October 18, 2024
The Honorable Phil Mendelson
Council of the District of Columbia
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 504
Washington, DC 20004-3003
Dear Chairman Mendelson:
Pursuant to D.C. Official Code § 2-352.02, I have enclosed, for consideration by the Council of the District of Columbia,
the (a) Council Contract Summary for the Agreement to Enter into a Long-Term Subsidy Contract (“ALTSC”) between
the District of Columbia Housing Authority (“DCHA”) and BCP II LLC, and (b) proposed Local Rent Supplement Program
Contract No. 2024-LRSP-06A with BCP II LLC Approval Resolution of 2024. DCHA proposes to provide a housing subsidy
to the Owner in the amount of $1,200,684.00 annually for a multi-year term of twenty (20) years, in support of the
District’s Local Rent Supplement Program (“LRSP”) to provide seventy (70) affordable housing units at Belmont
Crossing II Apartments located at 4225-4233 7th Street, SE and 4283-4373 Barnaby Road, SE.
As always, I am available to discuss any questions you may have regarding the proposed LTSC. In order to facilitate a
response to any questions concerning this ALTSC, please have your staff contact my Chief of Staff Alethea McNair at
(202) 993-8190.
I look forward to your favorable consideration of this proposed ALTSC agreement.
Keith Pettigrew
Executive Director, District of Columbia Housing Authority
cc: Nyasha Smith, Secretary to the Council
Date: October 18, 2024
Pursuant to section 202(c) of the Procurement Practice Reform Act of 2010, as amended, D.C.
Official Code § 2-532.02(c), the following contract summary is provided:
(A) Contract Number: 2024-ALRSP-06A
Proposed Contractor: BCP II LLC (the “Owner”)
Contract Amount (Base Period): $1,200,684.00 Annually
Unit and Method of Compensation: Housing Assistance Payments, paid monthly Term
of Contract: 20 Years
Type of Contract: Agreement to Enter into a Long-Term Subsidy
Source Selection Method: See “D” below
(B) For a contract containing option periods, the contract amount for the base period
and for each option period. If the contract amount for one or more of the option
periods differs from the amount for the base period, provide an explanation of the
reason for the difference:
This is a multi-year contract.
(C) The goods or services to be provided, the methods of delivering goods or services,
and any significant program changes reflected in the proposed contract:
Pursuant to D.C. Official Code § 2-352.02, I have enclosed, for consideration by the
Council of the District of Columbia, the Council Contract Summary for the Agreement to
Enter into a Long-Term Subsidy Contract (“ALTSC”) between the District of Columbia
Housing Authority (“DCHA”) and BCP II LLC (the “Owner”). DCHA proposes to
provide a housing subsidy to the Owner in the initial amount of $1,200,684.00 annually
for a multi-year term of twenty (20) years, in support of the District’s Local Rent
Supplement Program (“LRSP”) to provide affordable housing at Belmont Crossing II
Apartments located at 4233-4225 7th Street, SE and 4283-4373 Barnaby Road, SE.
(D) The selection process, including the number of offerors, the evaluation criteria, and
the evaluation results, including price, technical or quality, and past performance
In September of 2021, the District of Columbia’s Department of Housing and Community
Development (“DHCD”) issued a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) regarding the
availability of funds from multiple district agencies, including DCHA, DHCD, the
Department of Behavioral Health, the Department of Human Services, and the District of
Columbia Housing Finance Agency. Of the twenty-one (21) total proposals received, (11)
developers were chosen to work with DCHA and others to develop affordable housing
and permanent supportive housing units for extremely low-income families making zero
to thirty percent of the area’s median income, as well as the chronically homeless and
individuals with mental or physical disabilities throughout Washington, DC.
After meeting the requirements for DHCD review and LRSP subsidy eligibility,
proposals were evaluated on various underwriting and prioritization criteria including
financial feasibility, project sustainability, development team capacity, amount of capital
requested, nonprofit participation, and furtherance of the development of affordable
housing. Additionally, DCHA has determined that the proposed project meets the District
of Columbia’s Consolidated Plan and the Mayor’s goal for providing affordable housing
opportunities in neighborhoods.
(E) A description of any bid protest related to the award of the contract, including
whether the protest was resolved through litigation, withdrawal of the protest by the
protestor, or voluntary corrective action by the District. Include the identity of the
protestor, the grounds alleged in the protest, and any deficiencies identified by the
District as a result of the protest:
(F) The background and qualifications of the proposed contractor, including its
organization, financial stability, personnel, and performance on past or current
government or private sector contracts with requirements similar to those of the
proposed contract:
Belmont Crossing II Apartments:
Gilbane Development Company, MED Developers, Equity Plus Managers LLC and
Housing Help Development LLC (the “Development Team”) have formed a joint venture
to construct a three (3) phase redevelopment of Belmont Crossing Apartments - a
residential property made of 23 garden-style buildings and located at 4201 7th Street SE,
Washington DC. This project will be for Phase 1 of the multi-phase redevelopment
project. Phase 2 of the Project will consist of 229-units across four (4) different buildings
with a pedestrian walkway that will separate two (2) of the four buildings. The unit mix is
as follows: (39) studios, (70) one-bedrooms, (88) two-bedrooms and (33) three-bedrooms
The PSH units will leverage DC’s Local Rent Supplement Program (LRSP) project-based
rental assistance, which will generate additional rental income to the project. Through
DC’s Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act, Belmont Crossing Partners LLC and GDC
have proposed to the Tenant Association to put in place a set-aside for 50 original tenants
that average rents less than 50% AMI
Traditional construction measures will be used for the development of Phase II of the
Project, and the residential building will not exceed 4-stories above the podium. The
Project plans to utilize solar and green roof designs to meet the District’s Green Building
initiatives. The residential building and the private road were programmed and designed
to maximize resident circulation and walkability. The Development Team designed the
building to incorporate resident spaces on the ground floor, such as a tenant lounge, lobby
seating area, mail room, and management office, along with additional staff offices. At
the lower level of the building, the Project will have amenity spaces that will be
programmed to provide community rooms, laundry, and an arts and crafts room,
encircled by plentiful green space.
(G) A summary of the subcontracting plan required under section 2346 of the Small,
Local, and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Development and Assistance Act of
2005, as amended, D.C. Official Code § 2-218.01 et seq. (“Act”), including a
certification that the subcontracting plan meets the minimum requirements of the
Act and the dollar volume of the portion of the contract to be subcontracted,
expressed both in total dollars and as a percentage of the total contract amount:
Not applicable.
(H) Performance standards and the expected outcome of the proposed amount:
The housing subsidy shall be used solely to support housing costs associated with the
affordable housing units at Belmont Crossing II Apartments located at 4225-4233 7th
Street, SE and 4283-4373 Barnaby Road, SE in support of the District’s Local Rent
Supplement Program (“LRSP”). The project is consistent with the District’s goal of
increasing affordable housing, especially among low-to-moderate income residents and
preserving existing affordable housing opportunities in the District. Additionally, the
Owner is required to fulfill all conditions as set forth in the ALTSC Agreement within the
agreed upon time frames. Failure to fulfill the terms of the ALTSC Agreement will
constitute default.
(I) The amount and date of any expenditure of fund by the District pursuant to the
contract prior to its submission to the Council for approval:
(J) A certification that the proposed contract is within the appropriated budget
authority for the agency for the fiscal year and is consistent with the financial plan
and budget adopted in accordance with D.C. Official Code §§ 47-392.01 and 47-
CFO Certifications are attached.
(K) A certification that the contract is legally sufficient, including whether the proposed
contractor has any pending legal claims against the District:
Pending Litigation Certification and Legal Sufficiency Memo are attached.
(L) A certification that Citywide Clean Hands database indicates that the proposed
contractor is current with its District taxes. If the citywide clean hands Database
indicates that the proposed contractor is not current with District taxes, either: (1) a
certification that the contractor has worked out and is current with a payment
schedule approved by the District; or (2) a certification that the contractor will be
current with its District taxes after the District recovers any outstanding debt as
provided under D.C. Official Code § 2-353.01(b):
Clean Hands certification is attached
(M) A certification from the proposed contractor that it is current with its federal taxes,
or has worked out and is current with a payment schedule approved by the federal
Federal Tax Certification is attached.
(N) The status of the proposed contractor as a certified local, small, or disadvantaged
business enterprise as defined in the Small, Local, and Disadvantaged Business
Enterprise Development and Assistance Act of 2005, as amended; D.C. Official
Code 2-218.01 et seq.:
BCP II LLC is not certified as a local, small or disadvantaged business enterprise.
(O) Other aspects of the proposed contract that the Chief Procurement Officer considers
Not applicable.
(P) A statement indicating whether the proposed contractor is currently debarred from
providing services or goods to the District or federal government:
Included in the legal sufficiency memo, attached.
(Q) Any determination and findings issue relating to the contract’s formation, including
any determination and findings under D.C. Official Code § 2-352.05 (privatization
(R) Where the contract, any amendments or modifications, if executed, will be made
available online:
The contract will be made available on the DCHA website.
(S) Where the original solicitation, and any amendment or modifications, will be made
available online:
Original solicitation was published 9/30/21 and extended through 12/10/2021. See link:
http://dhcd.dc.gov/service/rfps-rfas-sfos. Please update this info with current dates
TO: Keith Pettigrew
Executive Director
Anton Shaw
Sr. Vice President, Housing Choice Voucher Program
FROM: Andrea Powell
Deputy General Counsel - Real Estate and Business
DATE: October 18, 2024
SUBJECT: Local Rent Supplement Program – Agreement to Enter into a Long-Term Subsidy Contract between
the District of Columbia Housing Authority and BCP II, LLC
This memorandum responds to a request that the Office of the General Counsel review the proposed Agreement to
Enter into a Long-Term Subsidy Contract (“ALTSC”) between the District of Columbia Housing Authority (“DCHA”) and
BCP II LLC (the “Owner”) for legal sufficiency:
Belmont Crossing Apartments:
Gilbane Development Company, MED Developers, Equity Plus Managers LLC and Housing Help Development LLC (the
“Development Team”) have formed a joint venture to construct a three (3) phase redevelopment of Belmont Crossing
Apartments - a residential property made of 23 garden-style buildings and located at 4201 7th Street SE, Washington
DC. This project will be for Phase 1 of the multi-phase redevelopment project. Phase 2 of the Project will consist of
229-units across four (4) different buildings with a pedestrian walkway that will separate two (2) of the four buildings.
The unit mix is as follows: (39) studios, (70) one-bedrooms, (88) two-bedrooms and (33) three-bedrooms
The PSH units will leverage DC’s Local Rent Supplement Program (LRSP) project-based rental assistance, which will
generate additional rental income to the project. Through DC’s Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act, Belmont Crossing
Partners LLC and GDC have proposed to the Tenant Association to put in place a set-aside for 50 original tenants that
average rents less than 50% AMI
Traditional construction measures will be used for the development of Phase II of the Project, and the residential
building will not exceed 4-stories above the podium. The Project plans to utilize solar and green roof designs to meet
the District’s Green Building initiatives. The residential building and the private road were programmed and designed
to maximize resident circulation and walkability. The Development Team designed the building to incorporate resident
spaces on the ground floor, such as a tenant lounge, lobby seating area, mail room, and management office, along
with additional staff offices. At the lower level of the building, the Project will have amenity spaces that will be
programmed to provide community rooms, laundry, and an arts and crafts room, encircled by plentiful green space.
DCHA proposes to provide a housing subsidy for seventy (70) units in the initial amount of $1,200,684.00 annually for a
multi-year term of twenty (20) y ears i n s upport of the District’s Local Rent Supplement Program (“LRSP”) to provide
affordable housing units at 4225-4233 7th Street, SE and 4283-4373 Barnaby Road, SE.
1) Description of the Contract
The Contract is an ALTSC to provide operating subsidy for rental assistance to be provided by DCHA on affordable housing
units owned and operated by the Owner pursuant to the Local Rent Supplement Program established under Title II of
the Fiscal Year 2007 Budget Support Act of 2006.
2) Procurement Process
In September of 2021, the District of Columbia’s Department of Housing and Community Development (“DHCD”) issued
a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) regarding the availability of funds from multiple district agencies, including DCHA, DHCD,
the Department of Behavioral Health, the Department of Human Services, and the District of Columbia Housing Finance
Agency. Of the twenty-one (21) total proposals received, eleven (11) developers were chosen to work with DCHA and
others to develop affordable housing and permanent supportive housing units for extremely low income families making
zero to thirty percent of the area’s median income, as well as the chronically homeless and individuals with mental or
physical disabilities throughout Washington, DC.
After meeting the requirements for DHCD review and LRSP subsidy eligibility, proposals were evaluated on various
underwriting and prioritization criteria including financial feasibility, project sustainability, development team capacity,
amount of capital requested, nonprofit participation, and furtherance of the development of affordable housing.
Additionally, DCHA h as d etermined that the proposed project meets the District of Columbia’s Consolidated Plan and
the Mayor’s goal for providing affordable housing opportunities in neighborhoods.
3) Legal Review
Prior to October 18, 2024, the Office of the General Counsel reviewed the Contract for legal sufficiency. The review
indicates a competitive process was followed in making the award to the Owner. Additionally, it was determined that
the proposed contractor is not currently debarred from providing services or goods to the District or federal
government. The review of the Contract indicates that it is legally sufficient.
As the Contract is for a term of twenty (20) years and the Contract will be funded with District of Columbia funds, the
Contract must be submitted to the District of Columbia Council for review and approval in accordance with D.C. Code
Section 2-352.02.
Andrea Powell
Deputy General Counsel - Real Estate and Business
Government of the District of Columbia
Office of the Chief Financial Officer 1101 4th Street, SW
Office of Tax and Revenue Washington, DC 20024
Date of Notice: September 26, 2024 Notice Number: L0012660710
BCP II LLC FEIN: **-***6761
7 JACKSON WALKWAY Case ID: 17891904
PROVIDENCE RI 02903-3638
As reported in the Clean Hands system, the above referenced individual/entity has no outstanding
liability with the District of Columbia Office of Tax and Revenue or the Department of Employment
Services. As of the date above, the individual/entity has complied with DC Code § 47-2862, therefore
this Certificate of Clean Hands is issued.
D.C. CODE § 47-2862 (2006)
Authorized By Melinda Jenkins
Branch Chief, Collection and Enforcement Administration
To validate this certificate, please visit MyTax.DC.gov. On the MyTax DC homepage, click the
“Validate a Certificate of Clean Hands” hyperlink under the Clean Hands section.
1101 4th Street SW, Suite W270, Washington, DC 20024/Phone: (202) 724-5045/MyTax.DC.gov
Certificate Regarding No Pending Litigation
‘The undersigned hereby certifies that the contractor has no pending claims against the District.
4 District of Columbia limited liability company
By: BC Parmers ILLC,
a District of Columbis limited liability company,
its managing member
By: Housing Help Development LLC,
a District ofColumbia limited Liability company
its Manager