October 10, 2024
The Honorable Phil Mendelson
Council of the District of Columbia
John A. Wilson Building
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 504
Washington, DC 20004
Dear Chairman Mendelson:
In accordance with section 2 of the Confirmation Act of 1978, effective March 3, 1979 (D.C. Law 2-
142; D.C. Official Code § 1-523.01), and pursuant to section 102 of the Racial Equity Achieves Results
(REACH) Amendment Act of 2020, effective March 16, 2021 (D.C. Law 23-181; D.C. Official Code
§ 2-1471.02), I am pleased to nominate the following individual:
Kelly Crawford
Webster Street, NW
Washington, DC 20011
(Ward 4)
for reappointment as a member of the Racial Equity Advisory Board, for a term to end December 17,
Enclosed, you will find biographical information detailing the experience of the above-mentioned
nominee, together with a proposed resolution to assist the Council during the confirmation process.
I would appreciate the Council’s earliest consideration of this nomination for confirmation. Please
do not hesitate to contact me, or Steven Walker, Director, Mayor’s Office of Talent and
Appointments, should the Council require additional information.
Muriel Bowser
2 Chairman Phil Mendelson
3 at the request of the Mayor
15 To confirm the reappointment of Kelly Crawford to the Racial Equity Advisory Board.
18 resolution may be cited as the "Racial Equity Advisory Board Kelly Crawford Confirmation
19 Resolution of 2024".
20 Sec. 2. The Council of the District of Columbia confirms the reappointment of:
22 Kelly Crawford
23 Webster Street, NW
24 Washington, DC 20011
25 (Ward 4)
27 as a member of the Racial Equity Advisory Board, established by section 102 of the Racial
28 Equity Achieves Results (REACH) Amendment Act of 2020, effective March 16, 2021 (D.C.
29 Law 23-181; D.C. Official Code§ 2-1471.02), for a term to end December 17, 2026.
30 Sec. 3. The Council of the District of Columbia shall transmit a copy of this resolution,
31 upon its adoption, to the nominee and to the Office of the Mayor.
32 Sec. 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
Kelly Elisabeth Crawford CPM, LEED AP
Prof goals. providing
‘Accomplished and results-driven public servant experienced in building coalitions. exceeding organizational
matter expert with more than a decade
responsible leadership and motivating outstanding team performance. Award-winning subject &response. and
oftechnical experience in environmental science &engineering. energy. climate change. emergency management
environmentaljustice & equity.
Executive Certificate, Public Policy — Harvard Kennedy School of Government University College
Master of Science. Management. Emergency Management - University of Maryland
Bachelor of Science. Environmental Science. Math & Engineering - Rochester Institute of Technology
Graduate Certificate. Strategic Project Management - George Washington University
Graduate Certificate. Excellence in Municipal Management~ George Washington University
Professional Experience:
Sr. Policy Advisor, Energy Equity & Environmental Justice 2022-Present
Office of the Assistant Secretary
Office Energy EMficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE)
U.S. Department of Energy
Regular Duties:
«Advise Assistant Secretary on Energy Equity and Environmental Justice policy and issues.
Direct and lead rapidly evolving cross-EERE efforts focused on energyjustice and an equitable transition to a clean energy
economy. This includes developing background objectives. purpose. and scopeofprojects/programs. Review and evaluates
effectiveness and implementation ofprojects. Analyzes and recommends modificationofvarious energy efficiency and
renewable energy initiatives. Analyzes and interprets legislation, Executive Orders. and regulations relevant to energy and
environmental justice collaborations and opportunities. Assists in the drafting and reviewofenergy and environmental justice
‘Memoranda of Understanding. Prepares DOE and EERE leadership for. (and attends as appropriate) meetings with senior
leaders from energy and environmental justice organizations.
«Responsible for developing and implementing EERE strategic plan priorities that will maximize benefitsofexisting and new
energy and environmental justice projects (in compliance with Executive order 13985) addressing renewable energy and
energy efficiency issues of importance to EERE. the Department, Congress. and the White House. Leads studies to determine
the value and scope of policies. programs, and initiatives. The incumbent works with program offices on the scope of
collaborative activities with government counterparts from tribal nations, EEJ communities.
+ Consult with internal and external federal diversity equity professionals as well as local/community government and
organizers, NGO's, private organizations to ascertain minority and under-represented /under-served groups to
determine where and how funds, projects, and programs can be used within those communities nationwide.
© Develop reports and briefings for DOE Senior leaders, as well as Congress/Senators and staff on how best to distribute
funds and services.
+ Provide policy advice, support, and assistance to EERE senior staff in managing the prioritization, funding, and
executionofenergy & environmental justice projects. This includes ensuring and facilitating the incorporation of
energy and environmental justice goals in EERE programs throughout the DOE and globally and facilitating
coordination and collaboration on energy and environmental justice activities among EERE leadership, EERE program
office staff, DOE Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development, DOE Office of Economic Impact and Diversity,
and other Federal agencies.
's Reviewlegislative mandates, DOE goals, and programmatic strategic objectives against allocated budget/cost and
schedule trends and provides input related to the development/modifications of budget formulation. This includes
compiling financial reports and presentations. Drafts program plans, key objectives, schedules, budget, and other
documentation for area of assigned responsibility, and ensuring that program plans and funding requirements fully
support legislative mandates, DOE goals, and EERE programmatic strategic objectives.
Associate Director,Air Quality Division 2020.2
Chief, Air Quality Division, Compliance& Eufurcemeut Branc 2016 2019
(Supervisory Enviroumental Protection Specialist- Full time)
District of Columbia Department of Energy & Environment~Washiugton.
+ State Air Pollator Coutro! Officer representing theDistrict ofColtmbia onmattersofwir quality and Associa Director of
Ait Quality Division with full mavegement responsibilities including steategie planning andl budget formulation.
+ Leading expert on ussues ofair quality. trmgportation electrification, irupmental justice. elimate change ad equizy for the
District of Cobuul
+ Lead the DORE Equigy Commitee charged with she development. socializationand imptemencation of racial equity
Jeytslation, Racial Equity Inpact Assessment Tool, aud associated enviroamental justice aud equity tainings for the
Departiaent of Enerey & Environment and parner Diswict agencies.
* Authorship of Distric environmental pennuitti:g. compliaice and enforcement regulations, well as associsted policy
documents and ownecch wiazerial including analysis and interpretation of legislotion, Lxecutive Oniters aud regnlations
relevant to equigy. environmestal justice, energy aud environmental regulations.
+ Lead the agency incorporation of euvironmental justice eqhity into the strategi¢ gozls and tabric of the ageuey and advance
JEDI initiatives 16 itaprove both internal culmre and program administration to che public resulting in lasting changes to
plocesses and stiments
# Advise District leadership, including Mayor's Oafice ofRaciat Equi oa fiameworks, budget formulation. data needs
project prioritization. Hundin ud execution of initiatives tocused oa advaacing racia! equity and envizonmental justice
* Supervisory lead ofa diverse teamof science and engineering professionals in che implementanan and monitoring of
citywide cnviromsiental and eneray regulations designed to improve the District's ais qualicy.
© Preparing ard managing # melti-million dollar District and Federal budger and easure operational re virements ate et
¢ Mauiagemem of nuiltixyear. multicmiltion-dollar federal grant prograins ro assure the achievement of objectives.
commujtinents and simely expenditureoffinds. inchiding sectio 105 Ai grant with federsl fuuding of $1.4 million per ¥eat
Lead the development and implementationof the regions first fully electronic systenus euaversion for the management of
regulated asbestos abatement in the District cesulring in an increase ia inspection oversight frorm 1% 10 30%
# Lalteaced compliance with Distei aie quality dations through enfecceancat initiatives and public outreach programms
reselting ins two of the largest enti emient cases in program history 152 million for Titte V violations and $200k tor engine
idling violations,
* Maintain primacy for the District of Columbia's Cleen Air Act program,
© Chaired the Mid-Atlantic Regional Environmental Consortium responsible for improving coordination benween EPA (Region
3) stmtes and local ashestns programs,
¢ Effected change through the enrichment of partnerships with other Disteiat re ilatory programs to improve oversight of
construction and development projects to ensive complinnce and reduce euviron menial impacts within the city
# Serve as subject mater expert tor focal and national government parmers on policies and strategies. aud the implementation
chatlenges within urhan environments.
© Regolarly interact and serveas liaison withsenior management acvossDistrict agencies. EPA, ANC. Office ofthe Meyor and
Conneil, the media. community stakeholders and constituents
# RepresenttheDistrict as an expert onenergy and enviroumenal regulations and issues through pauticipation in interagency
mcerings and conlereuces, environmental Working groups, local and sstional commistees
+ Present testimony for City Council hearings and local conumuniry mestings on the status of the ageucy’s tnaplementarion of
the City’s environmental laws.
+ Present testimony on bebalf of the Diswict ov matters ofequity. environmental justice. climate chauge. energy and air quality
as part of public participation in regulatecy processes both nationally chrough EPA but alse int stippoet of state nid local
regulations thar atign with Distric: priorities
¢ Work to collaboraze. develop model ules and programs in coordination wilh air prograuns pledged as C40 Clean Air Cities
* Coordinate collaborative efforts between the District's transportation, enforveunent and public warks agencies to reduce
emissions from vehicles within the city
‘© Lead for public outreach efforts (0 address sovial safeguard and environmental justice concems.
Emergency Response Details:
DORE Emergency Ciaison Officer Duty or Technical Support:
© 2017 Presidential Inauguration
© 2017-2020 44 of July Observation
* 2017 Full Sale Exercise “Humicaue Cora”
© 2019 St. Elizabeth's Water Contamination
© 2019 StrikeDC Event
© 2020 March on Washington
0 First Amendment Demonstrations
‘© 2021 Presideutial Inauguration
2020 COVID-19 Response:
«Health & Medivsl Brauch
© COVID-19 Testing Site Incident Action Planaing
© COVID-19 Testing Site Staffing
* Human Services Branch,
© Mass Care Feeding Operation — Database Development
Remote Isolation and Preventative Quarantine Mission ~ Enviromnental Health & Sal Plenning
© Emergency Operations Center - Resource Unit Data Support
‘© Government Operations Logisties Branch - Data Team
+ Health & Medical Branch
o Medical Surge Planning
© Alternative Cate Site Leadership Teara
© Altemative Care Site Planning Section Chief
9 Alternative Care Site Personal Protective Equipment Coordination Lead
+ DORE Incident Management Team
© DOER Agency Re-Open Team Member
* DOEF PPE Coordinator- Environmental Services Adininistration
* Monthly Regional COVID impacts of Air Quality Research Coordination
2020 First Amendment Demonstrations:
# Situational Awareness Unit Support
© Heat Emergency Cooling Center Support
© Damage Assessment Unit Support
Environmental Maungement System & Oil Coutvol Program Lead
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Team (Full time)
Greenbelt, Maryland
‘Suauighan Environmental Contractor June 2013 - October 2016
Earth Resources Technology Contractor February 2010 — June 2013
Proxtronics, Inc. Contractor ‘May 2009 - February 2010
+ Responsible for providing teclutical guidance and engineering duties in the prevention, control. and remediation of
environmental health hazards
© Developing and implementing training, evaluation und corrective action programms to manage risk
* Evaluated compliance for NASA Goddard Space Flight Center's (GSFC) Medical and Environmental Management Division
Provided emergency spill respouse for on-site emergencies
Development management of GSFC's Emiroumental Managemen System
Integrared Coutingeney Plan {SPCC}, StormWaterPoitation Prevention Plan and GSE C"sPatt 70 Operating Permit
Served o5 lend technical expert for Oil, Water. Enetgy. NEPA. Ait. RCRA‘TSCA and Hazardous Waste Progeains,
Managed traiing programs. developedpolicies and procedures, evaluated preparedness and response capabilities. identified
and developed corrective actions for deficiencies ot mitigation strategies for systemic vulnerabilities aud co evaluate the
environmental consequences of projects, eqnipmtent, tools and procedures used on GSVC
Responsible for application. renewal, implemeutation and maintenanceof ¢broad spectrum of envisonmental compliance
permits and plans (Tide V Part70 Operating Permit, NPDES. Oil Operetions Petnait. MS4. WSSC. SWPPP. SPCC. ICP}
Lead development and administration of GSFC"s ISO 14001-2015 Environmental Magagement System whiel: articulated ail
envitonmentel obligatioas. and etforts to mteet the obligations, of GSFC and conennnieated 12sks aud priariaes to sexior
leadersitip. employees. contractors. regulators end the general public
Managed nunitiple data mazagcment systems te improve recordkeeping. reporting and compliance including the Spill Response
Database, Juventory Chemical Tracking Tool. Huzardous Materia’s Management Syste.n, Enviromental Management Systein,
Groundwater Database. and Comptianee Tracking Tool
Served assubject matter expert. and provided oversight in coordination with the civil servan Sustainability and Eneray
Officers for building portolio mauagewem activities at NASA GSFC. incinding c5 and auditing compliaace
with NASA specific LFED GreenBuilding and meeting objectives of EO 13693 Planning for Federal Sustainability is the Next
Developed. tracked, projected andmade recommendations regacdin solid waste, and water imensity
pecformance. including evaluating GSFC metering capabilities, implementing Energy Ster Portfolio Manager. determining
compliance with high performing building ratio targets anc opportunities for eahaucing efforts to meet goals
Co-lead for pilot programto synergize requirements ofLEED and federal building performancestandards to maxitnize
environmental benefits and attain sismaltaneous compliance
Directed the mobilizationofspill respouse personnel uc equipment: coordination with Tacident Command, Emerge
Operations Center facilities. comractors. and emergency responders: participation in development, execution, and analysis of
center-wide exercises: participationin clean-up and secovery efforts:serving a5 24-hour ou-calf emergencyhazardous waste
responder and providing information on environmewal regulatory requirements and evaluation, planing and assessment of
emergency sittalions during emergency operations
Database Developer October 2016 - Futy 2021
Din Development Comporation - aC (Pastime)
NASA Goddard SpaceFl 1 Center Teas
Greenbelt, Maryland
Provided coutract support and enstom database solutions to inchide:
Providiug task oversight Co the project ream,
Evaluating RFPs aud developing proposals
Designing. maintaining and improving existing databases.
Lead team in developing and testing systein modifications,
Anelyzing business appliewiion vequireineuts to idemify uted
Iinplementation of solutions
% Providing experienced support for the mainteasnce of existing legacy anc cnstom appiications
Research Pagel Member (ACRP 02-99). Natiotual Academies of Sciences. Engineering. ané Medicine- Transportation
Research Board 2021 - Preset
Advisory Beard Member. Ametican University School ofPublic Affairs, Center tor Environmental Policy 2021 ~ Present
‘Meinbes. Anieriean Geophysical WJnion 2021 - Preseat
President (State). National Assoviatinn of Clean Ait Agencies 2022
Chair. Mobile Sources Committee. Ozone Transport Commission 2020 —
Executive Boas! Member. Ovone Tratsport Comunission 2024 — 202:
Executive Bourd Meinber. Metropolitan Washington Air Quality Conamitiee ~ 2020 ~ 2022
Chair, Technical Advisory Committee. Metropolitan Washington AirQuality Conuittee -
Boardof Directors, Cleun Air Partuers 2020-2022
Chair, Board of Directors. Mid Atlantic Regional Air Manage