October 10, 2024
The Honorable Phil Mendelson
Council of the District of Columbia
John A. Wilson Building
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 504
Washington, DC 20004
Dear Chairman Mendelson:
In accordance with section 2 of the Confirmation Act of 1978, effective March 3, 1979 (D.C. Law 2-
142; D.C. Official Code § 1-523.01), and pursuant to section 102 of the Racial Equity Achieves Results
(REACH) Amendment Act of 2020, effective March 16, 2021 (D.C. Law 23-181; D.C. Official Code
§ 2-1471.02), I am pleased to nominate the following individual:
Dr. Shareefah Al'Uqda
Blaine Street, NE
Washington, DC 20019
(Ward 7)
for reappointment as a member of the Racial Equity Advisory Board, for a term to end December 17,
Enclosed, you will find biographical information detailing the experience of the above-mentioned
nominee, together with a proposed resolution to assist the Council during the confirmation process.
I would appreciate the Council’s earliest consideration of this nomination for confirmation. Please
do not hesitate to contact me, or Steven Walker, Director, Mayor’s Office of Talent and
Appointments, should the Council require additional information.
Muriel Bowser
Chairman Phil Mendelson
3 at the request of the Mayor
15 To confirm the reappointment of Dr. Shareefah Al'Uqdah to the Racial Equity Advisory Board.
18 resolution may be cited as the "Racial Equity Advisory Board Shareefah Al'Uqdah Confirmation
19 Resolution of 2024".
20 Sec. 2. The Council of the District of Columbia confirms the reappointment of:
22 Dr. Shareefah Al'Uqda
23 Blaine Street, NE
24 Washington, DC 20019
25 (Ward 7)
27 as a member of the Racial Equity Advisory Board, established by section 102 of the Racial
28 Equity Achieves Results (REACH) Amendment Act of 2020, effective March 16, 2021 (D.C.
29 Law 23-181; D.C. Official Code§ 2-1471.02), for a term to end December 17, 2026.
30 Sec. 3. The Council of the District of Columbia shall transmit a copy of this resolution,
31 upon its adoption, to the nominee and to the Office of the Mayor.
32 Sec. 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
Al’Uqdah, S.
Curriculum Vita
Shareefah Al’Uqdah, PhD
Howard University, School of Education
Doctorate of Philosophy, Counseling Psychology, July 2010, Howard University, Washington, DC
Dissertation: The Relationship between Exposure to Community Violence and Parents’
Psychological Distress, Satisfaction with Life, Parental Socialization of Emotions &
Preschoolers’ Social Emotional Competence
Master of Arts, Psychology, May 2004, North Carolina Central University, Durham, NC
Bachelors of Arts, Summa Cum Laude, Psychology, May 2002, North Carolina Central University,
Durham, NC
Licensure and Professional Training
Licensed Clinical Psychologist: Washington, DC (since 2011)
Internationally Certified Addiction Professional- Level 1 (since 2019)
Universal Substance Abuse Treatment Training Program (2018-2019)— 80 hours of substance
abuse training from the Universal Treatment Curriculum sponsored by OAS.
Post-Doctoral Fellow (2010-2011), George Washington University, Center Clinic, -- Community
Mental Health Center, Doctoral Student Supervision, Therapy, & Assessments
APA Accredited Internship (2009-2010), St. Elizabeths Hospital—Forensic Track Risk
Assessment, Competency Screening, and Substance Abuse Counseling
Co-occurring Substance Abuse Disorder Counseling Certificate (2008)- Co-occurring State
Incentive Grant program sponsored by SAMHSA completed at St. Elizabeths Hospital
Academic Leadership Positions
Clinical Training Coordinator, Howard University Counseling Psychology Program. Responsible
for ensuring appropriate externship training placement for students, updating clinical training
handbook, communicating with clinical supervisors, remediating students’ clinical skills (as needed).
(2013-2016) (2021-current)
Director of Training, Howard University Counseling Psychology Program, responsible for
managing and overseeing all programmatic duties related to the APA-Accredited Counseling
Psychology program (2016-2021)
Interim Director of Graduate Studies, Howard University School of Education, responsible for
serving as a liaison between the graduate school and overseeing the PhD. and EdD. Program within
the School of Education. (Fall 2023)
Interim Director of Training, Howard University Counseling Psychology Program, responsible for
managing and overseeing all programmatic duties related to the APA-Accredited Counseling
Psychology program (Spring 2024)
Academic Appointments
Al’Uqdah, S.
Associate Professor (tenured), Howard University in the Counseling Psychology Program.
Responsible for teaching graduate level course, advising and mentoring graduate level students, and
service to the university community. (Aug, 2019)
Assistant Professor (tenure track), Howard University in the Counseling Psychology Program.
Responsible for teaching graduate level course, advising and mentoring graduate level students, and
service to the university community. (2013-2019)
Visiting Professor, Howard University in the Counseling Psychology Program. Responsible for
teaching graduate level courses and service. (2012-2013)
Adjunct Faculty, University of the District of Columbia, Psychology Department. Responsible for
teaching undergraduate courses (2012-2013)
Adjunct Faculty, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Washington, DC campus,
Clinical Psychology Master’s Program. Responsible for teaching master level courses (2012-2013)
Publications--- *Student co author
Peer Reviewed Scholarly Publications
Elbedour, S., Alsubie, F., Al'Uqdah, S., & Bawalsah, J. A. (2020). School crisis management
planning. Children & Schools, 42(4), 208–215.
Al’Uqdah, S., *Hamit, S., & *Scott, S (2019). African American Muslims: Intersectionality and
cultural competence. Counseling and Values. doi:10.1002/cvj.12111
Fisher, S., Zapolski, T., Al’Uqdah, S., Stevens-Watkins, D., Arsenault, C., Barnes-Najor, J., (2018).
Person–Environment Fit, substance use attitudes, and early adolescent substance use. Substance Use
and Misuse.
Malone, C. M., Al’Uqdah, S., & Fisher, S. (2017). Exploring school psychologists’ preparation for
multicultural supervision. Trainers’ Forum, 34(3), 62-74.
Al’Uqdah, S., Jenkins, K., & *Ajaa, N. (2017). Empowering communities through social media.
Counselling Psychology Quarterly. Doi: 10.1080/09515070.2017.1407747
Al’Uqdah, S., & *Adomako, F. (2017). From Mourning to Action: African American Women’s
Grief, Pain, and Activism. Journal of Loss and Trauma. Doi:10.1080/15325024.2017.1393373
Al’Uqdah, S., *Maxwell, C., & *Hill, N. (2016). Intimate partner violence in the African American
community: Risk, theory, and interventions, Journal of Family Violence, 10.1007/s10896-016-9819-x
Al’Uqdah, S., Fisher, S., Malone, C., *McGee, T., & Toldson, I.A. (2015). Impact of community
violence on parenting behaviors and children’s outcomes, Journal of Negro Education, 84(3), 428-
441. doi: 10.7709/jnegroeducation.84.3.0428
Al’Uqdah, S.
Book Chapters
Al’Uqdah, S. (In Press). African American Muslim Mental Health. In Awaad. R., & Hamid, H.
(Eds.), Muslim Mental Health. American Psychiatric Association.
Al’Uqdah, S. (Accepted). Black Student Fathers: Filling Gaps to Fulfill Potential. In McMickens, T.,
& Palmer, R. (Eds.), Black Male College Student's Mental Health: Providing Holistic Support in
Higher Education. Routledge.
Book Reviews
Al’Uqdah, S. (April, 2006). Talkin Back: Raising Resilient Black Girls, Book Review, Journal of Negro
Education, 75(1), 68.
Non peer reviewed Scholarly Publications
Al’Uqdah, S. (2020, Feb). Creating Culturally Affirming Training Programs, Society of Counseling
Psychology Blog.
Al’Uqdah, S. (2019, Nov). Family & the Holidays: More Joy and Less Stress, Society of Counseling
Psychology Blog. Link
Al’Uqdah, S. (2019, May). Co-Parenting: The most important and difficult thing, Society of
Counseling Psychology Blog. Link
Al’Uqdah, S. (2019, February). Social Media & Activism, Society of Counseling Psychology Blog.
Al’Uqdah, S. (2019, January). Grief and Loss Following Gun Violence, Society of Counseling
Psychology Blog
Al’Uqdah, S. (2016). Membership matters, PsychDiscourse, Fall 2016, 50(3), 2.
Al’Uqdah, S. (2016). The loss of Muhammad Ali and the crossroads of Muslims in America,
PsychDiscourse, Summer 2016, 50(2), 2-4.
Al’Uqdah, S., (Aug, 2008). Indigenous People and Climate, Communique, 32-33, American
Psychological Association, Office of Ethnic Minority Affairs, Washington, DC
Al’Uqdah, S. (Aug, 2008). U.S. Health Disparities — U.N. Recommends Public Policy Remedies,
Communique, 29-32, American Psychological Association, Office of Ethnic Minority Affairs,
Washington, DC
Al’Uqdah, S., Williams, V.S.L., & Robinson, E.L. (2003). HBCU student alcohol consumption:
Aggressive experiences and alcohol expectancies. University Undergraduate Research Journal, 6,
145-163, North Carolina Central University, Durham, NC.
Al’Uqdah, S.
Manuscripts in progress
McGee, T, Al’Uqdah, S., Hinkle, B. (in progress) The impact of racism and income on African
American mother’s racial socialization practices
Referred Scholarly Presentations-- * denotes current or former students
Al'Uqdah, S. (2024, August). Mothering through the Profession. American Psychological
Association, Washington, DC.
Al'Uqdah, S., Johnson, B.* & Brown, D.* (2023, August). Walk It...Talk It: Examining the Role of
Hip Hop in Violence. American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
Al'Uqdah, S., Waqas, M.*, & Jackson, F.* (2023, August). Gender Based Violence and Islam:
Improving Outcomes, Research, and Intervention. American Psychological Association,
Washington, DC.
Hinkle, B*., & Al’Uqdah, S. (2023, June). Examining Mental Health and Communication Styles as
Predictors of Marital Satisfaction for African American Spouses. Presented at the Louisiana
Psychological Association 2023 Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Al'Uqdah, S., Johnson, B.*, Waqas, M.*, & Brown, D.* (2022, February). Blood on the Leaves &
Blood on the Root: Radical Healing for the Black Family. Winter Roundtable Conference,
Al’Uqdah, S., Johnson, B*., Rogers, N.*, Hinkle, B*. (2021, August). African Americans and Grief.
In Social Justice and Grief [Symposium]. 2021 American Psychological Association
Convention, Virtual.
Al'Uqdah, S., Johnson, B.*, Hinkle, B.*, & Wofford, N*., (2021, February). Are Black Families
Under Attack? Presented at the Teachers College Winter Roundtable Conference, Virtual
Hinkle, B*., Young, R.*, Al’Uqdah, S. (2019, August). African American Woman, and In Graduate
School: Getting in is only Half the Battle. American Psychological Association Convention,
Chicago, Illinois.
Al’Uqdah, S., Young, R.*, & Hinkle, B. (2019, February). When gender isn’t enough: Examining
activism within the racial majority. Presented at the Winter Roundtable, New York, New
Al’Uqdah, S., Jenkins, K., & *Ajaa, N. (2017, August). #Ethics: Exploring our ethics on social
media. APA Annual Convention. Washington, DC
Al’Uqdah, S.
Al’Uqdah, S., Malone, C., & Grant, S. (2016, August). Bringing peace to African American women
in the academy. Roundtable discussion at the annual convention of the Association of Black
Psychologists, Arlington, VA.
Malone, C. M., Al’Uqdah, S., & Fisher, S. (2016, August). Multicultural supervision in school
psychology. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological
Association, Denver, CO.
Al’Uqdah, S. (2016, July). Intersectionality and African American Muslims: Towards Cultural
Competence. Black Muslim Psychology Conference, Chestnut Hill College, Philadelphia, PA.
Al’Uqdah, S. & *Dancy, B. (2015, March). When the Son Sets: Exploring Mothers’ Loss and Ways
of Healing. Presentation accepted at 40th Annual Conference of The Association for
Women in Psychology, San Francisco, California.
*Hamit, S., *Powell, M., *Minter, P., & Al’Uqdah, S. (2015, February). With Great Risk Comes
Great Reward: Exploring the Greatness in African American Adolescents. Presented at the
Winter Roundtable, New York, New York.
Al’Uqdah, S. (2014, July). Developing Cultural Competency in Counseling American Muslim
Clients, Presentation accepted at International Congress for Cross-Cultural Psychology,
Reims, France.
Williams, J., Scott, S., Dancy, B., Hawkins, L., Al'Uqdah, S. (2013, January). The Psyche of
Christopher Dorner. Paper presented at ABPsi 45th Annual International Convention, New
Orleans, LA.
Al’Uqdah, S. (2011, August) Fatools: Exploring Severe Mental Illness in Rural Senegal, In N.
Monterio (chair), Integrating Mental Health into the Primary Care Setting in Africa: Lessons
from Rural Senegal. Presented at the American Psychological Conference, Washington, DC.
Al’Uqdah, S., (2011, February) As-Salāmu `Alaykum: Giving Voice to the Muslim Experience in
America. Presentation presented at 2011 Winter Roundtable Columbia University, Teachers
College, New York, NY.
Al’Uqdah, S., (2010, April) Exposure to Community Violence and Its Effect on Parents’ and
Children’s Behavior. Poster Presentation presented at 2010 Graduate Research Symposium
and Honors Day, Howard University, Washington, DC.
Invited Presentations:
Al’Uqdah, S. (2022, June). Still We Rise: Grief & Social Justice. The National Alliance for
Children’s Grief Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
Al’Uqdah, S.
Al’Uqdah, S. (2022, Feb). Coping with Loss & Grief in the Black Community. Seattle Children’s
Hospital, Seattle, WA (virtual).
Al’Uqdah, S. (2021, June). In Mourning We Rise. The Collective Hope Conference, Virtual:
Omaha, NB.
Malone, C. & Al’Uqdah, S. (2018, June). Addressing Microaggressions and Discrimination to Build
School Climate. Baltimore County Safe Schools Conference, Baltimore County, MD.
Malone, C. & Al’Uqdah, S. (2018, May). Improving School Climate by Addressing
Microaggressions, Baltimore County Public Schools, Baltimore County, MD.
Al’Uqdah, S. (2017, April). Exploring Intersectionality. Multicultural Forum at Chestnut Hill
College. Philadelphia, PA.
Al’Uqdah, S. (2016, October). Coparenting through Conflict, United Parenting Organization,
Parenting Coordination Forum, Washington, DC.
Al’Uqdah, S. (2016, April). All the Muslims are Immigrants, All the Blacks are Christians: But some
of us are Righteous Believers. Diversity Training Presentation for American Psychological
Association Committee Meeting, Washington, DC.
Al’Uqdah, S. (2015, December). How to handle bullying. Prince George’s Muslim Association How
to Practice Self-care in the Age of Islamophobia Conference, Maryland
Al’Uqdah, S., (2010, March). The Effects of Community Violence Exposure on Parents’
Psychological Distress, Satisfaction with Life, Parental Emotional Socialization, and their
Children’s Reported Social Emotional Competence. Presentation presented at 2010
Overholser Day, Saint Elizabeths Hospital, Washington, DC.
Al’Uqdah, S., (2010, March) The Effects of Community Violence Exposure on Parents’ Mental
Health and Socialization Practices: Implications for Preschoolers; Social Emotional
Competence. Presentation presented at 2010 Phi Delta Kappa Research Forum, Howard
University, Washington, DC.
Al’Uqdah, S., (2008, January) Practical Classroom Strategies for Increasing Social Emotional
Competency. Presentation presented at 2008 Winter DC Public School Head Start Program
Professional Development, Gallaudet University, Washington, DC.
Al’Uqdah, S., (2007, October) The Impact of Social Emotional Competence on Preschoolers’
Behavior: Classroom Management Strategies. Presentation presented at 2007 Fall DC Public
School Head Start Program Professional Development, University of Maryland, College
Park, MD.
Al’Uqdah, S.
Professional Training Facilitation
2023 DC Mayor’s Office, Office of Racial Equity
Washington, DC
Conducted Self Care is Racial Equity
2022 Howard University, Patricia Roberts Harris Public Affairs Fellowship
Ralph J. Bunche Center, Washington, DC
Conducted You Belong Here: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome workshop with
2021-2022 Howard University, Washington, DC
Conducted Implicit Bias Workshops for the School of Education faculty meeting,
School of Pharmacy, School of Business, and University Library Services search
committees. Four separate trainings for each department.
2019-2020 Office of State Superintendent of Education, Washington, DC
Contracted to conduct a series of trainings related to reducing bias and improving
school climate. Workshops titles included: The “I” in Implicit Bias; Addressing
Implicit Bias within Systems; and No Suspensions? Now What.
2019-2020 The Graduate School of Howard University, Washington, DC
Contracted to conduct seven workshops bias literacy and professional development
seminars for graduate students enrolled at Howard University
July 2020 Black Public Defenders Association, Washington, DC
Contracted to conduct a training on managing Black Rage and vicarious trauma to
Black public defenders.
July 2019 Mancosa University, Durban, South Africa
Contracted to conduct trainings on Reflective Practice, Implicit Bias, & Addressing
Mental Health in the Classroom.
Grant Activity
Principal Investigator, Howard University Substance Abuse Training program, HRSA, (2023)
$660,000- (funded).
Principal Investigator, Howard University H.E.A.R.T program, HRSA, (2022) $2,200,000-
(unfunded- Scored 97.3).