October 24, 2024
The Honorable Phil Mendelson
Council of the District of Columbia
John A. Wilson Building
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 504
Washington, DC 20004
Dear Chairman Mendelson:
In accordance with section 2 of the Confirmation Act of 1978, effective March 3, 1979 (D.C. Law 2-
142; D.C. Official Code§ 1-523.01), and pursuant to section 5043 of the Commission on Health Equity
Amendment Act of 2016, effective October 8, 2016 (D.C. Law 21-160, D.C. Official Code§ 7-756.01 ),
I am pleased to nominate the following individual:
Mighty Fine
I Street, NE
Washington, DC 20024
(Ward 6)
for reappointment as a voting member, with expertise in minority communities and population health
outcomes and improvements, of the Commission on Health Equity, for a term to end February 1, 2028.
Enclosed, you will find biographical information detailing the experience of the above-mentioned
nominee, together with a proposed resolution to assist the Council during the confirmation process.
I would appreciate the Council's earliest consideration of this nomination for confirmation. Please
do not hesitate to contact me, or Steven Walker, Director, Mayor's Office of Talent and
Appointments, should the Council require additional information.
ChairmanPhil Mendelson
3 at the request of the Mayor
15 To confirm the reappointment of Mighty Fine to the Commission on Health Equity .
18 resolution may be cited as the "Commission on Health Equity Mighty Fine Confirmation
19 Resolution of 2024".
20 Sec. 2. The Council of the District of Columbia confirms the reappointment of:
22 Mighty Fine
23 I Street, NE
24 Washington, DC 20024
25 (Ward 6)
27 as a voting member, with expertise in minority communities and population health outcomes and
28 improvements, of the Commission on Health Equity, established by section 5043 of the
29 Commission on Health Equity Amendment Act of 2016, effective October 8, 2016 (D.C. Law
30 21-160, D.C. Official Code § 7-756.0 I), for a term to end February I, 2028.
31 Sec. 3. The Council of the District of Columbia shall transmit a copy of this resolution,
32 upon its adoption, to the nominee and to the Office of the Mayor.
33 Sec. 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
Mighty Fine, MPH, CHES:
8/03 ~ 5/05 Yale University-School of Public Health and Epidemiology
Masters ofPublic Health (MPH)
Concentration: Social Epidemiology
08/99- 05/03, Rutgers University-Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
Bachelors of Science (BS)-Public Health
Concentration: Urban Community Health and Social Policy
Grant writing, management, review and reporting
Program evaluation
Policy analysis
Evaluation consultation
Curriculum development
Meeting facilitation
Group consensus building
Research translation
01/20-present Jnty Fine Consulting, LLC, Washington, DC
President & CEO
Provide TA for the development of public health programs
Assist with health communication message development,
Conduct program evaluation
Support grant writing,
Guest lecturer
Develop curriculum for continuing education
Generate reports, issue briefS and other written material
07/17-present American Public Health Association, Washington, DC
rector, Center for Public Health Practice and Professional Development
Provide leadership and strategic direction
Direct and develop public health practice initiatives and programs,
Serve as college/university guest lecturer.
Conduct program and policy assessment and evaluation,
Present on public health topics at national meetings,
Oversee the managementoffederal grants, cooperative agreements and privately funded activities.
Serve as the APHA public health practice representative on coalitions and workgroups.
Serve as the Injury and Violence Prevention and Public Health Practice SME.
Serve as workforce and professional develop SME.
Provide program development & evaluation technical assistance and consultation to stakeholders.
Engage in advocacy efforts.
Provide support and direction for health equity efforts.
Develop departmental budgets and allocate funds to the appropriate programs and initiatives.
Guide the implementationofthe APHA’s Continuing Education (CE) Program.
Manage revenue generating activities.
‘Maintain national continuing education accreditation compliance.
Develop curriculum for continuing education for public health professionals
06/16- 06/17 American Public Health Association, Was
Interim Director, Center for Professional Development, Publi -ms and Partnerships
'® Served as direct point of contact for APHA’s Center for Professional Development.
Managed the implementation of APHA Continuing Education Program.
ee eee eee
Served as contact for workforce and professional develop initiatives.
Managed and supervised department staff.
Developed and managed department budget.
Reviewed and approved activities for compliance with CE standards.
Prepared reports for accreditation activities to ensure compliance.
Guest lectured on topics related to injury and violence prevention and workforce,
Developed reports and other public heaith content.
Restructured APHA's pubic health practice department.
12/14- 3/15 American Public Health Association, Washington, DC
Acting Director, Center for Professional Development, Public Health Systems and Partnerships
© Maintained duties of Deputy Director.
© Oversaw and directed APHA’s Continuing Education Program.
© Processed continuing education applications.
© Served as contact for workforce and professional develop initiatives.
© Managed and supervised department staff.
02/13- 11/14 American Public Health Association, Washington, DC
Deputy Director, Center for Professional Development, Public Health Systems and Partnerships
© Managed, coordinated and implemented APHA’s injury and violence prevention federal grants and cooperative
Served as APHA’s subject matter expert for injury and violence prevention.
Provided technical assistance for program and policy implementation and evaluation.
Served as public health representative on injury and violence prevention partnerships.
Developed written content on public health issues.
Managed capacity building projects.
Developed trainings and presentations on the public health approach to violence prevention.
Worked closely with the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control on policy capacity building initiatives.
Developed injury and violence prevention scientific sessions for the APHA Annual Meeting and other public
health meetings.
Provided guidance for the development of APHA products related to injury and violence prevention
Served as guest lecturer on topics related to injury and violence prevention and other public health issues.
Provided support for the implementationofprofessional development training opportunities.
Assisted Center Director in managing APHA’s continuing education (CE) program
Provided direct support for Center Director regarding visioning and synergizing public health efforts for the
¢ Reviewed and approved partner applications for compliance with CE standards.
O1/L1-01/13 American Public Health Association, Washington, DC
Health Practice Manager, Center for Professional Development Ith System
Researched and provided analysis on injury and violence prevention trends.
Provided policy, analytical and logistical support to National Center for Injury Prevention and Control.
Served as technical expert for select grantee programs.
Developed training curriculum for select public health topics.
Designed framework for APHA’s Global Health Leadership Institute
Represented APHA on strategic partnerships
Informed public health educational programs focused on the intersectionofviolence prevention and activeli
Conducted presentations on injury and violence prevention at professional meetings.
Managed , monitored and tracked grant related activities
Facilitated capacity building activities for public health professionals,
Developed content for public health webinars and other trainings.
Facilitated conveningsof various stakeholders to address violence prevention,
‘Conducted grantee site visits to monitor program progress.
Developed an advisory relationships with APHA members and partner organizations,
‘Conducted program evaluations.
01/09- 12/10 American Public Health Association, Washington, DC
Policy Analyst, Center for Public Health Pol
‘Applied public health principles to policy development and analysis activities.
Served as content expert for injury and violence prevention and matemal and child health issues.
Monitored federal grants and contracts.
Reviewed, evaluated and reported grant related activities.
Developed written public health content
Assisted with Quality Improvement and accreditation efforts.
Conducted policy analysis and evaluation.
01/09-09/09 Research, Evaluation and Soci Solutions, Inc. Washington, DC
Research and Evaluation Consultant
‘Conducted key informant interviews.
© Collected and analyzed community level data
Conducted program evaluations.
© Developed data collection instruments.
11/05 —01/09 American Public Health Association, Washington, DC
Public Health Analyst, Center for Global Public Health and Learning
Served as key Project Coordinator for Maternal and Child Health Community Leadership Institut.
© Worked closely with state partners in the development of community based MCH programs.
© Provided direction, technical assistance, analysis and oversight for applied research activities related to the
improvementofpublic health.
# Served as key Project Coordinator for Public Health Traffic Safety Institute and Project Officer for
associated mini- grants.
Represented APHA and provided public health direction on various co-sponsorship activities.
Implemented SororsCaring(Type 2 Diabetes Awareness, Education, and Management Initiative) activities.
Serve as a key Project Coordinator for selected grants awarded to APHA.
Reviewed, selected, monitored and evaluated mini- grantee related activities
Prepared necessary reports to funding agencies.
Coordinate efforts for public health workforce strengthening working with various International Public
Health Assocs.
© Fulfilled APHA’s obligations and conducted activities for the Women and Diabetes Public Health Initiative.
08/05-12/05 ‘The Women’s Collective, Washington, DC
Survevor/Outreach Worker Consultant
'¢ Assisted in drafting HIV/AIDS (KAB) surveys for DC residents.
‘Administered HIV/AIDS surveys to DC residents to assess the specific needsofthe DC community.
Conducted data analysis and evaluation.
Distributed condoms and reproductive health educational materials to DC residents
Participated in recruiting persons to be screened for HIV
Participated in the development of HIV/AIDS knowledge trainings,
04/04- 08/05 Connecticut Emerging Infections Program, New Haven, CT
Research Assistant
“Managed the daily operations ofthe Waterbury, CT HCV Enhanced Surveillance Project.
Collected, managed and performed basic analysis of data and general research duties.
Conducted extensive chart abstractions and patient tracking.
Participated in interviewing patients for study participation and assessed HCV status and risk forliverdisease.
Kept open communication and collaborated with CT Department of Health, CT hospitals and local physician
Prepared data reports for public health presentations
Screened for HCV at community based functions and conducted general outreach.
Assisted in the development ofresearch publications.
Assisted with HIV and HCV program evaluations.
01/03 05/03 HIV Preven ‘Community Planning Support and Development Initiative, New Brunswick, NJ
Research Associate
‘© Assisted with community empowerment workshops and led community discussions.
Provided technical assistance to local HIV/AIDS based organizations.
Participated in the development and implementation of focus groups.
Attended workshops on HIV/AIDS and prepared reports for partner organizations.
Conducted literature and web based research on HIV as related to sex hot spots in an effort to broaden prevention
Provided technical assistance and guidance to AIDS Service Organizations.
Provided group facilitation services.
© Conducted HIV Counseling and testing with allied organization,
1202 -4/03 Vertices, Inc. New Brunswick, NJ
Undergraduate Research Assistant
‘© Provided support to the Executive Director, included general research and task management.
© Developed written materials on public health issues related to the environment.
© Provided Teaching Assistance for public health technology courses taught by Executive Director.
18/01 Southwest Gardens, Farrell, Pa
Assistant Case Manager
‘© Established and maintained strong relationships with clients and their family members.
© Conducted basic case management services for low-income families.
© Assisted clients in securing housing, health benefits and employment.
© Provided support to Homeless Prevention Director.
© Developed life skills course for local community.
2003 HIV Counseling and Testing-New Jersey Department ofHealth and Senior Services
2008 Certified Health Education Specialist: National Commission for Health Education Credentialing
2010 Leadership Scholar-MidAtlantic Health Leadership Institute
2011 The Johns Hopkins University Injury Prevention Summer Institute
2013, HIV-2 Testing- Washington DC Department ofHealth
2013 Action Learning Coach-Center for Creative Leadership
2016 The Johns Hopkins University Evaluative Thinking Institute
2017 Knowledge Translation Professional Certification
2019 Building Expertise in Administration & Management (BEAM) Certification: University of Miami
2005- present Member, American Public Health Association
2007-present Executive Board Member (2016-present), Safe States Alliance, Executive Committee
2007-present Member, Metropolitan Washington Public Health Association
2010-present Member, Society for the Advancementof Violence and Injury Research
2012-2014 Board Member, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety
2013-present Member, Society for the Analysisof African American Public Health Issues
2013-present Co-Chair Leadership Workgroup, Striving to Reduce Youth Violence Everywhere (STRYVE)
2013-present Co-Chair (2015), Injury and Violence Prevention Network
2015-present APHA representative-Council of Linkages between Academia and Public Health Practice
2016-present ‘Accreditation Committee -Public Health Practice Representative-Council of Education for Public Health
2016-present Member, Washington, DC Ward 6 Health Initiative
2020-present Member, UNC Injury Prevention Research Center External Advisory Board
March 2015- Montclair State University, Guest Lecture: Exploring the Road to Achieving Health Equity
September 2016- Community Town Hall, Gentrification and Displacement -Washington, DC
December 2016-Midwest Injury prevention Alliance, Keynote: Achieving Health and Safetyfor All
April 2017- American University, Guest Lecture: Epidemiology ofGun Violence
November 2017-APHA Ann