September 12, 2024 The Honorable Phil Mendelson Chairman Council of the District of Columbia John A. Wilson Building 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 504 Washington, DC 20004 Subject: Contract No. AGR-23-30000044 with Security Assurance Management, Inc. for Security Services Dear Chairman Mendelson: Pursuant to D.C. Code §§ 1-204.51 and 2-352.02(a), enclosed for consideration and approval by the Council of the District of Columbia is the exercise of Option Year Two of the subject contract with Security Assurance Management, Inc. The proposed period of performance is from October 1, 2024 to September 30, 2025. The dollar value of the proposed Option Year Two is a not-to-exceed amount of $3,042,700.00. The purpose of this contract is to provide security services at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center on a daily basis, and at Carnegie Library on an as needed basis for special events. A full Option Year summary is provided. As always, I am available to discuss any questions you may have. Sincerely, Angie M. Gates President and Chief Executive Officer copy: Andrea Lennon, Senior Director, Contracts and Procurement Services, Events DC Nicole B. Jackson, Esq., General Counsel, Events DC Enclosures CONTRACT SUMMARY SECURITY ASSURANCE MANAGEMENT, INC. SECURITY SERVICES (A) The contract number, proposed contractor, contract amount, unit and method of compensation, contract term, type of contract and source selection method. Contract Number: AGR-23-30000044 Proposed Contractor: Security Assurance Management, Inc. (“SAM”) Contract Amount: Not-to-exceed $3,042,700.00 Unit/Method of Compensation: Fixed Hourly Rates Contract Term: October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2025 (Exercise of Option Year Two) Contract Type: Services Contract Source Selection Method: Request for Proposal (B) Identifying number of the underlying contract, including the identifiers assigned to the underlying contract by the Council for the base period and any subsequent option periods: AGR-23-30000044 was awarded to SAM in 2022 for SAM to provide security services at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center on a daily basis, and at the Carnegie Library on an as needed basis for special events. On November 17, 2022, the Council of the District of Columbia approved the base term of the contract (Council Identifier CA24-0725). On July 15, 2023, the Council of the District of Columbia approved Option Year One of the contract (Council Identifier CA25-0321). (C) A certification that the Citywide Clean Hands database indicates that the proposed contractor is current with its District taxes. SAM is current with its tax obligations. See Tab 3. (D) A certification that the proposed contract is within the appropriated budget authority for the agency for the fiscal year and is consistent with the financial plan and budget adopted in accordance with §§ 47-392.01 and 47-392.02. Events DC’s budget is separate from the financial plan and budget adopted by the District of Columbia in accordance with D.C. Code §§ 47-392.01 and 47-392.02. Pursuant to Public Law No. 105-227, Congress has exempted Events DC from the appropriation requirement set forth in Section 446 of the Home Rule Act (Public Law No 105-227, 1122 Stat. 1515) (August 12, 1998). Events DC’s Fiscal Year 2025 budget was adopted by its Board of Directors on March 6, 2024. By signature below, Events DC’s Chief Financial Officer certifies that funding for Option Year Two of the contract is consistent with Events DC’s approved Fiscal Year 2025 budget. 1 Submitted on behalf of the Authority by: President and General Counsel Chief Executive Officer Angie M. Gate s Nicole B. Jackson, Esq. Chief Financial Officer Henry W. Mosley, CPA 2 Government of the District of Columbia Office of the Chief Financial Officer 1101 4th Street, SW Office of Tax and Revenue Washington, DC 20024 Date of Notice: September 11, 2024 Notice Number: L0012552695 SECURITY ASSURANCE MANAGEMENT INC FEIN: **-***0187 818 CONNECTICUT AVE NW # 2NDFLOOR Case ID: 16447301 WASHINGTON DC 20006-2702 CERTIFICATE OF CLEAN HANDS As reported in the Clean Hands system, the above referenced individual/entity has no outstanding CO liability with the District of Columbia Office of Tax and Revenue or the Department of Employment Services. As of the date above, the individual/entity has complied with DC Code § 47-2862, therefore this Certificate of Clean Hands is issued. TITLE 47. TAXATION, LICENSING, PERMITS, ASSESSMENTS, AND FEES CHAPTER 28 GENERAL LICENSE SUBCHAPTER II. CLEAN HANDS BEFORE RECEIVING A LICENSE OR PERMIT D.C. CODE § 47-2862 (2006) PY § 47-2862 PROHIBITION AGAINST ISSUANCE OF LICENSE OR PERMIT Authorized By Melinda Jenkins Branch Chief, Collection and Enforcement Administration To validate this certificate, please visit On the MyTax DC homepage, click the “Validate a Certificate of Clean Hands” hyperlink under the Clean Hands section. 1101 4th Street SW, Suite W270, Washington, DC 20024/Phone: (202) 724-5045/ MEMORAND UM TO: Jennifer Budoff Budget Director Council of the District of Columbia FROM: Henry W. Mosley, CPA Chief Financial Officer DATE: September 12, 2024 SUBJECT: Funding Certification for Option Year Two of Contract No. AGR-23- 30000044 with Security Assurance Management, Inc. for Security Services The purpose of this memorandum is to provide funding certification for Option Year Two of Events DC’s contract with Security Assurance Management, Inc. (Contract No. AGR- 23-30000044) for security services at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center on a daily basis, and at Carnegie Library on an as needed basis for special events. On behalf of Events DC, it is my certification that the not-to-exceed contract amount of $3,042,700.00 for Option Year Two is included in Events DC’s approved fiscal year 2025 budget. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. copy: Angie M. Gates, President and Chief Executive Officer, Events DC Nicole B. Jackson, Esq., General Counsel, Events DC MEMORANDUM TO: Angie M. Gates President and Chief Executive Officer FROM: Nicole B. Jackson, Esq. General Counsel DATE: September 12, 2024 SUBJECT: Certification of Legal Sufficiency for Option Year Two of Contract No. AGR-23-30000044 with Security Assurance Management, Inc. for Security Services I. Description of Proposed Option Year Events DC proposes to exercise Option Year Two of Contract No. AGR-23-30000044 (“Contract”) with Security Assurance Management, Inc. to provide security services at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center on a daily basis, and at Carnegie Library on an as needed basis for special events. II. Procurement Overview The Chief Contracting Officer has determined that: (i) the exercise of Option Year Two of the Contract is in the best interest of Events DC; (ii) the total amount for Option Year Two of the Contract is not-to-exceed $3,042,700.00; and (iii) the requirements covered by the Contract fulfill an existing need for Events DC. Based on the foregoing, the Chief Contracting Officer proposes to exercise Option Year Two of the Contract. III. Legal Review The Office of the General Counsel has reviewed the proposed Option Year Two Contract modification and finds it to be legally sufficient. The Contract package includes: 1. Council Transmittal Letter; 2. Contract Option Year Summary; 3. Tax Compliance Certifications; 4. Certification of Funding Availability; 5. Certification of Legal Sufficiency; 6. Events DC Board of Directors Resolution; and 7. Modification to Exercise Option Year Two (vendor signed only). The exercise of Option Year Two of the Contract requires District of Columbia Council approval. vwxyz{|}ÿ}€‚wƒÿ„vÿ†‡ˆ‰Š‹Š‹Œ‡ˆŒŽŒŠ‘Œ’†‡‡’‹“’‘Š ÿ ÿ 678ÿ 7 6ÿ86ÿÿ6 ÿ67 6ÿ 8 6ÿÿ678ÿ ÿÿ 86 ÿ ÿ!ÿ ÿ  ÿ6ÿÿ6ÿ8 ÿ6 ÿÿ678ÿ6 6ÿ 67ÿ 8 6ÿ  8ÿ"  8"86#ÿÿ ÿ 788 #ÿ2$ÿ%&'(&)*&+ÿ,-ÿ4.44-ÿ(/&ÿ021+2ÿ23ÿ34+&5(2+6ÿ23ÿ(/&ÿ716/4$8(2$ÿ92$:&$(42$ÿ ;<=ÿ?@ABCDÿEFCGABHCIÿJKEFCGABHCILMÿ1''+2:&2ÿ(/&ÿ1N1+2ÿ23ÿ1ÿ5Aÿ888ÿ?88888ÿ @A=6BC><62ÿD6EÿFGH9Iÿ J4>AKLÿMCBNÿ9OPÿF?FGÿ 1ÿ23ÿ1ÿ MODIFICATION #4 Contract #AGR-23-30000044 “Security Services” Modification No. 4 - The purpose of this Modification is to exercise Option Year Two of the contract for Security Services (the “Contract”) entered into by the Washington Convention and Sports Authority t/a Events DC and Security Assurance Management, Inc. More specifically, the Contract is modified as follows: 1. Option Year Two of the Contract shall be for the period of October 1, 2024 – September 30, 2025 at the not-to exceed amount of $3,042,700.00. ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS SHALL REMAIN UNCHANGED IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned parties have caused this Modification to be signed by their duly authorized agents. Security Assurance Management, Inc. Washington Convention and Sports 818 Connecticut Ave NW Authority t/a Events DC Suite 220 801 Allen Y. Lew Place, NW Washington, DC 20006 Washington, DC 20001 Signature: ____________________________ Signature: _____________________________ Russell A. Stephens Print: ________________________________ Print: Angie M. Gates____________________ President Title: ________________________________ Title: President and Chief Contracting Officer Date: Date: _________________________________ 08/15/2024 _________________________________ Modification #4 1