October 1, 2024
The Honorable Phil Mendelson
Chairman, Council of the District of Columbia
John A. Wilson Building
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 504
Washington, DC 20004
Dear Chairman Mendelson:
Enclosed for Nannie Helen
Burroughs Corridor Small Area Plan Approval Resolution of 2024
The Nannie Helen Burroughs Corridor Small Area Plan serves as a guide to implement the
y, sustainability, resiliency, and housing
investments in the Deanwood Great Streets,
Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue and Minnesota Avenue NE Strategic Development Plan of
2008, and the Deanwood Retail Market Analysis and Near-Term Enhancement Strategy of 2027.
This Small Area Plan presents a community-informed vision for the creation of a vibrant mixed-
use corridor with neighborhood-serving retail, stronger pedestrian safety and multi-modal
connectivity, and better access to parks and green spaces.
The Nannie Helen Burroughs Corridor Small Area Plan includes recommendations to support
housing, economic, and public realm needs of both longtime and new residents and to celebrate
the rich history and culture of the community. These recommendations will expand opportunities
for affordable homeownership and rental housing, support legacy businesses and create new
retail spaces, improve connectivity to Marvin Gaye Park, and guide the design of future
development and the public-right-of-way.
Muriel Bowser
1. Nannie Helen Burroughs Corridor Small Area Plan Approval Resolution of 2024
2. Fiscal Impact Statement
3. Legal Sufficiency Memorandum
4. Executive Summary of Plan Revisions
5. Transcript of the August 3, 2024, Mayoral Public Hearing
6. Written public comments
7. Final Draft Nannie Helen Burroughs Corridor Small Area Plan
Chairman Phil Mendelson
3 at the request of the Mayor
16 To approve the proposed Nannie Helen Bunoughs C01Tidor Small Area Plan.
20 resolution may be cited as the "Nannie Helen Burroughs Conidor Small Area Plan Approval
21 Resolution of 2024" .
22 Sec. 2. Pursuant to Section 4(c)(4) of the District of Columbia Comprehensive Plan Act
23 of 1984 Land Use Element Amendment Act of 1984, effective March 16, 1985 (D.C. Law 5-187;
24 D.C. Official Code§ l-306.03(c)(4)) , the Mayor transmitted to the Council the proposed Nannie
25 Helen Burroughs Corridor Small Area Plan, dated _ _ , 2024.
26 Sec. 3. The Council finds that:
27 (1) The Small Area Plan area is located in Ward 7. The planning area is bounded
28 by Minnesota Avenue NE and Division Avenue NE.
29 (2) The Small Area Plan was initiated in April 2023. Between April 2023 and
30 June 2024, in addition to participating in stakeholder events such as ANC meetings, the Office of
31 Planning led 11 community engagement events, online and in-person. These events included a
32 community event at the Riverside Center on March 16, 2024; a virtual meeting on April 24, 2024
33 and an open house at the Faunteroy Center on June 1, 2024.
34 (3) The Comprehensive Plan for National Capital: District Elements calls for
35 additional planning efforts in the planning area to analyze land use and policy impacts and ways
36 to capitalize on, mitigate, and incorporate anticipated growth (Policy LU 1.1.1; Section 304.8).
37 (4) The proposed Small Area Plan was published and made available to the public
38 on July 1, 2024, and a Mayoral hearing was conducted on August 3, 2024.
39 (5) The purposeofthe Small Area Plan is to set a community-informed vision for
40 equitable and sustainable growth along the Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue corridor. The vision
41 is for context-sensitive redevelopment around vibrant public spaces, retail, housing, parks, green
42 spaces, and other amenities while preserving the area’s unique qualities and celebrating its
43 history.
44 (6) The Small Area Plan is organized around four core themes:
45 (A) Housing and Economic Development ~ An opportunity-rich,
46 revitalized urban corridor with a distinct neighborhood identity. Priorities include attainable
47 home ownership and rental opportunities, business support, and regular event programming;
48 (B) Parks, Green Spaces, and Connectivity ~ A vibrant networkof parks
49 and green spaces navigable for all, Priorities include parks and green spaces, commemorative
50 works, art installations, and cross-generational activity;
51 (© Public Realm and Urban Design— An accessible and active
52 streetscape that serves the community. Priorities include Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
53 accessibility, key gateways in the corridor, green infrastructure, and public rights-of-way;
54 (D) History and Culture —A collected history and celebrationofthe
55 NHBCSAP study area’s character. Priorities include storytelling, wayfinding, commemorative
56 works, preservation, and development incorporating significant community locations.
57 (7) Once approved, the Small Area Plan will provide supplemental guidance to
58 the Zoning Commission and other District agencies in carrying out the policies ofthe
59 Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital: District Elements.
60 Sec. 4. The Small Area Plan, as submitted, is approved by the Council as a small area
61 action plan.
62 Sec. 5. The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement in the committee report as the
63 fiscal impact statement required by Section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule
64 Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Code § 1-233(c)(3)).
65 Sec. 6. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
Government of the District of Columbia
Office of the Chief Financial Officer
xk *

Glen Lee
Chief Financial Officer
TO: The Honorable Phil Mendelson
Chairman, Councilofthe District of Columbia
FROM: GlenLee QD
Chief Financial Officer
ML Mie
DATE: September 4, 2024
SUBJECT: Fiscal Impact Statement - Nannie Helen Burroughs Corridor Small Area
Plan Approval Resolution of2024
REFERENCE: Draft resolution as provided to the Office of Revenue Analysis on
August 26,2024
Funds are sufficient in the fiscal year 2025 budget and fiscal year 2025 through fiscal year 2028
budget and financial plan to implement the resolution.
Enactment of the proposed resolution approves the Nannie Helen Burroughs Corridor Small Area
Plan (‘Plan”}}, which provides a strategic framework to implement the policiesofthe Comprehensive
Plan? in the Nannie Helen Burroughs corridor in Ward 7, bounded by Minnesota Avenue, N.E., and
Division Avenue, N.E.
Financial Plan Impact
Funds are sufficient in the fiscal year 2025 budget and fiscal year 2025 through fiscal year 2028
budget and financial plan to implement the resolution.
The Plan provides a vision for land use anda framework for implementing recommendations but
does not commit District resources to implementing them.
1 The plan draft was made public in July 2024 and is available at:
2 The District's Comprehensive Plan isavailableathttps://planning.dc.gov/comprehensive-plan.
11350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 203, Washington, DC 20004 (202)727-2476
Legal Counsel Di
TO: Tomas Talamante
Office of Policy and Legislative Affairs
FROM: Megan D. Browder
Deputy Attorney General
Legal Counsel Division
DATE: August 30, 2024
SUBJECT: — Legal Sufficiency Review of the Nannie Helen Burroughs Corridor Small Area Plan
Approval Resolution of 2024
This is to Certify that the oftice of the Attorney General has reviewed the
Nannie Helen Burroughs Corridor Small Area Plan Approval Resolution of 2024 and determined
that it is legally sufficient. Ifyou have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (202) 724-
Megan Oreo
‘Megan D. Browder
District of Columbia Office of Planning
October 1, 2024
Dear District of Columbia Councilmembers:
This letter contains the executive summary of changes from the public review draft to the final draft of
the Nannie Helen Burroughs Corridor Small Area Plan (NHBCSAP) required by DC Code Section 1-
The draft NHBCSAP was released for public comment on July 1, 2024. Notification about the availability
of the draft, the date of the Mayor's Hearing, and dates for the public comment period was sent to the
project mailing list, Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners, Community Advisory Committee members,
the lnteragency Working Group and other community-based stakeholders. In addition to online
availability of the NHBCSAP, printed copies were made available to the public for review at public
facilities including the Deanwood Library, the Faunteroy Community Enrichment Center, and via
neighborhood-based civic organizations.
A mayoral public hearing was held on August 3, 2024, at the Faunteroy Community Enrichment Center
located at 4800 Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue, NE to provide the opportunity to comment on the
draft NHBCSAP in-person. At the public hearing, one individual presented oral testimony. There were no
written comments submitted at that time. Additionally, written comments were received from 6
members of the community and 1 District government agency through the project website and
community office hours. The public comment period closed August 3, 2024. All submissions have been
reviewed. In general, these comments were supportive of the plan.
The following is a summary of key revisions incorporated into the final NHBCSAP in response to
comments from community stakeholders. Most revisions throughout the plan were clarifications or
adjustments for accuracy. All page references correspond to the final NHBCSAP.
The following revisions were made throughout the document, where appropriate:
• Typos, punctuation, and grammatical errors.
• Graphic design was updated to increase legibility and clarity.
• Maps were updated, and photographs and renderings were eliminated or swapped for new
• Figure/photo captions were corrected.
Executive Summary
ii Sections of the Executive Summary were revised, and new text was added
in response to community feedback. The new text includes learning from
District of ColumbiaOffice ofPlanning
previous planning efforts, pri 1g community input, and coordinating
recommendations and implementation across agencies.
In response to community feedback, the map was updated to include the
metro stations at Deanwood and Minesota Avenue stations.
Community Profile
67 OP revised graphics formatting and layout following community feedback
requesting additional clarity. In line with OP's style guide for sharing data
with the public, “Resident relationship to study area” and "Respondent
period of residency in study area” now include percent of responses.
Historic Context
9 OP removed the last sentence of the final paragraph for clarity and
consistency purposes since it does not align with the recommendations
presented in the History and Culture section.
10 OP added a new page acknowledging the history of discriminatory land
use practices that have affected neighborhoods in DC, including
Engagement/ Equi
13 OP added a new page with definitionsof the three forms of displacement
per the Comprehensive Plan. The new page highlights the roleof the DC
Housing Authority in providing deeply affordable housing within the study
area, as well as existing District programs that mitigate displacement risk
and create pathways to homeownership.
Housing and Economic
16-17 In response to community feedback, OP added text in the housing section
regarding housing tenure and focus on both rental and ownership
18 In response to community feedback requesting additional context, OP
added text about the unemployment rate in the study area compared to
city-wide when discussing opportunities for additional employment.
District of ColumbiaOffice ofPlanning
jonally, OP included information on specific resources for
local business owners and entrepreneurship opportunities.
Parks, Green Spaces, and
20 OP added a map to highlight areas for potential increased connectivity
and activation along Marvin Gaye Park for improved communication and
23 Following community feedback regarding perceptions of safety within
Marvin Gaye Park and the study area, OP added text detailing design
interventions for increasing safety in public spaces.
23 Following community feedback on damage and public health risks due to
flooding, OP added text about partnership opportunities for increased
community resilience, ongoing work by DOE to mitigate the risk of
flooding along Watts Branch, as well as flooding remediation services,
including mold remedi
Public Realm and Urban
26-28 OP moved the streetscape guidelines to follow Public Realm and Urban
Design section (previously in appendix). Renderings of future
development potential were updated for clarity.
29 OP updated Recommendation 3.5: “Ensure building orientation and
ground floor uses of new development fronting Marvin Gaye Park and
Nannie Helen Burroughs activate both the park and avenue. Consider
construction techniques that are climate resilient and minimize the risk of
33-34 OP updated the streetscape sections for accuracy.
++ eet
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AUGUST 3, 2024
+e ett
The hearing convened at Faunteroy
Community Center, 4800 Nannie Helen Burroughs
Avenue, N.E., Washington, D.C., at 11:00 a.m.,
Ashley Stevens, Engagement Coordinator, and
Vincent Ubiera, Community Planner, presiding.
ASHLEY STEPHENS, Engagement Coordinator
VINCENT UBIERA, Community Planner
Neal R. Gross and Co., Inc.
(202) 234-4433 Washington DC www.nealrgross.com
12:44 p.m.
MS. BARROW: So my name is Beverly
Barrow. I'ma resident of Richardson Dwellings
and a community ambassador with Greater Deanwood
Neighborhood Choice, Choice Neighborhood
I just wanted to make a comment about
the inclusiveness of Richardson Dwellings. I
10 know that there's a lot of history on Lincoln
ll Heights and we're both under the same umbrella.
12 I just think that the history and
13 culture like such as a plaque would be nice to
14 memorialize before Richardson Dwellings is gone
15 to realize the contributions of how it received
16 its name, the property received its name, as well
17 as the history of the school we now know as KIPP.
18 But it used to be Richardson Elementary School
19 and it is a historic landmark. I would just like
20 to add that comment.
21 I would also like to say that the
22 first habitants of Ward 7 was actually indigenous
Neal R. Gross and Co., Inc.
(202) 234-4433 Washington DC www.nealrgross.com
tribes and they had a lucrative trading business
here. I would like to see more indigenous
presentation or history incorporated in the plan.
MR. UBIERA: Thank you so much.
(Whereupon, the above-entitled matter
went off the record at 12:46 p.m.)
Neal R. Gross and Co., Inc.
(202) 234-4433 Washington DC www.nealrgross.com
indigenous 2:22 3:2 ‘SMALL 1:4
amit Initiative STAFF 1:14
above-entitled 3:7 STEPHENS 1:14
add 2:20 Stevens
ambassador 2:5 T
AREA 1:4
Ashley 1:12,14 KIPP 2:17 Thank 3:4
AUGUST 1:8 know2:10,17 think 2:12
Avenue 1:11 trading 3:1
L tribes