Councilmember Kenyan R. McDuffie
7 ______
12 _______________
15 To amend, on a temporary basis, the Retail Incentive Act of 2004 to designate certain
16 neighborhoods as Retail Priority Areas, including neighborhoods within the Mount
17 Vernon Triangle, Eastern Market, Barracks Row, and Georgia Avenue areas.
20 act may be cited as the “ Great Streets Program Expansion Neighborhood Retail Priority
21 Temporary Amendment Act of 2024”.
22 Sec. 2. Section 4 of the Retail Incentive Act of 2004, effective September 8, 2004 (D.C.
23 Law 15-185; D.C. Official Code § 2-1217.73), is amended as follows:
24 (a) Subsection (o) is amended as follows:
25 (1) Strike the phrase “beginning at the intersection of Euclid Street, N.W., and
26 Georgia Avenue, N.W.; continuing north along Georgia Avenue, N.W., to Kenyon Street, N.W.;
27 thence continuing west along Kenyon Street, N.W., to Sherman Avenue, N.W.; continuing north
28 along Sherman Avenue, N.W., to New Hampshire Avenue, N.W.;” and insert the phrase
29 “beginning at the intersection of Howard Place, N.W., and 4th Street, N.W., thence continuing
30 west along Howard Place, N.W., to Georgia Avenue, N.W., thence continuing south along
31 Georgia Avenue, N.W., to Barry Place, N.W., thence continuing west along Barry Place, N.W.,
32 to Sherman Avenue, N.W., thence continuing north along Sherman Avenue, N.W., to New
33 Hampshire Avenue, N.W.,” in its place.
34 (2) Strike the phrase “until the point where 7th Street, N.W., becomes Warder
35 Street, N.W.; thence continuing further south along Warder Street, N.W., to Kenyon Avenue,
36 N.W.; thence continuing west along Kenyon Avenue, N.W., to Georgia Avenue, N.W.; and
37 thence south on Georgia Avenue, N.W., to the beginning point.” and insert the phrase “, thence
38 continuing south along 7th Street, N.W., to Rock Creek Church Road, N.W., thence continuing
39 east along Rock Creek Church Road, N.W., to Park Place, N.W., thence continuing south along
40 Park Place, N.W. until the point where Park Place, N.W. becomes Hobart Place, N.W., thence
41 continuing west on Hobart Place, N.W. until the point where Hobart Place, N.W. becomes 5th
42 Street, N.W., thence continuing south on 5th Street, N.W. to the point where 5th Street, N.W.
43 becomes 4th Street, N.W., continuing south on 4th Street, N.W. to Howard Place, N.W., and
44 thence west on Howard Place, N.W., to the beginning point.” in its place.
45 (b) Subsection (r) is amended by adding a new paragraph (4) to read as follows:
46 “(4) The area bounded by a line beginning at the intersection of the center lines of
47 2nd Street, S.E., and Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E.; continuing southeast along the center line of
48 Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E., to K Street, S.E.; continuing north and circumferentially along the
49 center line of Barney Circle, S.E.;”.
50 (c) Subsection (s) is amended by striking the phrase “continuing southwest along the
51 center line of New York Avenue, N.W.” and inserting the phrase “continuing northeast along the
52 center line of New York Avenue, N.W., to the center line of New Jersey Avenue, N.W.;
53 continuing southeast along the center line of New Jersey Avenue, N.W., to the center line of
54 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.; continuing northwest along the center line of Massachusetts
55 Avenue, N.W. to the center line of 7th Street N.W.; continuing north along the center line of 7th
56 Street N.W.,” in its place.
57 (d) New subsections (t) and (u) are added to read as follows:
58 “(t) There is established the Eastern Market Retail Priority Area, which shall consist of
59 the parcels, squares, and lots within or abutting the boundary of the following area: Beginning at
60 the intersection of North Carolina Avenue, S.E., and 6th Street, S.E.; continuing northeast along
61 the center line of North Carolina Avenue, S.E., to the center line of 8th Street, S.E.; continuing
62 south along the center line of 8th Street S.E., to the center line of Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E.;
63 continuing northwest along the center line of Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E., to the center line of 6th
64 Street, S.E., continuing north along the center line of 6th Street, S.E., to the beginning point.
65 “(u) There is established the Barracks Row Retail Priority Area, which shall consist of
66 the parcels, squares, and lots within or abutting the boundary of the following area: Beginning at
67 the intersection of D Street, S.E., 7th Street, S.E., and South Carolina Avenue, S.E.; continuing
68 east along the center line of D Street, S.E., to the center line of 8th Street, S.E.; continuing south
69 along the center line of 8th Street, S.E., to the center line of M Street, S.E.”.
70 Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement.
71 The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Budget Director as the fiscal impact
72 statement required by section 4a of the General Legislative Procedures Act of 1975, approved
73 October 16, 2006 (120 Stat. 2038; D.C. Official Code § 1-301.47a).
74 Sec. 4. Effective date.
75 (a) This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by
76 the Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto) and a 30-day period of congressional
77 review as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved
78 December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § 1-206.02(c)(1)).
79 (b) This act shall expire after 225 days of its having taken effect.