October 24, 2024
The Honorable Phil Mendelson
Council of the District of Columbia
John A. Wilson Building
1350 Pennsylvania A venue, NW, Suite 504
Washington, DC 20004
Dear Chairman Mendelson:
In accordance with section 2 of the Confirmation Act of 1978, effective March 3, 1979 (D.C. Law 2-
142; D.C. Official Code § 1-523.01), and pursuant to section 5043 ofthe Commission on Health Equity
Amendment Act of2016, effective October 8, 2016 (D.C. Law 21-160, D.C. Official Code § 7-756.01),
I am pleased to nominate the following individual:
Ana Lopez van Balen
Ingleside Terrace, NW
Washington, DC 20010
(Ward 1)
for reappointment as a voting member, with expertise in economic and community development, of
the Commission on Health Equity, for a term to end February 1, 2028.
Enclosed, you will find biographical information detailing the experience of the above-mentioned
nominee, together with a proposed resolution to assist the Council during the confirmation process.
I would appreciate the Council's earliest consideration ofthis nomination for confirmation. Please
do not hesitate to contact me, or Steven Walker, Director, Mayor's Office of Talent and
Appointments, should the Council require additional information.
2 ~ p~ : : : : -
3 at the request of the Mayor
15 To confirm the reappointment of Ana Lopez van Balen to the Commission on Health Equity.
18 resolution may be cited as the "Commission on Health Equity Ana Lopez van Balen
19 Confirmation Resolution of 2024" .
20 Sec. 2. The Council of the District of Columbia confirms the reappointment of:
22 Ana Lopez van Balen
23 Ingleside Terrace, NW
24 Washington , DC 20010
25 (Ward 1)
27 as a voting member, with expertise in economic and community development, of the
28 Commission on Health Equity, established by section 5043 of the Commission on Health Equity
29 Amendment Act of 2016, effective October 8, 2016 (D.C. Law 21-160, D.C. Official Code § 7-
30 756.01 ), for a term to end February 1, 2028.
31 Sec. 3. The Council of the District of Columbia shall transmit a copy of this resolution,
32 upon its adoption, to the nominee and to the Office of the Mayor.
33 Sec. 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
Ana Lépez van Balen
Ps i Bi
Results driven leader with 20 years of senior level experience working with communities from across
sectors with local and national entities. Proactive and visionary with a consistent track record of
successfully delivering strategic efforts from a systems perspective, assessing root causes and
discovering shared solutions that help raise awareness, engagement and capacity of all stakeholders
involved. History of repeated success in building operational infrastructure. Respected community
leader involved in a range of collaborations aimed at addressing systemic racial and economic
# Executive leadership and management © Staff development and training
# Program development and implementation ‘ Stakeholder engagement and buy in
Strategic planningfor operational growth ¢ Infrastructure creation and change management
Vice President of Economic Security & Justice October 2023-Present
Charged with advancing the organization’s cross-cutting Economic Security and Justice portfolio
nationally to strengthen women’s economic autonomy and decision-making power, advancing more
equitable laws and policies, and creating more accessible pathways to employment and safe
workplaces that allow women and all workers to thrive.
Major Responsibilities
# Serve as a lead strategist and member of the FUTURES senior leadership team, shaping, leading,
and expanding the economic security and justice programs and policy.
'# Set a vision, and develop/lead programs, projects, and/or initiatives that advance economic
security, opportunity, and justice, especially for BIPOC women and other gender-minorities with
national impact and system change.
# Secure strategic partnerships with other national leaders and policymakers, fun 1g, and visibility
that will realize the visionof the portfolio.
‘ Represent FUTURES externally, influencing key external debates on economic inequality and
related agendas.
© Work with the policy team to create and implement strategies that drive policy, legislative, and
systems change for better outcomes for women and families who have been locked out of the
country’s prosperity for generations.
© Collaborate internally across FUTURES teams to fully realize a robust/holistic vision for Futures
Without Violence’s economic justice work.
Build relationships and networks with private and public sector leaders, economic security and
justice groups; labor unions and worker centers, workers’ rights organizations; community-based
organizations; government agencies and policymakers; and other organizations and individuals as
necessary for effective implementation of program objectives.
Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development
Director of Housing Policy and Programs August 2021 - October 2023
Serve as principal advisor providing direction for the design of new affordable housing programs and
policies, and corresponding budget and investment proposals.
Major Responsibilities and Accomplishments
Oversaw strategic initiatives across housing agencies that work toward meeting the 36k/12k
housing goal -a Mayoral initiative to develop 36k new housing units by 2025 of which 12k are to be
designated as affordable.
Coordinated monthly interagency collaboration with housing directors on critical housing initiatives
to ensure efforts are streamlined across agencies.
# Conducted high-priority economic data analysis to inform affordable housing policy and program
development, as well as future research on affordable housing in the District.
‘© Corled the Black Homeownership Strike Force and $10MM fund focused on reversing inequalities
and disparities that have limited homeownership and generational wealth amongst Black
households in the District.
# Spearheaded the development of three housing initiatives at $24.5MM-the first isa $1M effort
focused on developing affordable housing on land owned by the faith based community; the
second $1.5M initiative is targeted at assisting with the development of accessory dwelling units
across the city; and lastly a $12M initiative created to support landlords stabilize their properties
post pandemic.
# Supported District communication efforts on housing initiatives and Mayoral housing goals.
© Graduate of the District’s Executive Leadership Program Cohort 7, which is jointly administered
between the George Washington University’s Center for Excellence and the Office of Human
Appointed to serve at the Department of Housing & Community Development
Affordable Housing Preservation Officer March 2018-August 2021
Charged with helping preserve diminishing stock of affordable housing in the District of Columbia
by managing two divisions and eight programs with a combined budget of $133MM.
Major Accomplishments
‘© Oversaw the creation and implementation of the District's COVID-19 emergency rental assistance
programs using a total of $13MM of HUD HOME, CDBG-CV, CARES act & ERA funds.
‘© Implemented and managed the District's Housing Preservation Fund - a $116MM public-private fund
focused on the preservation of affordable housing in the District.
# Developed and managed initiatives focused on preserving the affordability through a combined
budget of §4MM for the following critical repair programs - the Small Building Grant Program, the
Single Family Rehabilitation and Repair Program and the Lead Safe Washington initiative.
# Implemented the District's Opportunity to Purchase Act aimed at preserving affordable properties
being offered for sale.
© Worked with stakeholders to provide technical assistance to property owners interested in
preserving affordability or tenants purchasing their properties.
© Conducted data analysis on changing housing trends and impact of department initiatives.
# Developed policy to increase housing preservation.
Social enterprise that builds capacity of vulnerable communities to empower children and families.
National Director of Community Development & Innovation June 2015- December 2017
Responsible for the development of national health and wellness initiatives in Florida, Texas,
Virginia & Arizona. Built out organizational practices for business development opportunities.
Major Accomplishments
Redevelopment of program model to respond to community health inequities in target communities.
© Development and integration of program materials, evaluation strategies and reporting systems.
* Developed organizational communications strategy that led to the redevelopment of the website,
creation of organizational branding materials, the assessment of collective impact with the aim of
improving strategic direction organizational performance.
Lastly, built awareness of issues impacting Latino community through newsletter articles,
presentations on webinars and conferences.
Cabinet Memberfor County Executive Isiah Leggett
Mid-County Regional Services Center Director September 2011 - June 2015 Delivered accessible
government services in the mid-county region, spanning 99 square miles with approximately 220,000
ethnically diverse residents and oversaw the Wheaton Urban District, a 200-acre special taxing
district providing $1.8 million in business improvement district services.
Major Accomplishments
# Leading the County Executive Nighttime Economy Task Force—a special county-wide creative
placemaking initiative examining policies, resources, and amenities that addressed Montgomery
County’s nightlife offerings and financial prospects for employment and business development.
© Creating the 2013 Wheaton Public Safety Workgroup & 2012 Wheaton Small Business Working,
Group in response to pressing community and business needs.
* Conducted strategic and coordinated crisis management to ensure the development of $145
million public-private redevelopment project in Wheaton.
Leadership and empowerment organization for vulnerable immigrant and low-income girls.
Executive Director January 2006 - July 2011
Lead the staff and board of the organization
Major Accomplishments
'* Overhauled all organizational operations including budgeting and finance, fundraising, staff &
program development as well as board recruitment and management.
# Raised 500k in yearly foundation, county and corporate grants.
# Maximized partnerships to expand reach from 2 to 17 schools serving over 200 girls.
© Optimized program and event outcomes including three community based conferences, to
address youth specific needs for our target population.
© Awarded certification in the Standards for Excellence in 2009—a national accreditation program
for nonprofits aimed at strengthening infrastructure and execution of programs.
« Prolific presenter on issues pertaining to youth, organizational development and leadership.
Social service agency providing holistic services to marginalized young people in the DC metro area.
Transitional Living & Street Outreach Program Coordinator September 2004 - November 2005
Administered transitional housing and street outreach programs serving Latino homeless youth
between ages 16-21. Duties involved overall management of program,staff and budget.
Major Accomplishments
© Restarted programs at new location involving hiring and training new staff, furnishing facility,
equipping space with resources for program implementation and screening new residents.
Built new policies and program features to support resident management and growth.
@ Raised 45k through the 2004 and 2005 Fannie Mae Help the Homeless Walkathon fundraiser.
© Completed application for the Child and Family Services license for the facility.
Housing program specifically for Latino homeless families and single women.
Manager of Client Services July 2002 - September 2004
Responsible for creating the social services division to enhance residential services. Worked with
referring agencies to support residents transitioning into independent living. Major
# Developed organizational resources including the participant manual, policy handbook, life skills,
curriculum, newsletters, and other organizational materials.
# Wrote and obtained a 500K governmental grant and 35K foundation grant.
George Washington University, Washington, DC. Certificate in Public Management through Council
of Governments Institute for Regional Excellence/Regional Executive Development Program Cohort
13, Oct. 2015.
Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government, Executive Education. Cambridge, MA.
Certificate of completion for Women and Power: Leadership in a New World, May 16-21, 2010.
Columbia University School of Social Work, NY, NY. Master in Science in Social Work (MSW),
Advanced Generalist Practice and Programming concentration. GPA: 3.9, May 2002.
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN. Bachelor of Science, Human & Organizational Development,
‘Community Development and Social Policy concentration. Cum laude, May 1999.
2022-present, Comunidad Board Chair
2018-2021 Just Homes, Advisory Board Member
2016 Presidential Leadership Scholar
2014-2016 Food For Life, Chair of Board of Directors
2011-2015 Wheaton Kensington Chamber of Commerce, Board Member
2014 The Daily Record’s Maryland’s Top 100 Women
2011 Center for Progressive Leadership Executive Fellow
2009-2011 Nonprofit Montgomery! Co-Chair of Steering Committee—member 2008 2009-2011
Montgomery County Latino Youth Collaborative, Co-chair of Responsive Services
2008-2011 Montgomery County Executive’s Latin Advisory Group
2009 Teen Dating Violence Conference, Chair of Program Committee
2009 Washingtonian of the Year
2009 Eugene & Agnes E. Meyer Foundation Exponent Award
2008 Judith O’Connor Memorial Scholarship from BoardSource
2007 & 2008 Impact Silver Spring “Unsung Heroe” Award, Selection committee member 2007
Leadership Montgomery Member
2007 Montgomery County Community Foundation “Give Where You Lead” Award,
Selection committee member
2007 Silver Spring Youth Collaborative, Founding member
Executive Office of the Mayor — Mayor’s OfficeofTalent and Appointments
John A. Wilson Building | 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 600 | Washington, DC 20004
Ana Lépez van Balen
Ms. Ana Lopez. van Balen is the new Vice President of Economic Security &
Justice at Futures Without Violence. She comes to Futures with close to 20
years of executive experience working with a wide array of community
stakeholders including tenants, owners of affordable housing, real estate and
housing advocates to carry out economic development and revitalization,
community development, but also social programming for vulnerable and
marginalized youth and families.
She recently served the District of Columbia Government as the first Director
of Housing Policy and Programs at the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic
Development (DMPED). In this role, she oversaw housing-related initiatives across the
‘government providing direction for the design of new programs and policies, and corresponding
budget and investment proposals. She came to this position having served at the Department of
Housing & Community Development as the first ever Affordable Housing Preservation Officer
helping preserve the diminishing stock of affordable housing in the District of Columbia while
also overseeing 8 programs with a combined budget of $133MM.
She is a 2016 Presidential Leadership Scholar, a 2014 Daily Record’s Maryland’s Top 100
Women, a 2011 Center for Progressive Leadership Executive Fellow, 2009 Washingtonian of the
Year and 2009 Eugene & Agnes E. Meyer Foundation Exponent Award winner.
A Ward | resident, Ms. Van Balen earned her Bachelor of Science in Human & Organizational
Development from Vanderbilt University and her Master of Science in Social Work from
Columbia University.
Executive Office of Mayor Muriel Bowser
kk oe
Officeof the General Counsel to the Mayor
To: Tomas Talamante, Steve Walker
From: Betsy Cavendish
Date: October 4, 2024
Subject: Legal sufficiency review of Resolutions nominating Mighty Fine, Ana Lopez Van
Balen, and Dr. Suyana Linhales Barker as membersof the Commission on Health
This is to Certify that this oftice has reviewed the above-referenced resolutions and
found them to be legally unobjectionable. If you have any questions in this regard, please do not
hesitate to call Erika Satterlee, Deputy General Counsel, Executive Officeofthe Mayor, at 202-
724-1303, or me at 202-724-7681.
LyteA deed
Elizabeth A. (Betsy) Cavendish
The fohn AWilson Building» 1380 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW > Saie30)" + Washingion, DC 20008