October 22, 2024
The Honorable Phil Mendelson
Council of the District of Columbia
John A. Wilson Building
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 504
Washington, DC 20004-3001
SUBJECT: FY 2024 Reprogramming Request: $29,317,743.29 from Various Agencies to the Emergency
Planning and Security Fund and the Department of Behavioral Health
Dear Chairman Mendelson:
Pursuant to D.C. Official Code § 47-363(a), I am transmitting the enclosed request to reprogram $29,317,743.29
of FY 2024 Local Fund, ARPA Revenue Replacement and Federal Payment (ARPA SLFRF) from the various
agencies to the Emergency Planning and Security Fund and the Department of Behavioral Health. The attached
reprogramming memorandum provides a detailed justification for why funds are needed.
Thank you for your consideration of this request. I look forward to the Council’s favorable action.
Muriel Bowser
Mayor of the District of Columbia
cc: Kevin Donahue, City Administrator
Glen Lee, Chief Financial Officer
Jennifer Budoff, Budget Director, Council of the District of Columbia
Jennifer Reed, Director, Office of Budget and Performance Management, Office of the City Administrator
Angell Jacobs, Deputy Chief Financial Officer and Chief of Staff, Office of the Chief Financial Officer
Eric M. Cannady, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Office of Budget and Planning
Sherrie Greenfield, Associate Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Office of Budget and Planning
Stacy-Ann White, Director, Operating Budget Office of Budget and Planning
Kenneth Evans, Director, Capital Improvements Program, Office of Budget
and Planning
Angelique Hayes Rice, Associate Chief Financial Officer, Government Operations Cluster
October 22, 2024
The Honorable Phil Mendelson
Council of the District of Columbia
John A. Wilson Building
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 504
Washington, DC 20004-3001
SUBJECT: FY 2024 Reprogramming Request: $29,317,743.29 from Various Agencies to the Emergency
Planning and Security Fund and the Department of Behavioral Health
Dear Chairman Mendelson:
Pursuant to D.C. Official Code § 47-363(a), I am transmitting the enclosed request to reprogram $29,317,743.29
of FY 2024 Local Fund, ARPA Revenue Replacement and Federal Payment (ARPA SLFRF) from the various
agencies to the Emergency Planning and Security Fund and the Department of Behavioral Health. The attached
reprogramming memorandum provides a detailed justification for why funds are needed.
Thank you for your consideration of this request. I look forward to the Council’s favorable action.
Muriel Bowser
Mayor of the District of Columbia
cc: Kevin Donahue, City Administrator
Glen Lee, Chief Financial Officer
Jennifer Budoff, Budget Director, Council of the District of Columbia
Jennifer Reed, Director, Office of Budget and Performance Management, Office of the City Administrator
Angell Jacobs, Deputy Chief Financial Officer and Chief of Staff, Office of the Chief Financial Officer
Eric M. Cannady, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Office of Budget and Planning
Sherrie Greenfield, Associate Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Office of Budget and Planning
Stacy-Ann White, Director, Operating Budget Office of Budget and Planning
Kenneth Evans, Director, Capital Improvements Program, Office of Budget
and Planning
Angelique Hayes Rice, Associate Chief Financial Officer, Government Operations Cluster
October 22, 2024
Glen Lee
Chief Financial Officer
Office of the Chief Financial Officer
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 203
Washington, D.C. 20004
Dear Mr. Lee:
Pursuant to the Reprogramming Policy Act of 1980, (D.C. Official Code § 47-363 et seq.), I am
submitting a request to reprogram FY 2024 Local Funds, ARPA Local Revenue Replacement
and Federal Payment (ARPA SLFRF) in the amount of $29,317,743.29 from various agencies
to the Emergency Planning and Security Fund and the Department of Behavioral
Health. The reprogramming will address year-end spending pressures. The funds will be
reprogrammed as outlined on the attached attributes sheet and additional details are
contained in the agency’s submission.
Thank you for your consideration of this request. I look forward to the Chief Financial Officer’s
favorable review.
Muriel Bowser
cc: Eric M. Cannady, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Office of Budget and Planning
Sherrie Greenfield, Associate Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Office of Budget and
Stacy-Ann White, Director, Operating Budget, Office of Budget and Planning
Kenneth Evans, Director, Capital Improvements Program, Office of Budget and Planning
Glen Lee
Chief Financial Officer
October 21, 2024
The Honorable Phil Mendelson
Council of the District of Columbia
John A. Wilson Building
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 504
Washington, DC 20004-3001
Dear Chairman Mendelson:
Pursuant to the Reprogramming Policy Act of 1980, D.C. Official Code § 47-363(a) and the
Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024, P.L. 118-14, approved March 23, 2024, the Office
of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) has reviewed the Mayor’s request to reprogram Fiscal Year
2024 Local Funds and Federal Payment (ARPA SLFRF) Funds budget authority in the amount of
$29,317,743 from multiple agencies to the Emergency Planning and Security Fund (EPSF) and
the Department of Behavioral Health (DBH).
This action will reprogram Local Funds and Federal Payment ARPA SLFRF Funds budget
authority from multiple programs and Account Groups from the following agencies:
1. $61 from the Non-Public Tuition;
2. $860 from the Office of the Inspector General;
3. $5,000 from the Criminal Code Reform Commission;
4. $8,084 from the Rental Housing Commission;
5. $9,935 from the Department of Human Services;
6. $10,000 from the Office of Planning;
7. $39,583 from the Office of Disability Rights;
8. $48,574 from the Office of Administrative Hearings;
9. $60,000 from the DC Sentencing Commission;
10. $75,000 from the DC State Board of Education;
11. $80,000 from the DC State Athletics Commission;
12. $83,413 from the Department of Insurance, Securities, and Banking;
13. $100,000 from the Office of the Chief Technology Officer;
14. $150,000 from the Department of Forensic Sciences;
John A. Wilson Building * 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. * Suite 203 * Washington, D.C. 20004
Phone: (202) 727-2476 * Fax: (202) 727-1643 *
The Honorable Phil Mendelson, Chairman
FY 2024 Reprogramming Request for $29,317,743 of Local Funds and Federal Payment (ARPA SLRF) Funds Budget
Authority among various District agencies
15. $167,823 from the Department of Corrections;
16. $200,000 from the Office of Campaign Finance;
17. $200,000 from the Office of Returning Citizens Affairs;
18. $242,772 from the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council;
19. $265,610 from the Department of Energy and Environment;
20. $311,415 from the District of Columbia Public Library;
21. $345,873 from the Department of For-Hire Vehicles;
22. $350,000 from the Office of Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining;
23. $431,864 from the Department of Parks and Recreation;
24. $500,000 from the Office of the Attorney General for the District Of Columbia;
25. $500,000 from the Department of Employment Services;
26. $500,000 from the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education;
27. $536,742 from the Department of General Services;
28. $580,000 from the Department of Housing and Community Development;
29. $894,298 from the Office of the City Administrator;
30. $1,100,000 from the Department of Health;
31. $1,114,261 from the Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants;
32. $1,500,000 from the Department On Disability Services;
33. $1,701,462 from the Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement;
34. $1,720,046 from the Department of Public Works;
35. $2,073,661 from the Office of Unified Communications;
36. $2,347,036 from the Office of the State Superintendent of Education; and
37. $11,064,369 from the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic
Funds will be reprogrammed to the following agencies and programs:
1. $17,914,656 will be reprogramed to EPSF’s Emergency Planning and Security Fund
program, Account Group 714100C (Government Subsidies and Grants); and
2. $11,403,087 will be reprogramed to DBH’s Adult Services Administration and St.
Elizabeth Hospital divisions, Account Groups 714100C (Government Subsidies and
Grants) and 701500C (Overtime Pay).
This reprogramming is needed to address higher-than-anticipated FY 2024 expenditures by the
agencies listed above. Funds are available in the agencies relinquishing budget based upon
projected underspending in those agencies.
The Honorable Phil Mendelson, Chairman
FY 2024 Reprogramming Request for $29,317,743 of Local Funds and Federal Payment (ARPA SLRF) Funds Budget
Authority among various District agencies
The Office of Budget and Planning’s analysis indicates that the reprogramming will not have an
adverse impact on any of the listed agencies or the District’s financial plan. The OCFO has no
objection to this reprogramming request.
Glen Lee
Chief Financial Officer
cc: Muriel Bowser, Mayor of the District of Columbia
Kevin Donahue, City Administrator
Jennifer Budoff, Budget Director, Council of the District of Columbia
Jennifer Reed, Director, Office of Budget and Performance Management, Office of the City
Angell Jacobs, Deputy Chief Financial Officer and Chief of Staff, Office of the Chief
Financial Officer
Eric M. Cannady, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Office of Budget and Planning
Stacy-Ann White, Director, Operating Budget, Office of Budget and Planning
Leroy Clay, Associate Chief Financial Officer, Economic Development and Regulation
George Dines, Associate Chief Financial Officer, Government Services Cluster
David Garner, Associate Chief Financial Officer, Public Safety and Justice Cluster
Delicia Moore, Associate Chief Financial Officer, Human Support Services Cluster
Angelique Rice, Associate Chief Financial Officer, Government Operations Cluster
Paris Saunders, Associate Chief Financial Officer, Public Education Cluster
Tomas Talamante, Director, Office of Policy and Legislative Affairs, Executive Office of the
Sarina Loy, Deputy Director, Office of Policy and Legislative Affairs, Executive Office of
the Mayor
Executive Office of Mayor Muriel Bowser
Office of the City Administrator
TO: Office of Policy and Legislative Affairs
FROM: Jennifer Reed
Director, Office of Budget and Performance Management, OCA
DATE: October 17, 2024
SUBJECT: FY 2024 Year-End Reprogramming Request of Operating Local Funds
This memo requests reprogramming $29,317,743.29 of Fiscal Year 2024 operating Local
Funds (including ARPA Local Revenue Replacement) and Federal Payment from various
agencies to the Emergency Planning and Security Fund and the Department of Behavioral Health
to address year-end spending pressures.
Why are the funds needed?
The funds are needed to address higher than anticipated FY 2024 expenditures as described below.
• Emergency Planning and Security Fund (EPSF): incurred $56.3 million in expenses
related to multiple First Amendment events and public safety initiatives. The District has
only received $30 million in reimbursements, leaving a $26.3 million shortfall.
• Department of Behavioral Health (DBH): incurred additional overtime expenses at St
Elizabeths Hospital and at the Comprehensive Psychiatric Emergency Program (CPEP).
The OT is primarily due to vacancies in hard-to-fill positions (i.e. MDs and nurses), which
the agency is actively recruiting for and filling. Additionally, there was an increase in
utilization in waiver and MHRS services, and a decrease in revenues collected for an SPR
Is this a reprogramming to restore a budget cut authorized by the Mayor and/or Council?
How will the funds be reprogrammed?
See the attached attributes sheet for details.
John A. Wilson Building | 1350 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 513 | Washington, DC 20004
Why are the funds available?
Funds are available because of year-end underspending at agencies identified on the attached
attribute form. The funds became available because of less demand for various programs and
services than forecasted, and delayed hiring. The savings include local funds and federal
payment (i.e., ARPA SLFRF).
What hardship will the District face if the action is postponed until the subsequent fiscal year?
Without this reprogramming, ESPF and DBH will not be able to cover the unanticipated FY 2024
costs. This may result in the District violating anti-deficiency rules.
What programs, services or other purchases will be delayed because of the action, and the
impact on the program or agency?
No projects will be negatively impacted because of this reprogramming.
Should you have any questions, please contact Jason Kim, Deputy Budget Director, Office of
Budget and Performance Management at 202-340-7070 or
cc: Eric Cannady, Deputy Chief Financial Officer for Budget and Planning, OCFO
John A. Wilson Building | 1350 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 513 | Washington, DC 20004
Government of the District of Columbia Originating Agency Code and Name: DATE
Fiscal Year: 2024 Agency Director: Budget Document Amount: $29,317,743.29
Period: Agency CFO:
Effective Date:
9/30/2024 Associate CFO: Eric M. Cannady, Deputy CFO, OBP
Approval Required for the Following (Check all that apply): Approval Level:
Shift Between Agencies/Projects Shift Between Responsibility Centers/Programs Agency DC Council
Shift Between Control Centers/Activities Shift Within Responsibility Centers/Programs OBP
1010001 AK0 500031 50084 7011001 PS 2,127,485.64 (283,500.00) 1,843,985.64
1010001 AK0 500031 50084 7014008 PS 414,768.53 (66,500.00) 348,268.53
1010001 CJ0 500203 50284 7011001 PS 777,053.95 (100,000.00) 677,053.95
1010001 CJ0 100071 50283 7131011 NPS 8,299.57 (1,310.94) 6,988.63
1010001 CJ0 100071 50283 7132001 NPS 150,000.00 (49,919.72) 100,080.28
1010001 CJ0 500203 50284 7171002 NPS 19,695.58 (19,695.58) 0.00
1010001 CJ0 500203 50284 7171008 NPS 30,000.00 (29,073.76) 926.24
1010001 DB0 100003 30093 7131011 NPS 30,000.00 (26,000.00) 4,000.00
1010001 DB0 100003 30093 7131012 NPS 8,980.00 (8,980.00) 0.00
1010001 DB0 100003 30093 7131015 NPS 44,000.00 (9,800.00) 34,200.00
1010001 DB0 100148 30092 7131020 NPS 30,337.00 (7,123.19) 23,213.81
1010001 DB0 100148 30092 7131025 NPS 15,000.00 (9,000.00) 6,000.00
1010001 DB0 300079 30086 7132001 NPS 692,262.62 (169,900.00) 522,362.62
1010001 DB0 300074 30079 7141007