December 3, 2024
The Honorable Phil Mendelson
Chairman, Council ofthe District ofColumbia
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 504
Washington, DC 20004
Dear Chairman Mendelson:
Pursuant to section 451 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act (D.C. Official Code § 1-
204.51) and section 202 of the Procurement Practices Reform Act of2010 (D.C. Official Code§
2-352.02), enclosed for consideration and approval by the Council ofthe District ofColumbia is a
proposed resolution, the "Multiyear Contract No. CWl 18505 with Intergraph Corporation d/b/a
Hexagon Corporation Emergency Approval Resolution of 2024," and the accompanying
emergency declaration resolution. The proposed contract is in the estimated amount of
$12,330,416.66 for the period ofJune 29, 2024, through June 28, 2029.
Under the proposed contract, Intergraph Corporation d/b/a Hexagon Corporation will provide
maintenance and support to the mission-critical Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system for the
Office ofUnified Communications.
My administration is available to discuss any questions you may have regarding the proposed
contract. In order to facilitate a response to any questions you may have, please have your staff
contact Marc Scott, ChiefOperating Officer, Office ofContracting and Procurement, at (202) 724-
I urge the Council to take prompt and favorable action on the enclosed legislation.
Office of Contracting and Procurement
Pursuant to section 202(c) of the Procurement Practices Reform Act of 2010, as amended, D.C.
Official Code § 2-352.02(c), the following contract summary is provided:
(Letter Contract or Emergency Contract)
(A) Contract Number: CW118505
Proposed Contractor: Intergraph Corporation dba Hexagon Corporation (Hexagon)
Proposed Contractor’s Principals:
Steven Cost, President
Amy Kelly, CFO
Richard Morris, Assistant Secretary
Stephany Steinfath, Assistant Secretary
Contract Amount: $12,330,416.66 not-to-exceed (NTE)
Unit and Method of Compensation: Fixed annual rates for license and support, fixed labor rates
for ancillary services
Term of Contract: June 29,2024 – June 28, 2029
Type of Contract: Firm fixed price contract with firm fixed labor rates for time and material
Source Selection Method: Exempt from competition via DC Code § 2-354.13(8), Section 413, 27
DCMR, Section 1703.1
(B) For a contract containing option periods, the contract amount for the base period and for
each option period. If the contract amount for one or more of the option periods differs from
the amount for the base period, provide an explanation of the reason for the difference:
Base Period Amount: $12,330,416.66 not-to-exceed (NTE)
Option Period 1 Amount: $
Explanation of difference from base period (if applicable): N/A
Option Period 2 Amount: $
Explanation of difference from base period (if applicable): N/A
Option Period 3 Amount: $
Explanation of difference from base period (if applicable): N/A
Option Period 4 Amount: $
Explanation of difference from base period (if applicable): N/A
(C) The date on which the letter contract or emergency contract was executed:
June 28, 2024
(D) The number of times the letter contract or emergency contract has been extended:
One – pending modification to extend to allow legislation and council approval
(E) The value of the goods and services provided to date under the letter contract or emergency
contract, including under each extension of the letter contract or emergency contract:
PO711005 issued in support of the letter contract in FY24 for $546,671.62
(F) The goods or services to be provided, the methods of delivering goods or services, and any
significant program changes reflected in the proposed contract:
The Office of Contracting and Procurement, on behalf of the Office of Unified Communications
(OUC), is seeking to procure services from Hexagon to maintain and support the mission-critical
Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system that is backed by Hexagon’s proprietary software.
CAD provides the 911 call center command-and-control capability for call takers and dispatchers
with the tools they need to collect call criteria, create and update incidents, and manage the
Metropolitan Police Department’s (MPD) and Fire and Emergency Medical Service’s (FEMS)
critical resources by providing real-time interaction of crucial data. The CAD system includes
interoperability and data exchange interfaces as well as mobile dispatch applications for MPD’s
and FEMS’ personnel. Hexagon shall provide the District with premium system maintenance
and support services for all CAD products provided by the vendor. Lastly Hexagon will provide
an array of ancillary services in support of maintaining the robust CAD system that are listed but
not limited to the below:
a) Communications Server Interface Upgrades
b) Edge Frontier Interface Upgrades
c) I/MDT Configuration to upgrade
d) Project Management Services associated with upgrade implementation and testing
e) Upgrade related Interface and Integration Implementation Services
f) Application Server Staging for upgrade deployment
g) CAD Configuration for upgrades and enhancements
h) CAD-to-CAD Custom Interface Installation, Configuration, and Deployment
i) Communications Server Interface Upgrades
j) Edge Frontier Interface Upgrades
k) I/MDT Configuration to upgrade
l) CAD Upgrade Staging Functionality testing
m) CAD Upgrade Status Monitor of Configuration during Upgrade Operations
n) Mobile for Public Safety Configuration to upgrade
o) Mobile Responder Configuration to upgrade
p) Custom Interfaces Upgrade configuration
q) End User Training program that includes Train the Trainer approach
r) Cutover Support
s) Virtual Environment Analysis
t) Networking Analysis
u) ESXi Host Analysis
v) Storage and Memory Analysis
w) Back Up Plan Assessment
x) OUC requested specific services on Software deployments-enhancements
y) Annual health check on server performance and diagnosis of server hardware
z) Software licenses
(G) The selection process, including the number of offerors, the evaluation criteria, and the
evaluation results, including price, technical or quality, and past performance components:
Exempt from competition via DC Code § 2-354.13(8), Section 413, 27 DCMR, Section 1703.1:
Maintenance and support of existing software and technology to the extent that the creator of the
intellectual property is still protected and is the only source of the maintenance and support of the
existing software and technology. Hexagon is the only source of the maintenance and support of the
CAD technology currently in use. Hexagon’s software has been the software for CAD since 2008.
(H) A description of any bid protest related to the award of the contract, including whether the
protest was resolved through litigation, withdrawal of the protest by the protestor, or
voluntary corrective action by the District. Include the identity of the protestor, the grounds
alleged in the protest, and any deficiencies identified by the District as a result of the protest:
No bid protest.
(I) A description of any other contracts the proposed contractor is currently seeking or holds
with the District. For each contract, include the contract number, contracting agency, date of
award and duration of the contract, and total NTE amount of the contract including all
option periods. For each solicitation, include the date of the solicitation, solicitation number,
contracting agency, estimated contract amount, estimated total NTE amount of each
prospective contract including all option periods, and whether Council approval is required
for the prospective contracts.
PO695117 – September 1, 2023 - Department of Transportation - $157,385.16: Enterprise Routing
System Annual License Fee
(J) The background and qualifications of the proposed contractor, including its organization,
financial stability, personnel, and performance on past or current government or private
sector contracts with requirements similar to those of the proposed contract:
Hexagon has adequate labor, financial and technology resources to perform the contract. In regards
to financial resources, this is supported by their Dun and Bradstreet Business Report, completed on
July 3, 2024. The contractor has provided the same or similar services for the District for the past
fifteen years and has received satisfactory performance ratings under previous contracts as reported
in their Contractor Performance Evaluations.
(K) A summary of the subcontracting plan required under section 2346 of the Small, Local, and
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Development and Assistance Act of 2005, as amended,
D.C. Official Code § 2-218.01 et seq. (“Act”), including a certification that the subcontracting
plan meets the minimum requirements of the Act and the dollar volume of the portion of the
contract to be subcontracted, expressed both in total dollars and as a percentage of the total
contract amount:
Subcontracting is not required for this contract. The Department of Small and Local Business
Development has granted an exception waiver.
(L) Performance standards and the expected outcome of the proposed contract:
It is the District’s intent and expectation that Hexagon will continue to provide the Office of
Unified Communications with support and maintenance of their computer-aided dispatch system in
accordance with the terms of the letter contract
(M) The amount and date of any expenditure of funds by the District pursuant to the contract
prior to its submission to the Council for approval:
Letter contract executed on June 28, 2024 in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000.00
(N) A certification that the proposed contract is within the appropriated budget authority for the
agency for the fiscal year and is consistent with the financial plan and budget adopted in
accordance with D.C. Official Code §§ 47-392.01 and 47-392.02:
The Agency’s Chief Financial Officer has provided a certification of the availability of funding for
the proposed contract.
(O) A certification that the contract is legally sufficient, including whether the proposed
contractor has any pending legal claims against the District:
This requirement has been certified as legally sufficient. There are no pending legal claims against
the District.
(P) A certification that Citywide Clean Hands database indicates that the proposed contractor is
current with its District taxes. If the Citywide Clean Hands Database indicates that the
proposed contractor is not current with its District taxes, either: (1) a certification that the
contractor has worked out and is current with a payment schedule approved by the District;
or (2) a certification that the contractor will be current with its District taxes after the District
recovers any outstanding debt as provided under D.C. Official Code § 2-353.01(b):
As of August 12, 2024, Hexagon is compliant in the Citywide Clean Hands database which
indicates the company has no outstanding liability with the District of Columbia.
(Q) A certification from the proposed contractor that it is current with its federal taxes, or has
worked out and is current with a payment schedule approved by the federal government:
The contractor has certified that it is current with its federal taxes.
(R) (1) A certification by the contracting officer that the proposed contractor has been
determined not to be in violation of section 334a of the Board of Ethics and Government
Accountability Establishment and Comprehensive Ethics Reform Amendment Act of 2011,
D.C. Official Code § 1-1163.34a; and (2) A certification from the proposed contractor that it
currently is not and will not be in violation of section 334a of the Board of Ethics and
Government Accountability Establishment and Comprehensive Ethics Reform Amendment
Act of 2011, D.C. Official Code § 1-1163.34a:
The contractor has certified, via the Bidder/Offeror Certification form, that it is (1) not in violation
of section 334a of the Board of Ethics and Government Accountability Establishment and
Comprehensive Ethics Reform Amendment Act of 2011, D.C. Official Code § 1-1163.34a; and (2)
currently is not and will not be in violation of section 334a of the Board of Ethics and Government
Accountability Establishment and Comprehensive Ethics Reform Amendment Act of 2011, D.C.
Official Code § 1-1163.34a.
(S) The status of the proposed contractor as a certified local, small, or disadvantaged business
enterprise as defined in the Small, Local, and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
Development and Assistance Act of 2005, as amended, D.C. Official Code § 2-218.01 et seq.:
The contractor is not a certified local, small, or disadvantaged business enterprise.
(T) Other aspects of the proposed contract that the Chief Procurement Officer considers
Not applicable.
(U) A statement indicating whether the proposed contractor is currently debarred from providing
services or goods to the District or federal government, the dates of the debarment, and the
reasons for debarment:
As of August 9, 2024, the contractor does not appear on the Federal or District Excluded Parties
Lists. The contractor is not currently debarred from providing services to any governmental entity
(V) Any determination and findings issues relating to the contract’s formation, including any
determination and findings made under D.C. Official Code § 2-352.05 (privatization
Determination and Findings for Contractor Responsibility
Determination and Findings for Price Reasonableness
Determination and Findings for Use of Multiyear Contract
Determination and Findings for Competition Exemption
Determination and Findings for Letter Contract
(W) Where the contract, and any amendments or modifications, if executed, will be made
available online:
OCP website:
(X) Where the original solicitation, and any amendments or modifications, will be made available
OCP website:
Government of the District of Columbia
Office of the Chief Financial Officer 1101 4th Street, SW
Office of Tax and Revenue Washington, DC 20024
Date of Notice: November 4, 2024 Notice Number: L0012883729
305 INTERGRAPH WAY 1 N T Case ID: 18322708
As reported in the Clean Hands system, the above referenced individual/entity has no outstanding
liability with the District of Columbia Office of Tax and Revenue or the Department of Employment
Services. As of the date above, the individual/entity has complied with DC Code § 47-2862, therefore
this Certificate of Clean Hands is issued.
D.C. CODE § 47-2862 (2006)
Authorized By Melinda Jenkins
Branch Chief, Collection and Enforcement Administration
To validate this certificate, please visit On the MyTax DC homepage, click the
“Validate a Certificate of Clean Hands” hyperlink under the Clean Hands section.
1101 4th Street SW, Suite W270, Washington, DC 20024/Phone: (202) 724-5045/
TO: Nancy Hapeman, Chief Procurement Officer
Office of Contracting and Procurement
FROM: David Garner, Associate Chief Financial Officer
Public Safety and Justice Cluster
DATE: September 23, 2024
SUBJECT: Funding Certification – Intergraph Corporation (dba Hexagon Safety &
Infrastructure) for Ancillary Service for CAD Management and
Maintenance – New Contract
The Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) certifies funding in the Office of Unified
Communications’ FY 2024 Special Purpose Revenue (SPR) operating budget a total of
$546,671.62 (Five hundred forty-six thousand six hundred seventy-one and 62/100) currently
obligated in PASS PO711005 for ancillary services, required maintenance, and Resident Systems
Administrators to support the District’s 911 Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system for MPD
and FEMS dispatching – Contract #CW118505/Base Year #1, through September 30, 2024, of a
five-year contract.
The OUC also certifies funding for Contract #CW118505/Base Year #1 (remainder of), and Base
Year #2 (start of), through September 30, 2025, a total of $2,438,368.62 (Two million four
hundred thirty-eight thousand three hundred sixty-eight and 62/100) in its approved FY 2025
Special Purpose Revenue Appropriation operating budget. Total contract funding from Special
Purpose Revenue Funds ($12,330,416.66); for FY24 ($546,671.62), FY25 ($2,438,368.62), and
in future years ($9,345,376.42), subject to appropriation, is outlined as follows:
• CAD Maintenance: $5,564,358.24
The Operating Budget from Special Purpose Revenue Funds (SPR) in the amount of
$5,564,358.24; (1) OUC has obligated $233,548.16 for FY24 in its Special Purpose
Revenue Funds Appropriation approved budget (PASS PO711005); (2) OUC will
obligate $1,013,842.42 for FY25 in its Special Purpose Revenue Funds Appropriation
approved budget; and (3) $4,316,967.66 in future years will be subject to appropriation.
1100 4th STREET SW SUITE 730E • WASHINGTON, D.C. 20024
• CAD Resident Systems Administrators: $5,529,333.02
The Operating Budget from Special Purpose Revenue Funds (SPR) in the amount of
$5,529,333.02: (1) OUC has obligated $238,123.46 for FY24 in its Special Purpose
Revenue Funds Appropriation approved budget (PASS PO711005); (2) OUC will
obligate $1,024,526.20 for FY25 in its Special Purpose Revenue Appropriation approved
budget; and (3) $4,266,683.36 in future years will be subject to appropriation.
• CAD Ancillary