MURIEL BOWSER MAYOR December 4, 2024 The Honorable Phil Mendelson Chairman, Council ofthe District ofColumbia 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 504 Washington, DC 20004 Dear Chairman Mendelson: Pursuant to section 451 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act (D.C. Official Code § 1- 204.51) and section 202 ofthe Procurement Practices Reform Act of2010 (D.C. Official Code§ 2-352.02), enclosed for consideration and approval by the Council of the District of Columbia is proposed contract modification No. M003 to Contract No. CW94623 with PACE4DC, LLC. dba Edenbridge PACE to exercise option year two in the not-to-exceed amount of$6,540,797.28. The period ofperformance is from January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025. Under the proposed contract modification, PACE4DC, LLC. dba Edenbridge PACE will continue to deliver and coordinate comprehensive, acute, specialty, and long-term health care services through a Program ofAll-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) to eligible, enrolled beneficiaries as a PACE Organization. My administration is available to discuss any questions you may have regarding the proposed contract modification. In order to facilitate a response to any questions you may have, please have your staff contact Marc Scott, ChiefOperating Officer, Office ofContracting and Procurement, at (202) 724-8759. I look forward to the Council's favorable consideration ofthis proposed contract modification. Sincerely, GOVERNMENT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Office of Contracting and Procurement Pursuant to section 202(c-3) of the Procurement Practices Reform Act of 2010, as amended, D.C. Official Code § 2-352.02(c-3), the following contract summary is provided: COUNCIL CONTRACT SUMMARY (Options) (A) Contract Number: CW94623 Proposed Contractor: PACE4DC, LLC. dba Edenbridge PACE Contract Amount (Option Period Two): Minimum $201,580.08, Maximum: $6,540,797.28 Unit and Method of Compensation: Fixed Capitated Rates Term of Contract: January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025 Type of Contract: Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (B) Identifying number of the underlying contract, including the identifiers assigned to the underlying contract by the Council for the base period and any subsequent option periods: Base Period Amount: Not-to-exceed (NTE) $9,235,103.28 (January 28, 2023 – December 31, 2023) (Council Approval CA25-0018) Option Period One Amount: NTE $8,760,976.96 (January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024) (Council Approval CA25-0556) Option Period Two Amount: NTE $6,540,797.28 (January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2025) Explanation of difference from base period (if applicable): The amount for option period two is different from the base period because the amount is based on actuarial review of the capitation rates. The capitation rates were adjusted based on a rate analysis conducted by the District’s actuary. Also, the estimated total monthly enrollees are expected to decrease from the base period projections. 1 Option Period Three Amount: Amount will be based on actuarial review of the capitation rates. An adjustment to the capitation rates shall be effective as of the first day of the contract year and six months after each contract year, to which the adjusted capitation rate applies (either upwards or downwards), if appropriate. In the event a prospective capitation rate adjustment is required, an actuarial analysis will be completed by the District’s contracted actuary. If required, the District will make the necessary adjustment to the capitation rates. Also, the estimated total monthly enrollees may increase or decrease which would affect the amount for option period three. (January 1, 2026 – December 31, 2026) Option Period Four Amount: Amount will be based on actuarial review of the capitation rates. An adjustment to the capitation rates shall be effective as of the first day of the contract year and six months after each contract year, to which the adjusted capitation rate applies (either upwards or downwards), if appropriate. In the event a prospective capitation rate adjustment is required, an actuarial analysis will be completed by the District’s contracted actuary. If required, the District will make the necessary adjustment to the capitation rates. Also, the estimated total monthly enrollees may increase or decrease which would affect the amount for option period four. (January 1, 2027 – December 31, 2027) (C) A statement that Citywide Clean Hands database indicates that the proposed contractor is current with its District taxes. If the Citywide Clean Hands Database indicates that the proposed contractor is not current with its District taxes, either: (1) a certification that the contractor has worked out and is current with a payment schedule approved by the District; or (2) a certification that the contractor will be current with its District taxes after the District recovers any outstanding debt as provided under D.C. Official Code § 2-353.01(b): On October 28, 2024, the Citywide Clean Hands database certified that PACE4DC, LLC is current with its District tax laws. (D) A statement that the proposed contract is within the appropriated budget authority for the agency for the fiscal year and is consistent with the financial plan and budget adopted in accordance with D.C. Official Code §§ 47-392.01 and 47-392.02: The Department of Health Care Finance Agency Fiscal Officer certified that funding in the amount NTE $6,540,797.28 is available to support the option period. 2 8987:84ÿ;ÿ458ÿ 47<4ÿ;ÿ=>😕 @;;<8ÿ;ÿ458ÿ58;ÿ-< =ÿ@;;<87 0010ÿ345ÿ6478849ÿ6 @;;<8ÿ;ÿABÿCÿD898>8ÿ 549ÿÿ113 ÿÿ !ÿ"#$ÿ"%"& ÿ+, !'%%(")#*))& EF.3ÿGG -./01ÿ2232224151 H1ÿI/GJÿ6Aÿ-Gÿ03  8ÿ/1ÿ065636 K@6A@0ÿIFÿÿ101L3H11 ÿ ÿ cdefghgcifdÿkhÿcldimÿnimop F ÿ78[748Cÿÿ458ÿ=8ÿa Cÿ\48:9ÿ458ÿ?98ÿ78;878<8CÿC9C>=q844\ÿ5 ÿÿ>44C =?=4\ÿr45ÿ458ÿ 47<4ÿ;ÿ=>😕 ÿ@;;<8ÿ;ÿABÿCÿD898>8ÿ7ÿ458ÿ8[74:84ÿ;ÿ.:[=\:84 6879<8]ÿF ÿ;ÿ458ÿC48ÿ?989ÿ458ÿC9C>=q844\ÿ5 ÿ<:[=8Cÿr45ÿÿC8ÿsÿ353649ÿÿ45878;78 45 ÿ874;<48ÿ;ÿ=8ÿa Cÿÿ >8C] A/AG.ÿ35]ÿAFtFA/@09ÿG/.06/089ÿE.DI/A69ÿF66.66I.0A69ÿF0ÿ-..6 aFEA.Dÿ6ÿ8.0.DFGÿG/.06. 6uKaFEA.Dÿ//]ÿG.F0ÿaF06ÿK.-@D.ÿD../`/08ÿFÿG/.06.ÿ@DÿE.DI/A ]]ÿ@.ÿsÿ35364ÿv114w sÿ35364ÿED@a/K/A/@0ÿF8F/06Aÿ/66uF0.ÿ@-ÿG/.06.ÿ@DÿE.DI/A T+O!VRÿMWÿXQNRÿYNZNU M!NOÿPO$ÿPQQNÿNRÿSN!,NÿTR,NU!N Aÿ9=C48ÿ45 ÿ<874;<489ÿ[=8 8ÿ9 4ÿI\AB]]9]ÿ@ÿ458ÿI\ABÿÿ5:8[89ÿ<=<^ÿ458 _` =C48ÿÿ874;<48ÿ;ÿ=8ÿa Cbÿ5\[87=^ÿ>C87ÿ458ÿ=8ÿa Cÿ8<4] xxyxÿz{|ÿp{}~~{ÿp€ÿp‚{~ÿƒ„y€ÿ †|‚‡ˆ{‰‡€ÿocÿƒyyƒzŠ‹|‰‡~ŒÿƒyƒŽÿ„ƒzyzŠ‘’f “”oc”ˆ‰• ÿ GOVERNMENT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Department of Health Care Finance xk ke Office ofthe ChiefF S ? MEM‘ TO: Nancy Hapeman Acting Chief Procurement Officer Office of Contracting and Procurement THRU: —_DeliciaV. MooreFinancial Associate Chief _DeliciaOfficer V. Moore Stirs? Human Support Services Cluster FROM: Darrin Shaffer Agency Fiscal Officer Darrin A Shaffer 22usisrss"ouensute Department of Health Care Finance DATE: November 12, 2024 SUBJECT: Certification of Funding for the PACE4DC, LLC dba Edenbridge PACE Contract The Officeofthe Chief Financial Officer hereby certifies that the sum of $ $6,540,797.28 is included in the District's Local Budget and Financial Plan for Fiscal Year 2025 to fund the costs associated with the Department of Health Care Finance’s (DHCF) contract with PACE4DC, LLC dba Edenbridge PACE. This certification supports the ProgramofAll-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) contract cost from January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2025. This fund allocation is as follows: Vendor: PACEADC, LLC dba Edenbridge PACE, Contract Number: CW94623 1 Year 2025 Funding: 01/01/25 - 09/30/25 Agency| Fund| Account| Program Cost Center| PF Project Award| (ogi)| | Task Split Amount HT0_| 1010001| 7141003| 700100 | 70239| 202179| 10.44 | 1000562| 30% 1,471,679.39 HT0_| 4025002 [7141003| 700100 | 70239| 200883 2001980| 70% 3,433,918.57 FY25 Contract Total 4,905,597.96 Fiscal Year 2026 Funding: 10/01/25 - 12/31/25 Agency| Fund| Account| Program|