October 16, 2024
The Honorable Phil Mendelson
Council of the District of Columbia
John A. Wilson Building
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 504
Washington, DC 20004-3001
SUBJECT: FY 2024 Local Request to Reprogram $1.869M within the Office of the Chief Financial Officer
Dear Chairman Mendelson:
Pursuant to D.C. Official Code § 47-363(a), I am transmitting the enclosed request to reprogram $2,689,217 of Fiscal
Year 2024 Local budget authority within the Office of the Chief Financial Officer.
The attached reprogramming memorandum provides a detailed justification for why funds are needed.
Thank you for your consideration of this request. I look forward to the Council’s favorable action on this request.
Muriel Bowser
Mayor of the District of Columbia
cc: Rashad M. Young, City Administrator
Mr. Glen Lee, Chief Financial Officer
Jennifer Budoff, Budget Director, Council of the District of Columbia
Jennifer Reed, Director, Office of Budget and Performance Management, Office of the City Administrator
Angell Jacobs, Deputy Chief Financial Officer and Chief of Staff, Office of the Chief Financial Officer
Eric Cannady, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Office of Budget and Planning
Stacy-Ann White, Director, Operating Budget, Office of Budget and Planning
Paul Lundquist, Executive Director, Office of Management and Administration
October 16, 2024
The Honorable Phil Mendelson
Council of the District of Columbia
John A. Wilson Building
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 504
Washington, DC 20004-3001
SUBJECT: FY 2024 Local Request to Reprogram $1.869M within the Office of the Chief Financial Officer
Dear Chairman Mendelson:
Pursuant to D.C. Official Code § 47-363(a), I am transmitting the enclosed request to reprogram $2,689,217 of Fiscal
Year 2024 Local budget authority within the Office of the Chief Financial Officer.
The attached reprogramming memorandum provides a detailed justification for why funds are needed.
Thank you for your consideration of this request. I look forward to the Council’s favorable action on this request.
Muriel Bowser
Mayor of the District of Columbia
cc: Rashad M. Young, City Administrator
Mr. Glen Lee, Chief Financial Officer
Jennifer Budoff, Budget Director, Council of the District of Columbia
Jennifer Reed, Director, Office of Budget and Performance Management, Office of the City Administrator
Angell Jacobs, Deputy Chief Financial Officer and Chief of Staff, Office of the Chief Financial Officer
Eric Cannady, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Office of Budget and Planning
Stacy-Ann White, Director, Operating Budget, Office of Budget and Planning
Paul Lundquist, Executive Director, Office of Management and Administration
October 16, 2024
Mr. Glen Lee
Chief Financial Officer
Office of the Chief Financial Officer
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 203
Washington, D.C. 20004
Dear Mr. Lee:
Pursuant to the Reprogramming Policy Act of 1980, (D.C. Official Code § 47-363 et seq.), I am
submitting a request to reprogram FY 2024 Local funding in the amount of $2,689,217 within
the Office of the Chief Financial Officer to properly align budget with expenditures. The funds
will be reprogrammed as outlined on the attached attribute sheet.
Details of the request are contained in the agency’s submission. Thank you for your
consideration of this request. I look forward to the Chief Financial Officer’s favorable review of
this request.
Muriel Bowser
cc: Eric Cannady, Deputy CFO for Budget and Planning
John J. Falcicchio, Chief of Staff
Glen Lee
Chief Financial Officer
October 16, 2024
The Honorable Phil Mendelson
Council of the District of Columbia
John A. Wilson Building
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 504
Washington, DC 20004-3001
Dear Chairman Mendelson:
Pursuant to the Reprogramming Policy Act of 1980, D.C. Official Code § 47-363(a) and the Further
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024, P.L. 118-14, approved March 23, 2024, the Office of the Chief Financial
Officer (OCFO) has reviewed the Mayor’s request to reprogram Fiscal Year 2024 Local funds budget authority
in the amount of $2,689,217 within the Office of the Chief Financial Officer. The funds are needed to support
operational costs for the DIFS Support Center.
This action will reprogram budget authority from multiple programs and Account Groups to the Information
Technology program, Account Group 713200C (Contractual Services – Other). Funds are available based on the
original appropriation but requires reprograming to meet current spending plans.
The Office of Budget and Planning’s analysis indicates that the reprogramming will not have an adverse impact
on the OCFO’s budget or the District’s financial plan. The OCFO has no objection to this reprogramming
Glen Lee
cc: Muriel Bowser, Mayor of the District of Columbia
Kevin Donahue, City Administrator
Jennifer Budoff, Budget Director, Council of the District of Columbia
Jennifer Reed, Director, Office of Budget and Performance Management, Office of the City
Angell Jacobs, Deputy Chief Financial Officer and Chief of Staff, Office of the Chief Financial Officer
Eric M. Cannady, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Office of Budget and Planning
Stacy-Ann White, Director, Operating Budget, Office of Budget and Planning
Paul Lundquist, Executive Director, Office of Management and Administration
Angelique Rice, Associate Chief Financial Officer, Government Operation Cluster
Christine Mukolwe, Budget Director, Government Operation Cluster
Nicole Dean, Budget Officer, Office of the Chief Financial Officer
Tomas Talamante, Director, Office of Policy and Legislative Affairs, Executive Office of the Mayor
Sarina Loy, Associate Director, Office of Policy and Legislative Affairs, Executive Office of the Mayor
John A. Wilson Building * 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW * Suite 203 * Washington, DC 20004
Phone: (202) 727-6234 * Fax: (202) 724-5222 *
Government of the District of Columbia
Office of the Chief Financial Officer
1100 4th Street, SW (East)
Office of the Chief Financial Officer Washington, D.C. 20024
TO: The Office of Policy and Legislative Affairs
FROM: Paul Lundquist, Executive Director
Office of Management and Administration
DATE: October 4, 2024
SUBJECT: FY 2024 Local Request to Reprogram $2,689,217 within the Office of the Chief
Financial Officer
This is to request a reprogramming of $2,689,217 in local funds within the Office of the Chief
Financial Officer (OCFO). As shown on the attached, the funds will be reprogrammed from
available nonpersonal services (NPS) budget in multiple program areas to NPS budget in the
Information Technology (CIO) program.
Why are the funds needed?
The funds are needed for increased contract costs for the DIFS Support Center and for other DIFS
support during this second year of DIFS operations.
Is this a reprogramming to restore a budget cut authorized by the Mayor and/or Council?
No, this reprogramming does not restore a budget cut authorized by the Mayor or Council.
How will the funds be reprogrammed?
The funds will be reprogrammed from NPS budget in Agency Financial Operations, Financial
Operations and Systems, Budget Development, Research and Analysis, Tax Administration, and
Integrity and Oversight to NPS budget in Information Technology.
Why are the funds available?
These various OCFO programs have surplus NPS funds due to NPS underspending.
What hardship will the District face if the action is postponed until the subsequent fiscal year?
The OCFO will be unable to properly account for NPS expenditures in CIO.
What program, services or other purchases will be delayed as a result of the action and the
impact on the program or agency?
No programs, services, or other purchases will be delayed.
Should you have any questions, please contact Nicole Dean Brown at 202-442-7125.
2 2
Government of the District of Columbia Originating Agency Code and Name: DATE
Fiscal Year: 2024 Agency Director: Budget Document Amount: $2,689,217.00
Period: 12 Agency CFO:
Effective Date: Associate CFO:
Approval Required for the Following (Check all that apply): Approval Level:
Shift Between Agencies/Projects Shift Between Responsibility Centers/Programs Agency DC Council
X Shift Between Control Centers/Activities X Shift Within Responsibility Centers/Programs X OBP
1010001 AT0 100151 20040 7111002 6,417.00 (6,163.00) 254.00
1010001 AT0 100003 20041 7111002 1,603.00 (1,603.00) 0.00
1010001 AT0 100058 20042 7111002 7,701.00 (7,701.00) 0.00
1010001 AT0 100148 20043 7111002 4,278.00 (397.00) 3,881.00
1010001 AT0 100092 20044 7111002 4,127.00 (3,622.00) 505.00
1010001 AT0 100022 20045 7111002 1,622.00 (639.00) 983.00
1010001 AT0 100109 20046 7111002 12,567.00 (12,567.00) 0.00
1010001 AT0 100151 20040 7131011 103,390.00 (55,932.00) 47,458.00
1010001 AT0 100058 20042 7131011 33,029.00 (21,600.00) 11,429.00
1010001 AT0 100060 20042 7131011 5,000.00 (5,000.00) 0.00
1010001 AT0 100060 20043 7131011 40,468.00 (40,468.00) 0.00
1010001 AT0 100109 20046 7131011 171,652.00 (77,000.00) 94,652.00
1010001 AT0 100109 20046 7171002 262,241.00 (224,135.00) 38,106.00
1010001 AT0 100109 20046 7172001 31,529.00 (30,000.00) 1,529.00
1010001 AT0 150003 20047 7131011 16,644.00 (14,000.00) 2,644.00
1010001 AT0 200016 20022 7111002 25,616.00 (15,000.00) 10,616.00
1010001 AT0 200040 20023 7111002 5,348.00 (5,000.00) 348.00
1010001 AT0 200016 20022 7131006 6,179.00 (6,100.00) 79.00
1010001 AT0 200016 20022 7131008 4,385.00 (4,300.00) 85.00
1010001 AT0 200016 20022 7131011 22,820.00 (3,900.00) 18,920.00
1010001 AT0 200016 20022 7131012 4,385.00 (4,300.00) 85.00
1010001 AT0 200040 20023 7131006 2,193.00 (2,000.00) 193.00
1010001 AT0 200040 20023 7131011 41,257.00 (19,000.00) 22,257.00
1010001 AT0 200040 20023 7131017 2,193.00 (400.00) 1,793.00
1010001 AT0 200016 20022 7131001 40,218.00 (40,000.00) 218.00
1010001 AT0 100151 20029 7131009 37,883.00 (10,000.00) 27,883.00
1010001 AT0 100151 20029 7131011 145,898.00 (5,000.00) 140,898.00
1010001 AT0 100151 20029 7131036 7,131,036.00 (5,000.00) 7,126,036.00
1010001 AT0 100151 20031 7111002 54,328.00 (14,000.00) 40,328.00
1010001 AT0 200055 20034 7111002 4,365.00 (4,300.00) 65.00
1010001 AT0 200054 20035 7111002 8,197.00 (8,100.00) 97.00
1010001 AT0 200053 20036 7111002 5,922.00 (5,900.00) 22.00
1010001 AT0 200058 20037 7111002 10,000.00 (7,700.00) 2,300.00
1010001 AT0 100151 20031 7131012 10,195.00 (10,000.00) 195.00
1010001 AT0 100151 20031 7131015 50,391.00 (50,000.00) 391.00
1010001 AT0 200055 20034 7131012 315,011.00 (26,000.00) 289,011.00
1010001 AT0 200054 20035 7131011 117,143.00 (23,000.00) 94,143.00
1010001 AT0 200054 20035 7131012 38,609.00 (38,600.00) 9.00
1010001 AT0 200053 20036 7131006 20,024.00 (17,000.00) 3,024.00
1010001 AT0 200058 20037 7131011 277,834.98 (74,500.00) 203,334.98
1010001 AT0 200059 20038 7131009 63,879.00 (20,900.00) 42,979.00
1010001 AT0 100151 20031 7132001 230,000.00 (185,458.00) 44,542.00
1010001 AT0 200054 20035 7132001 490,054.00 (29,337.00) 460,717.00
1010001 AT0 200059 20038 7132001 258,213.00 (30,322.00) 227,891.00
1010001 AT0 200054 20035 7141009 247,711.51 (130,234.00) 117,477.51
1010001 AT0 200058 20037 7171008 15,255.00 (15,255.00) 0.00
1010001 AT0 100029 20039 7171003 6,102.00 (5,745.00) 357.00
1010001 AT0 100151 20031 7172001 35,000.00 (20,000.00) 15,000.00
1010001 AT0 100151 20031 7172002 25,920.00 (25,920.00) 0.00
1010001 AT0 200055 20034 7172002 20,000.00 (20,000.00) 0.00
1010001 AT0 100070 20048 7014008 3,491,144.93 (1,055,500.00) 2,435,644.93
1010001 AT0 100151 20006 7131017 135,726.00 (81,470.00) 54,256.00
1010001 AT0 200078 20008 7131011 2,193.00 (2,193.00) 0.00
1010001 AT0 200081 20010 7131009 66,382.00 (6,537.00) 59,845.00