To amend, on a temporary basis, the District of Columbia Housing Authority Act of 1999 to
establish a temporary Stabilization and Reform Board to govern the District of Columbia
Housing Authority (“DCHA”) and to require that the Board and the Executive Director of
DCHA take specific actions to reform and revitalize the operations of DCHA.
act may be cited as the “District of Columbia Housing Authority Stabilization and Reform
Temporary Amendment Act of 2024”.
Sec. 2. The District of Columbia Housing Authority Act of 1999, effective May 9, 2000
(D.C. Law 13-105; D.C. Official Code § 6-201 et seq.), is amended as follows:
(a) Section 2 (D.C. Official Code § 6-201) is amended as follows:
(1) Paragraph (6) is amended by striking the phrase “Board of Commissioners”
and inserting the phrase “Stabilization and Reform Board” in its place.
(2) Paragraph (12) is repealed.
(3) A new paragraph (17A) is added to read as follows:
“(17A) “Dwelling unit” means any room or group of rooms located within a
residential or mixed-use building and forming a single unit that is used or intended to be used for
living, sleeping, and the preparation and eating of meals.”.
(b) Section 10(h) (D.C. Official Code § 6-209(h)) is amended as follows:
(1) Strike the phrase “or Commissioner of the Authority” and insert the phrase
“member of the Board, or member of the former Board of Commissioners” in its place.
(2) Strike the phrase “a Commissioner” and insert the phrase “a member of the
Board, member of the former Board of Commissioners,” in its place.
(c) New sections 11a, 11b, and 11c are added to read as follows:
“Sec. 11a. Stabilization and Reform Board.
“(a) The Authority shall, from and after the date set forth in subsection (i) of this section,
be governed by a Stabilization and Reform Board, which shall consist of the following members:
“(1) The following 9 voting members, each of whom shall be a resident of the
“(A) One member with experience in housing development or operations;
“(B) One member with experience in affordable housing development,
operations, or finance;
“(C) One member with knowledge of federal housing law and regulation;
“(D) One member with experience in capital project financing;
“(E) One member who is a resident of a property owned, operated, and
managed by the Authority;
“(F) One member with experience as a voucher holder;
“(G) The current Executive Director of the Interagency Council on
“(H) The Director of the District’s Office of Budget and Performance
Management; and
“(I) One member with experience in government procurement;
“(2) The Chief Financial Officer, or a designee of the Chief Financial Officer who
is an employee of the Office of the Chief Financial Officer, who shall serve as a non-voting
member; and
“(3) The President of the City-Wide Resident Advisory Board, who shall serve as
a non-voting member.
“(b)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection and subsections (c) and
(f)(1) of this section, each member of the Stabilization and Reform Board shall be appointed by
the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Council pursuant to section 2(e) of the
Confirmation Act of 1978, effective March 3, 1979 (D.C. Law 2-142; D.C. Official Code § 1-
“(2) The Director of the District’s Office of Budget and Performance
Management and the Chief Financial Officer, or the Chief Financial Officer’s designee, shall
serve as members of the Stabilization and Reform Board by virtue of their incumbency in the
position of Director of the District’s Office of Budget and Performance Management and Chief
Financial Officer or being an employee of the Office of the Chief Financial Officer.
“(c) Notwithstanding subsection (b) of this section, the Mayor may appoint the following
individuals to the Stabilization and Reform Board without the advice and consent of the Council
pursuant to section 2(e) of the Confirmation Act of 1978, effective March 3, 1979 (D.C. Law 2-
142; D.C. Official Code § 1-523.01(e)):
“(1) Raymond A. Skinner, to fill the Board seat described in subsection (a)(1)(A)
of this section and to serve as chairperson of the Stabilization and Reform Board;
“(2) James M. Dickerson, to fill the Board seat described in subsection (a)(1)(B)
of this section;
“(3) Christopher Murphy, to fill the Board seat described in subsection (a)(1)(C)
of this section;
“(4) Melissa Lee, to fill the Board seat described in subsection (a)(1)(D) of this
“(5) Denise Blackson, to fill the Board sear described in subsection (a)(1)(E) of
this section;
“(6) Ronnie Harris, to fill the Board seat described in subsection (a)(1)(F) of this
“(7) Theresa Silla, to fill the Board seat described in subsection (a)(1)(G) of this
section; and
“(8) Katrina D. Jones, to fill the Board seat described in subsection (a)(1)(I) of
this section.
“(d) The members of the Stabilization and Reform Board referred to in subsection
(a)(1)(A) through (I) of this section shall each serve for one term of 2 years or until the Board
sunsets; provided, that each such member may continue to serve until a successor board assumes
the responsibilities of the Stabilization and Reform Board; provided further, that in the event of a
vacancy in the seat of such a member of the Board, the Mayor may appoint a member, pursuant
to subsection (b)(1) of this section, to serve the remainder of the unexpired term or until a
successor board assumes the responsibilities of the Stabilization and Reform Board.
“(e) Upon a vacancy in the position of chairperson of the Stabilization and Reform
Board, the Mayor shall designate a chairperson from among the members of the Stabilization and
Reform Board referred to in subsection (a)(1)(A) through (I) of this section.
“(f)(1) Upon a vacancy of any seat of the Stabilization and Reform Board, the Mayor
shall nominate a replacement who meets the qualifications of the vacant seat pursuant to
subsection (a)(1) of this section; provided, that this shall not apply to the seat established by
subsection (a)(1)(A) of this section. If the seat established by subsection (a)(1)(A) of this section
becomes vacant, the Council shall appoint a successor.
“(2) A Mayoral nomination shall be submitted to the Council pursuant to
subsection (b)(1) of this section.
“(g)(1) The Stabilization and Reform Board shall meet at least 10 times per year. All
meetings of the Stabilization and Reform Board shall be open to the public, except as may
otherwise be authorized by the Open Meetings Act, effective March 31, 2011 (D.C. Law 18-350;
D.C. Official Code § 2-571 et seq.).
“(2) All regular meetings of the Board must be publicized through a notice,
published in the District of Columbia Register one week prior to the meeting that contains the
date, time, and location of the meeting.
“(3) Each regular meeting shall provide for a period of public comments, which
shall not be limited in time, except that the time allowed for each individual speaker may be
reasonably limited.
“(h) For the purposes of taking any official action, a quorum of the Stabilization and
Reform Board shall consist of 5 members.
“(i) The Stabilization and Reform Board established by this section shall assume
authority from the Board of Commissioners established by section 12, and the Board of
Commissioners shall be dissolved, upon the swearing in of at least 5 members of the
Stabilization and Reform Board.
“(j) The Authority shall provide to the Stabilization and Reform Board at least 2 full-time
employees who are qualified to provide legal and policy research as requested by members of the
Board. Except as otherwise provided by law, a full-time employee provided to the Board
pursuant to this subsection shall not share with employees of the Authority information about
research performed for a Board member, unless the Board member authorizes the sharing of
“Sec. 11b. Reform activities.
“(a) Within 15 days after the end of each calendar quarter, the Executive Director shall,
after submission to the Stabilization and Reform Board and the City-Wide Resident Advisory
Board, submit a report to the Mayor and the Council that describes the progress of the Authority
“(1) Addressing and remediating the issues identified by the U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development in its 2022 assessment of the Authority (“HUD DC001
“(2) Developing and implementing a plan to expedite the leasing of dwelling units
owned, operated, or managed by the Authority;
“(3) Identifying individual dwelling units within Housing Properties of the
Authority that are in a substandard condition and improving the condition of such units to a state
of good repair;
“(4) Developing and implementing a plan for the maintenance, in an ongoing state
of good repair, of Housing Properties of the Authority and individual dwellings units within
those Housing Properties;
“(5) Improving the management of the wait list for dwelling units within Housing
Properties of the Authority;
“(6)(A) Reviewing and developing recommendations for improvements of the
“(i) Capital and operating budgets;
“(ii) Capital and operating expenditures;
“(iii) Accounting and fiscal management systems, controls; and
procedures; and
“(iv) Contracting and procurement systems, controls, and
“(B) Requirements of this paragraph are subject to review by the Chief
Financial Officer measured against industry and government standards and best practices; and
“(7) Meeting the training requirements established by sections 12(h) and 14(d).
“(b) In addition to the requirements of subsection (a) of this section, the Executive
Director shall submit to the Council any updated policies, procedures, and reports provided to the
United States Department of Housing and Urban Development as outlined in the Authority’s
“Response to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s March 2022 On-Site
Assessment Report,” published on November 29, 2022. Such policies, procedures and reports
shall be submitted no later than 48 hours after submission to the United States Department of
Housing and Urban Development.
“(c) The Stabilization and Reform Board shall:
“(1) Review the progress of the Authority in addressing the findings and
recommendations in the HUD DC001 Assessment each month;
“(2) Schedule and complete at least 4 listening sessions, one in each quadrant, to
hear from public housing residents about concerns and experiences by May 2023;
“(3) At least once a quarter, invite the City-Wide Resident Advisory Board to
report to the Board on any topics of interest or concerns, and respond to the concerns of the City-
Wide Resident Advisory Board in writing, no later than 45 days following the quarterly meeting;
“(4) Provide recommendations to the Mayor and the Council by July 1, 2024, for
the structure of a successor Board of Directors to govern the Authority on an ongoing basis.
“(d) If requested by the Council, a quorum of members of the Stabilization and Reform
Board shall attend a Council oversight hearing on the Authority and provide testimony.
“(e) A quorum of members of the Stabilization and Reform Board shall be present at each
listening session held pursuant to subsection (c)(2) of this section.
“Sec. 11c. City-Wide Resident Advisory Board.
“(a) The Authority shall establish and implement a comprehensive training program for
members of the City-Wide Resident Advisory Board with the goal of enabling tenant members to
participate fully in the oversight of the housing authority’s operation and capital planning. The
Authority shall develop the training program in consultation with public housing residents and
public housing industry professional organizations.
“(b)(1) The City-Wide Resident Advisory Board shall be provided access to trainings
referenced in section 12(h)(1) and (2).
“(2) Additionally, the Authority shall provide training on relevant federal and
District laws, leadership development, communication, and negotiations.
“(c) The Authority shall provide a copy of resolutions on the agenda for consideration by
the Stabilization and Reform Board to the City-Wide Resident Advisory Board at least 24 hours
prior to the scheduled date and time of the Stabilization and Reform Board meeting at which the
resolution will be considered.
“(d) The Authority shall seek and consider the input of the City-Wide Resident Advisory
Board when a policy or program change affects residents.”.
(d) Section 12 (D.C. Official Code § 6-211) is amended as follows:
(1) The section heading is amended to read as follows:
“Sec. 12. Additional Board provisions.”.
(2) Subsections (a), (b), (c), (e), (f), (g), (i), (j), (k), (l), (m), (n), (o), (p), (q),
(v)(3), and (w) are repealed.
(3) Subsection (r) is amended by striking the phrase “No Commissioner” and
inserting the phrase “No member of the Board” in its place.
(4) Subsection (s) is amended by striking the phrase “Commissioners shall” and
inserting the phrase “Each member of the Board referred to in section 11a(a)(1)(A) through (I)
shall” in its place.
(5) Subsection (u) is amended by striking the phrase “any Commissioner” and
inserting the phrase “any member of the Board” in its place.
(e) Section 14 (D.C. Official Code § 6-213) is amended as follows:
(1) Subsection (c) is amended by striking the phrase “direction and supervision”
and inserting the word “oversight” in its place.
(2) A new subsection (e) is added to read as follows:
“(e) As part of the process of selecting an Executive Director, the Board shall seek and
consider the input of public housing residents, voucher holders, and the resident advisory board
for the Authority.”.
(f) Section 21 (D.C. Official Code § 6-220) is amended as follows:
(1) The section heading is amended by striking the phrase “Board of
Commissioners” and inserting the word “Board” in its place.
(2) Subsection (a) is amended by striking the phrase “each Commissioner” and
inserting the phrase “each member of the Board” in its place.
(3) Subsection (b) is amended as follows:
(A) Strike the phrase “as a Commissioner” and insert the phrase “as a
member of the Board or a member of the former Board of Commissioners” in its place.
(B) Strike the phrase “former Commissioner” and insert the phrase
“former member of the Board or former member of the former Board of Commissioners” in its
(C) Strike the phrase “as Commissioner” and insert the phrase “as a
member of the Board or a member of the former Board of Commissioners” in its place.
(D) Strike the phrase “any former Commissioner” and insert the phrase
“any former member of the Board or former member of the former Board of Commissioners” in
its place.
(4) Subsection (c) is amended by striking the phrase “any Commissioner” and
inserting the phrase “any member of the Board” in its place.
(g) Section 26g(b)(2)(C) (D.C. Official Code § 6-232(b)(2)(C)) is amended by striking
the phrase “resident commissioner and to vote for candidates for resident commissioner to serve
on the Board, as provided in section 12” and inserting the phrase “resident commissioner” in its
Sec. 3. Conforming amendment.
Section 2(e) of the Confirmation Act of 1978, effective March 3, 1979 (D.C. Law 2-142;
D.C. Official Code § 1-523.01(e)), is amended by adding a new paragraph (27A) to read as
“(27A) The Stabilization and Reform Board of the District of Columbia Housing
Authority, established by section 11a of the District of Columbia Housing Authority Act of 1999,
passed on 2nd reading on September 17, 2024 (Enrolled version of Bill 25-893);”.
Sec. 4. Fiscal impact statement.
The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Budget Director as the fiscal impact
statement required by section 4a of the General Legislative Procedures Act of 1975, approved
October 16, 2006 (120 Stat. 2038; D.C. Official Code § 1-301.47a).
Sec. 5. Effective date.
(a) This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by
the Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto) and a 30-day period of congressional
review as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § 1-206.02(c)(1)).
(b) This act shall expire after 225 days of its having taken effect.
Council of the District of Columbia
District of Columbia