4 _______________________________. _______________________________
5 Councilmember Trayon White, Sr Councilmember Vincent C. Gray
10 _____
16 _____
19 To amend the Department of Health Functions Clarification Act of 2001 to establish a thymus
20 imaging study for the purpose of studying differing life expectancies between Southeast
21 and Northwest DC, and to create the first comprehensive data inventory for thymus gland
22 size and weight and epigenetic biological age at different ages, sexes, and racial and
23 socio-economic backgrounds.
26 act may be cited as the “Pioneer Initiative for Thymus and Health Equity Amendment Act of
27 2024”.
28 Sec. 2. The Department of Health Functions Clarification Act of 2001, effective October
29 3, 2001 (D.C. Law 14-28; D.C. Official Code § 7-731 et seq.), is amended by adding new
30 sections 4961 through 4964 to read as follows:
31 “Sec. 4961. Thymus imaging study and establishment of consortium.
32 “(a)(1) The Department of Health shall establish a consortium.
33 “(2) The consortium shall consist of hospitals, schools, health organizations, and
34 their associated hospitals or health clinics, or hospitals and health clinics with which they have
35 partnerships, within Washington, DC.
36 “(3) Participating schools and hospitals must formally join the consortium to be
37 eligible to apply for funding under this title, through the Department of Health. To be eligible,
38 participating schools and hospitals must meet the following criteria:
39 “(A) They must be legally recognized entities with established operations
40 within Washington, DC;
41 “(B) They must demonstrate the capacity to collect, manage, and report
42 data from District residents, specifically for the purposes of the thymus imaging study as
43 described in section 4962;
44 “(C) They must have a track record of conducting health-related research
45 or clinical studies involving human participants;
46 “(D) They must possess the necessary infrastructure, personnel, and
47 expertise to effectively participate in the consortium’s activities, ensuring the integrity and
48 accuracy of the data collected; and
49 “(E) They must comply with all relevant local and federal laws and
50 regulations regarding the protection of human subjects and data privacy.
51 “(4) The consortium shall conduct a cross-sectional thymus imaging study,
52 described in section 4962, to assess the relationship between biological age and the thymus
53 gland’s weight, size, T-Cell output, and function.
54 “(5) The consortium shall also ensure that members collect data from at least 100
55 participants per subgroup. A subgroup is a group of participants who share the same sex, race,
56 age group, and standardized life-expectancy area.
57 “(6) Members of the consortium shall work together to agree on the best methods
58 for effectively and efficiently collecting the data for the study described in section 4962,
59 attracting and retaining study participants, and communicating budgetary and legislative needs.
60 “(b) The Department of Health shall be responsible for issuing grants to members of the
61 consortium to collect and report the data described in section 4962.
62 “(c) The structure of the consortium shall be as follows:
63 “(1) Governance:
64 “(A) the Consortium shall be governed by a Board of Directors, composed
65 of representatives from each member institution, including hospitals, schools, health
66 organizations, and associated health clinics within Washington DC.
67 “(B) The Board shall include one representative appointed by the Mayor,
68 one representative appointed by the Council, and one representative from the Department of
69 Health.
70 “(C) The board shall elect a Chairperson from among its members to serve
71 a term of two years.
72 “(2) Executive Committee:
73 “(A) An Executive Committee, elected by the Board of Directors, shall be
74 responsible for the day-to-day management and operation of the consortium.
75 “(B) The Executive Committee shall include a President, Vice President,
76 Secretary, and Treasurer, who shall each serve two-year terms.
77 “(3) Advisory Panels:
78 “(A) The consortium shall establish advisory panels as needed, consisting
79 of experts in relevant fields, to provide guidance on research methods, data collection, and other
80 technical aspects of the consortium’s activities.
81 “(B) Members of the Advisory Panels shall be appointed by the Executive
82 Committee and shall serve in an advisory capacity without voting rights on the Board of
83 Directors.
84 “(4) Membership:
85 “(A) Membership in the consortium shall be open to any legally
86 recognized school or hospital within Washington, DC. that meets eligibility criteria outlined in
87 subsection (a)(3).
88 “(B) Member institutions must enter into a formal agreement with the
89 Department of Health, committing to the consortium’s goals and adhering to its bylaws.
90 “(5) Funding:
91 “(A) The Consortium shall be funded through grants issued by the
92 Department of Health, as well as other federal, state, and private funding sources.
93 “(B) The Board of Directors shall oversee the allocation and management
94 of funds, ensuring that resources are used efficiently and to achieve the consortium’s objectives.
95 “(6) Transparency and Reporting:
96 “(A) The consortium shall maintain transparency in its operation,
97 including regular public reporting of its activities, fundings, and financial statements.
98 “(B) An annual report detailing the consortium’s progress, financial status,
99 and future plans shall be submitted to the Department of Health, the Council, and the Mayor.
100 “(7) Compliance and Accountability:
101 “(A) The consortium and its members shall comply with all applicable
102 local and federal law and regulations, including those pertaining to research ethics, data
103 protection, and antitrust laws.
104 “(B) The Board of Directors shall establish mechanisms for accountability,
105 including regular audits and reviews of the consortium’s activities and finances.
106 “Sec. 4962. Thymus imaging study criteria and methodology.
107 “(a) The cross-sectional thymus imaging study shall include:
108 “(1) Cisgender men and women;
109 “(2) Individuals in the following age categories: ≤29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69,
110 or ≥70 years;
111 “(3) The following racial and ethnic categories:
112 “(A) Non-Hispanic Black;
113 “(B) White; and
114 “(C) Hispanic/Latino; and
115 “(4) Natural born residents from one of 5 standardized life-expectancy areas,
116 ranging from the highest to the lowest measured life-expectancy zip codes in the District.
117 “(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, the thymus imaging study shall
118 exclude individuals who:
119 “(1) Are currently on HRT or hormone blockers;
120 “(2) Have an HIV infection;
121 “(4) Chronically use or are currently using glucocorticoid therapy;
122 “(5) Are pregnant;
123 “(6) Are currently experiencing a substance use disorder;
124 “(7) Are not natural born citizens of the United States;
125 “(8) Are unwilling or unable to give voluntary informed consent, unless they are
126 18 or younger and the consent of their parent or guardian is able to be obtained;
127 “(9) Have uncorrected hypothyroidism;
128 “(10) Have Type 1 Diabetes;
129 “(11) Have used Growth Hormone in the last 5 years;
130 “(12) Have a known growth hormone deficiency based on stimulation testing;
131 “(12) Are currently undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatment; and
132 “(13) Have been diagnosed with DiGeorge Syndrome, CHARGE syndrome,
133 chromosome 22q11.2 microdeletion syndrome, Down Syndrome, Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria
134 Syndrome, or any other chromosomal deletion or duplication related, or diagnosed genetic
135 disorder which is known to affect the thymus or the process of aging.
136 “(c) The thymus imaging study shall collect the following data for each participant:
137 “(1) Detailed Thoracic MRI assessments of the Thymus to determine weight, size,
138 and fat percentage;
139 “(2) Complete blood count;
140 “(3) Complete endocrine panel;
141 “(4) Comprehensive metabolic panel;
142 “(5) Body mass index measurements;
143 “(6) Waist circumference;
144 “(10) Telomere length measurement.
145 “(11) T-Cell receptor excision circle (“TREC”) analysis;
146 “(12) Lymphocyte phenotypes panel;
147 “(13) Epigenetic biological age; and
148 “(14) Information contained in a questionnaire, which may be answered by the
149 participant, their guardian, or by a medical professional on behalf of the participant, that shall
150 include at least the following questions:
151 “(A) Personal Information:
152 “(i) Age
153 “(ii) Sex
154 “(iii) Race/Ethnicity
155 “(iv) Height
156 “(v) Weight
157 “(vi) Socioeconomic Background
158 “(vii) Educational Level
159 “(viii) Employment Status
160 “(viiii) Household Income
161 “(ix) Zip Code
162 “(x) Zip Code of the hospital or place where you were born
163 “(B) Health History:
164 “(i) Have you ever been diagnosed with any chronic diseases? If
165 so, please list them.
166 “(ii) Have you ever had a thymectomy? If so:
167 “(I) At what age?
168 “(II) What was the reason for the thymectomy?
169 “(iii) Do you have a history of autoimmune diseases? If so, please
170 list them.
171 “(iv) Have you been diagnosed with any form of cancer? If so:
172 “(I) At what age(s) were you diagnosed?
173 “(II) What was your diagnosis?
174 “(III) What is your current remission and Minimal Residual
175 Disease status?
176 “(v) Do you have a history of infection, particularly viral infections
177 (e.g., HIV, hepatitis, etc.)? If so:
178 “(I) At what age(s)?
179 “(II) What was your diagnosis?
180 “(vi) Have you undergone chemotherapy or radiation therapy? If
181 so:
182 “(I) At what age(s)?
183 “(II) If possible, please list them and the reason for their
184 use.
185 “(vii) Do you have a history of hormone replacement therapy or
186 glucocorticoid therapy? If so:
187 “(I) At what age(s)?
188 “(II) If possible, please list them and the reason(s) for their
189 use.
190 “(viii) Do you have any known genetic disorders? If so, please list
191 them.
192 “(viiii) Are you currently on birth control? If so:
193 “(I) At what age(s)?
194 “(II) If possible, please list them and the reason(s) for their
195 use.
196 “(C) Current Health Status:
197 “(i) Are you currently taking any medications? If so, please list
198 them.
199 “(ii) Do you currently have any health conditions? If so, please list
200 them.
201 “(iii) Do you have any known allergies? If so, please list them.
202 “(iv) Have you experienced any recent infections or illnesses? If
203 so, please list them.
204 “(D) Lifestyle and Habits:
205 “(i) Do you smoke? If so, how many cigarettes per day and for
206 how many years?
207 “(ii) Do you consume alcohol? If so, how often and how much?
208 “(iii) Do you use recreational drugs? If so, which ones and how
209 often?
210 “(iv) Describe your typical diet (e.g., vegetarian, vegan,
211 omnivorous, high fat, high sugar).
212 “(v) How many servings of fruits and vegetables do you consume
213 per day?
214 “(vii) How often do you consume processed foods?
215 “viii7) On average, how many meals do you eat per day?
216 “(viiii) Do you have any dietary restrictions or special diets (e.g.,
217 gluten-free, ketogenic)?
218 “(E) Physical Activity:
219 “(i) How often do you exercise?
220 “(ii) What types of exercise do you engage in (e.g., aerobic,
221 strength training, flexibility exercises)?
222 “(iii) On average, how many hours per week do you spend
223 exercising?
224 “(iv) Do you have any physical limitations or disabilities that affect
225 your ability to exercise?
226 “(F) Mental Health:
227 “(i) Have you ever been diagnosed with any mental health
228 conditions (e.g., depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder)? If so, please list them.
229 “(ii) Are you currently receiving treatment for any mental health
230 conditions? If so, please list them.
231 “(iii) Do you experience high levels of stress?
232 “(iv) How do you typically manage stress (e.g., exercise,
233 meditation, therapy)?
234 “(G) Sleep Patterns:
235 “(i) On average, how many hours of sleep do you get a night?
236 “(ii) Do you have any sleep disorders (e.g., insomnia, sleep
237 apnea)? If so, please list them.
238 “(iii) Do you feel rested when you wake up?
239 “(H) Obesity-Related Factors
240 “(i) Have you ever been diagnosed with obesity or overweight?
241 “(ii) Have you ever received treatment for obesity (e.g., bariatric
242 surgery, weight loss programs)?
243 “(iii) Do you have a history of metabolic syndrome?
244 “(I) Family Medical History:
245 “(i) Is there a family history of chronic diseases (e.g., heart disease,
246 diabetes, cancer)? If so, please provide a list of each member, their familial
247 relation to yourself, and their respective diagnosis.
248 “(ii) Is there a family history of autoimmune diseases? If so, please
249 provide a list of each member, their familial relation to yourself, and their
250 respective diagnosis.
251 “(iii) Is there a family history of obesity? If so, please provide a list
252 of each member, their familial relation to yourself, and whether you have ever co-
253 habited with them.
254 “(J) Health Behaviors:
255 “(i) How often do you visit a healthcare provider for check-ups or
256 preventive care?
257 “(ii) Do you participate in any regular health screenings (e.g.,
258 mammograms, colonoscopies)?
259 “(iii) Have you been vaccinated according to the recommended
260 schedule? If not, why?
261 “(K) Additional Information:
262 “(i) Is there anything else you believe is relevant to your health or
263 lifestyle that we should know?
264 “(d) The consortium may make any changes deemed necessary to the Questionnaire, if it
265 is in the interest of the study.
266 “(e) The consortium may expand the scope of testing, if it is in the interest of the study.
267 “(f) The consortium may alter subsection (a)(4) to lower the number of life expectancy
268 areas, if it is in the interest of the study.
269 “Sec. 4963. Data anonymization and public access.
270 “(a) All data collected from the study shall be anonymized to protect the privacy of
271 participants.
272 “(b) The anonymized data shall be made publicly accessible in a manner that allows
273 researchers, policymakers, and laymen to analyze the findings. Additionally, the public should
274 also be able to access the anonymized raw results of the study to perform their own statistical
275 analyses.
276 “(c) The Department of Health and the consortium shall establish protocols to ensure the
277 secure storage and dissemination of the anonymized data.
278 “Sec. 4964. Reporting requirements.
279 “(a) The consortium shall submit annual reports to the Council and the Department of
280 Health detailing the progress and preliminary findings of the study, and financial expenditures.
281 “(b) A final comprehensive report shall be submitted at the conclusion of the cross-
282 sectional study, summarizing all findings and providing recommendations for future research and
283 policy initiatives.
284 Sec. 3. Fiscal Impact Statement.
285 The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement as the fiscal impact statement in the
286 committee report as required by section 4a of the General Legislative Procedures Act of 1975,
287 approved October 16, 2006 (120 Stat. 2038; D.C. Official Code § 1-301.47a).
288 Sec. 4. Effective Date.
289 This act shall take effect upon i