicus Brief regarding the SEC's interpretation of the Dodd-
Frank Act's retroactive application.
Mehri & Skalet, PLLC, Washington, DC
Summer Associate/Law Clerk,. Peggy Browning f'ellow May 2011 - June 2012
Provided litigation assistance and legal research at fhis private law firm. Practice areas included class action
employment discrimination, civil rights and consumer litigation. Duties included contract analysis, case management,
drafting legal memos, briefs, affidavits and pleadings. Interacted with clients, co-counsel and opposing counsel
regarding case negotiation and case management.
Nanonal Consumer Law Center, Boston, MA
Summer Associate/I..egallntern June 2010 - August 2010
Assisted in the advocacy department of this non-profit conswner law firm. Conducted research in the fields of
bankruptcy reform and judicial advocacy. Wrote extensive memoranda on bankruptcy topics effecting low-income
conswners such as Census Bureau and IRS Median Income National Standards and conducted research regarding
national foreclosure ratt.i.s, sub-prime loans and predatory lending practices.
Scott Cole & Associates, APC, Oakland, CA
Legal Administrative Assistant/Paralegal July 2008 ... July .2009
Assisted in all aspects of litigation for this class action employment law firm. Responsibilities induded conducting legal
research, drafting and proofreading legal documents and memoranda, case investigation,. calendaring of due dates for
hearingsl discovery responses, assignments and meetings. Responsible for creating large scale public marketing
campaigns for the fim1.
The Law Qffices ofWilliam C. Spain, Oakland, CA
Legal Assistant/ Paralegal October 2006 - July 2008 .
Assisted in all aspects of litigation for this injury law and workers compensation firm. Worked closely with
attorney, conducted client meetings, provided advice, and prepared discovery documents, briefs and complaints.
Negotiated settlement agreements and facilitated client updates.
Interest: Event hosting,. musical theater and fitness.
References available upon request.
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* *
Executive Office of the Mayor - Mayor's Office of Talent and Appointments
John A. Wilson Building I 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 600 I Washington, DC 20004
Pia Winston
Ms. Pia M. Winston is a senior trial attorney at the National Labor
Relations Board (NLRB) in the Contempt, Compliance, and Special
Litigation Branch. Before joining the NLRB in 201 7, Ms. Winston was
an associate attorney at Mehri & Skalet, PLLC, where she practiced in
the area of civil rights, labor law, and employment discrimination.
Following law school, Ms. Winston completed a fellowship with the
National Whistleblower Center where she provided litigation assistance
in cases involving whistleblower protection and employment
A Ward 7 resident, Ms. Winston earned her Bachelor of Arts in
Anthropology and African American Studies from the University of California, Berkeley and her
Juris Doctor from the William & Mary Law School.
* * *
Executive Office of Mayor Muriel Bowser
*WE· · *.AgE*
Office of the General Counsel to the Mayor
To: Tomas Talamante, Steve Walker
From: Betsy Cavendish
Date: July 25, 2024
Subject: Legal sufficiency review of Resolution nominating Pia Winston as a member of
the Office of Employee Appeals
This is to Certify that this office has reviewed the above-referenced resolution and
found it to be legally unobjectionable. If you have any questions in this regard, please do not
hesitate to call Erika Satterlee, Deputy General Counsel, Executive Office of the Mayor, at 202-
724-1303, or me at 202-724-7681.
Elizabeth A. (Betsy) Cavendish
The John A. Wilson Building • 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW • Suite 300 • Washington, D.C. 20004 • Office (202) 724-7681