November 18, 2024
The Honorable Phil Mendelson
Chairman, Council of the District of Columbia
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 504
Washington, DC 20004
Dear Chairman Mendelson:
Pursuant to section 451 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act (D.C. Official Code § 1-
204.51) and section 202 of the Procurement Practices Reform Act of 2010 (D.C. Official Code §
2-352.02), enclosed for consideration and approval by the Council of the District of Columbia is
proposed definitive Contract No. CW120680 with Vector Fleet Management, LLC, in the not-to-
exceed amount of $8,500,000. The period of performance is October 1, 2024, through September
30, 2025.
Under the proposed contract, Vector Fleet Management, LLC, will provide fleet management and
maintenance operation.
My administration is available to discuss any questions you may have regarding the proposed
contract. In order to facilitate a response to any questions you may have, please have your staff
contact Marc Scott, Chief Operating Officer, Office of Contracting and Procurement, at (202) 724-
I look forward to the Council’s favorable consideration of this contract.
Muriel Bowser
Office of Contracting and Procurement
Pursuant to section 202(c) of the Procurement Practices Reform Act of 2010, as amended, D.C.
Official Code § 2-352.02(c), the following contract summary is provided:
(Letter Contract)
(A) Contract Number: CW120680
Proposed Contractor: Vector Fleet Management, LLC
Proposed Contractor’s Principals: James Overstreet – President and CEO, Aubrey Felton –
Executive Vice President, Craig Moran – Executive Vice
President, Eric Lewandowski – V.P. Finance
Contract Amount (Base Period): Not-to-exceed $8,500,000
Unit and Method of Compensation: Fixed Monthly Price
Term of Contract: One Year From Date of Award
Type of Contract: Firm Fixed Price
Source Selection Method: Cooperative Agreement
(B) For a contract containing option periods, the contract amount for the base period and for
each option period. If the contract amount for one or more of the option periods differs from
the amount for the base period, provide an explanation of the reason for the difference:
Base Period Amount: $8,500,000 (not-to-exceed)
Option Period One Amount: $8,500,000 (not-to-exceed)
(C) The date on which the letter contract or emergency contract was executed:
September 20, 2024
(D) The number of times the letter contract or emergency contract has been extended:
Not applicable
(E) The value of the goods and services provided to date under the letter contract or emergency
contract, including under each extension of the letter contract or emergency contract:
(F) A description of any other contracts the proposed contractor is currently seeking or holds
with the District.:
Contractor holds no other contract with the District.
(G) The goods or services to be provided, the methods of delivering goods or services, and any
significant program changes reflected in the proposed contract:
Vector Fleet Management, LLC (Contractor) shall provide onsite fleet management and
maintenance operation for preventive maintenance and repair of MPD’s fleet of vehicles and
equipment. The purpose of this contract is to improve vehicle and equipment availability, increase
overall fleet operating efficiencies, including a reduction in capital expenditures for fleet assets, and
improve services to Police Officers using fleet vehicles and related equipment.
(H) The selection process, including the number of offerors, the evaluation criteria, and the
evaluation results, including price, technical or quality, and past performance components:
As authorized by DC Official Code § 2-354.11 and consistent with 27 DCMR 2100.1(i), the
District’s needs are being satisfied by placing order against a Sourcewell Cooperative Agreement.
Sourcewell, a State of Minnesota local government agency and service cooperative, is a service
cooperative that offers cooperative procurement solutions to government entities. Vector Fleet
Management was awarded contract number 031224 on May 8, 2024, through a Request for
Proposal (#031224).
(I) A description of any bid protest related to the award of the contract, including whether the
protest was resolved through litigation, withdrawal of the protest by the protestor, or
voluntary corrective action by the District. Include the identity of the protestor, the grounds
alleged in the protest, and any deficiencies identified by the District as a result of the protest:
Not applicable
(J) The background and qualifications of the proposed contractor, including its organization,
financial stability, personnel, and performance on past or current government or private
sector contracts with requirements similar to those of the proposed contract:
Vector Fleet Management, LLC has been managing and maintaining fleet equipment for over 35
years consisting of fleets ranging from 80 units to more than 3500+ units with governmental and
privation organizations. Over the past 12 months, Vector Fleet has partnered with the District,
providing fleet maintenance and operations support for the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD)
under multiple emergency contracts.
(K) A summary of the subcontracting plan required under section 2346 of the Small, Local, and
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Development and Assistance Act of 2005, as amended,
D.C. Official Code § 2-218.01 et seq. (“Act”), including a certification that the subcontracting
plan meets the minimum requirements of the Act and the dollar volume of the portion of the
contract to be subcontracted, expressed both in total dollars and as a percentage of the total
contract amount:
Not Applicable
(L) Performance standards and the expected outcome of the proposed contract:
The contractor shall provide the required fleet maintenance services and repairs of MPD’s fleet
(M) The amount and date of any expenditure of funds by the District pursuant to the contract
prior to its submission to the Council for approval:
No funds have been expended.
(N) A certification that the proposed contract is within the appropriated budget authority for the
agency for the fiscal year and is consistent with the financial plan and budget adopted in
accordance with D.C. Official Code §§ 47-392.01 and 47-392.02:
The Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) team supporting MPD certified that there is
sufficient funding for the minimum and maximum total price of the proposed contract.
(O) A certification that the proposed contractor has been determined not to violate section 334a
of the Board of Ethics and Government Accountability Establishment and Comprehensive
Ethics Reform Amendment Act of 2011, D.C. Official Code § 1-1163.34a; and (2) A
certification from the proposed contractor that it currently is not and will not be in violation
of section 334a of the Board of Ethics and Government Accountability Establishment and
Comprehensive Ethics Reform Amendment Act of 2011, D.C. Official Code § 1-1163.34a:
The contractor has certified, via the Bidder/Offeror Certification form, that it is (1) not in violation
of section 334a of the Board of Ethics and Government Accountability Establishment and
Comprehensive Ethics Reform Amendment Act of 2011, D.C. Official Code § 1-1163.34a; and (2)
currently is not and will not be in violation of section 334a of the Board of Ethics and Government
Accountability Establishment and Comprehensive Ethics Reform Amendment Act of 2011, D.C.
Official Code § 1-1163.34a.
(P) A certification that the contract is legally sufficient, including whether the proposed
contractor has any pending legal claims against the District:
The contractor has no pending legal claims against the District. The contract action has been
determined to be legally sufficient.
(Q) A certification that Citywide Clean Hands database indicates that the proposed contractor is
current with its District taxes. If the Citywide Clean Hands Database indicates that the
proposed contractor is not current with its District taxes, either: (1) a certification that the
contractor has worked out and is current with a payment schedule approved by the District;
or (2) a certification that the contractor will be current with its District taxes after the District
recovers any outstanding debt as provided under D.C. Official Code § 2-353.01(b):
A certification has been issued by the Citywide Clean Hands database indicates that the proposed
contractor is current with its District taxes.
(R) A certification from the proposed contractor that it is current with its federal taxes, or has
worked out and is current with a payment schedule approved by the federal government:
The contractor has self-certified its compliance with its federal taxes.
(S) The status of the proposed contractor as a certified local, small, or disadvantaged business
enterprise as defined in the Small, Local, and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
Development and Assistance Act of 2005, as amended, D.C. Official Code § 2-218.01 et seq.:
The proposed contractor is not a certified small, local, or disadvantaged business enterprise.
(T) Other aspects of the proposed contract that the Chief Procurement Officer considers
(U) A statement indicating whether the proposed contractor is currently debarred from providing
services or goods to the District or federal government, the dates of the debarment, and the
reasons for debarment:
The contractor is not debarred or excluded from providing services to the District, and Federal
(V) Any determination and findings issues relating to the contract’s formation, including any
determination and findings made under D.C. Official Code § 2-352.05 (privatization
• Determination and Findings for a Use of Cooperative Agreement
• Determination and Findings for Price Reasonableness
• Determination and Findings for Contractor Responsibility
(W) Where the contract, and any amendments or modifications, if executed, will be made
available online:
The contract when executed will be posted on the Office of Contracting and Procurement website –
(X) Where the original solicitation, and any amendments or modifications, will be made available
Not Applicable
Government of the District of Columbia
Office of the Chief Financial Officer 1101 4th Street, SW
Office of Tax and Revenue Washington, DC 20024
Date of Notice: September 26, 2024 Notice Number: L0012671344
9300 HARRIS CORNERS PKWY STE 350 Case ID: 17887915
CHARLOTTE NC 28269-3836
As reported in the Clean Hands system, the above referenced individual/entity has no outstanding
liability with the District of Columbia Office of Tax and Revenue or the Department of Employment
Services. As of the date above, the individual/entity has complied with DC Code § 47-2862, therefore
this Certificate of Clean Hands is issued.
D.C. CODE § 47-2862 (2006)
Authorized By Melinda Jenkins
Branch Chief, Collection and Enforcement Administration
To validate this certificate, please visit On the MyTax DC homepage, click the
“Validate a Certificate of Clean Hands” hyperlink under the Clean Hands section.
1101 4th Street SW, Suite W270, Washington, DC 20024/Phone: (202) 724-5045/
TO: Nancy Hapeman, Chief Procurement Officer
Office of Contracting and Procurement
FROM: David Garner, Associate Chief Financial Officer
Public Safety and Justice Cluster
Office of the Chief Financial Officer
DATE: October 07, 2024
SUBJECT: Certification of Funding for FY2025 Fleet Maintenance Services
The Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) certifies available funding in the Metropolitan
Police Department’s (MPD) Fiscal Year 2025 operating budget to exercise Fleet Maintenance
contractual services (Contract No. CW120680) in the amount of $8,500,000 from October 01, 2024
through September 30, 2025. $1,000,000 of this contract have been pre-encumbered in PASS under
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Frehiwot Deresso, Agency Fiscal Officer, at
1100 Fourth Street SW Suite 730E Washington, DC 20024
Office of the Attorney General
Commercial Division
TO: Sarina Loy
Deputy Director
Office of Policy and Legislative Affairs
FROM: Robert Schildkraut
Section Chief
Government Contracts Section
DATE: November 12, 2024
SUBJECT: Approval of Contract for MPD Fleet Service Cooperative Agreement
Contractor: Vector Fleet Management, LLC
Contract Number: CW120680
Contract Amount: NTE $8,500,000
This is to Certify that this Office has reviewed the above-referenced Contract and that we have
found it to be legally sufficient.
If you have any questions in this regard, please do not hesitate to call me at (202) 724-4018.
Robert Schildkraut
400 6 th Street NW, Suite 9100, Washington, DC 20001 (202) 727-3400
Government of the District of Columbia
Office of Contracting and Procurement
September 19, 2024
Aubrey Felton
Executive Vice
President Vector Fleet Management, LLC
9300 Harris Corners Parkway Suite 350
Charlotte, NC 28269
Subject: Letter Contract
Caption: Fleet Maintenance Services for the Metropolitan Police Department
Contract: CW120680
Dear Mr. Felton:
This is a letter contract between the District of Columbia (District) and Vector Fleet Management,
LLC (Contractor) wherein the Contractor agrees to perform the services set forth as detailed in
contract no. CW120680. It is the District’s intent to award the definitized contract pending
approval of the Council of the District of Columbia.
The District intends to definitize this letter contract within 60 days of the date of award of this
letter contract (the date the Contracting Officer signs this letter contract), at which time this
letter contract shall merge with the definitized contract. Before the expiration of the 60 days, the
Contracting Officer may authorize an additional period in accordance with section 2425.9 of the
procurement regulations, 27 DCMR, Chapter 24, Section 2425.9 (1988). If the District does not
definitize this letter contract within 60 days of the date of award of this letter contract or any
extensions thereof, this letter contract shall expire. In the event of expiration of this letter
contract, the District shall pay contractor for the services performed under this letter contract in
an amount not to exceed $1,000,000. The period of performance is from October 1, 2024
through September 31, 2025.
The award amount of this letter contract is not-to-exceed $1,000,000. In no event shall the
amount paid under this letter contract, or any extensions thereof, exceed 50% of the total
definitized contract amount. The definitized contract shall be merged with this letter contract
once approved by the DC City Council and the award is made. The District shall pay the contractor
for the services performed during the duration of the Definitized contract in an amount not to
exceed $8,500,000.
Contractor shall perform under this letter contract pursuant to the terms of the following
documents, which are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this letter contract:
• Definitized Contract including all Appendices
• Standard Contract Provisions
In the event of a conflict among the incorporated documents, the conflict shall be resolved by
giving precedence to the documents in the order listed above.
This Letter Contract shall be subject to appropriation of funds.
_____________________________________________ _______9/19/2024________
Aubrey Felton, Executive Vice President Date
Vector Fleet Management, LLC
_____________________________________________ _________________
Tonia C. Nixon, Contracting Officer Date
D.C. Office of Contracting and Procurement
1. Contract Number Page of Pages
CW120680 1 1
2. Amendment/Modification Number 3. Effective Date 4. Requisition/Purchase Request No. 5. Solicitation Caption
M002 11/13/2024 Fleet Maintenance Services
for MPD
6. Issued by: Code 7. Administered by (If other than line 6)
Office of Contracting and Procurement Metropolitan Police Department
Transportation and Specialty Equipment Commodity Group 441 4th Street, NW 7th Floor
2000 14th Street, NW, 6th Floor Washington, DC 20001
Washington, DC 20009
8. Name and Address of Contractor (No. street, city, county, state and zip code) 9A. Amendment of Solicitation No.
Vector Fleet Management, LLC