June 27, 2024
The Honorable Phil Mendelson
Council of the District of Columbia
John A. Wilson Building
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 504
Washington, DC 20004-3001
SUBJECT: FY 2024 Reprogramming Request: $302,636.19 within the DC Department of Energy and
Dear Chairman Mendelson:
Pursuant to D.C. Official Code § 47-363(a), I am transmitting the enclosed request to reprogram $302,636.19 of FY
2024 Special Purpose Revenue Funds - 1060036, 106005 8, 1060184, 1060187, 1060366, 1060367 within the
Department of Energy and Environment. The attached reprogramming memorandum provides a detailed
justification for why funds are needed.
Thank you for your consideration of this request. I look forward to the Council's favorable action.
cc: Kevin Donahue, City Administrator
Glen Lee, Chief Financial Officer
Jennifer Budoff, Budget Director, Council of the District of Columbia
Jennifer Reed, Director, Office of Budget and Performance Management, Office of the City Administrator
Angell Jacobs, Deputy Chief Financial Officer and Chief of Staff, Office of the Chief Financial Officer
Eric M. Cannady, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Office of Budget and Planning
Sherrie Greenfield, Associate Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Office of Budget and Planning
Stacy-Ann White, Director, Operating Budget Office of Budget and Planning
Kenneth Evans, Director, Capital Improvements Program, Office of Budget
and Planning
George Dines, Associate Chief Financial Officer, Government Services Cluster
June 27, 2024
The Honorable Phil Mendelson
Council of the District of Columbia
John A. Wilson Building
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 504
Washington, DC 20004-3001
SUBJECT: FY 2024 Reprogramming Request: $302,636.19 within the DC Department of Energy and
Dear Chairman Mendelson:
Pursuant to D.C. Official Code § 47-363(a), I am transmitting the enclosed request to reprogram $302,636.19 of FY
2024 Special Purpose Revenue Funds - 1060036, 106005 8, 1060184, 1060187, 1060366, 1060367 within the
Department of Energy and Environment. The attached reprogramming memorandum provides a detailed
justification for why funds are needed.
Thank you for your consideration of this request. I look forward to the Council's favorable action.
cc: Kevin Donahue, City Administrator
Glen Lee, Chief Financial Officer
Jennifer Budoff, Budget Director, Council of the District of Columbia
Jennifer Reed, Director, Office of Budget and Performance Management, Office of the City Administrator
Angell Jacobs, Deputy Chief Financial Officer and Chief of Staff, Office of the Chief Financial Officer
Eric M. Cannady, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Office of Budget and Planning
Sherrie Greenfield, Associate Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Office of Budget and Planning
Stacy-Ann White, Director, Operating Budget Office of Budget and Planning
Kenneth Evans, Director, Capital Improvements Program, Office of Budget
and Planning
George Dines, Associate Chief Financial Officer, Government Services Cluster
June 27, 2024
Glen Lee
Chief Financial Officer
Office of the Chief Financial Officer
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 203
Washington, D.C. 20004
Dear Mr. Lee:
Pursuant to the Reprogramming Policy Act of 1980, (D.C. Official Code § 47-363 et seq.), I am
submitting a request to reprogram FY 2024 Special Purpose Revenue Funds - 1060036, 1060058,
1060184, 1060187, 1060366, 1060367 in the amount of $302,636.19 within the DC Department
of Energy and Environment. Indirect cost was initially budgeted in account number 7141020
which is a NPS account. The DIFS team chose to budget these expenses in account number
7011003 instead and this reprogramming is reflective of their decision. The funds will be
reprogrammed as outlined on the attached attributes sheet and additional details are contained in
the agency's submission.
Thank you for your consideration of this request. I look forward to the Chief Financial Officer's
favorable review.
cc: Eric M. Cannady, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Office of Budget and Planning
Sherrie Greenfield, Associate Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Office of Budget and
Stacy-Ann White, Director, Operating Budget, Office of Budget and Planning
Kenneth Evans, Director, Capital Improvements Program, Office of Budget and Planning
Glen Lee
Chief Financial Officer
June 26, 2024
The Honorable Phil Mendelson
Council of the District of Columbia
John A. Wilson Building
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 504
Washington, DC 20004-3001
Dear Chairman Mendelson:
Pursuant to the Reprogramming Policy Act of 1980, D.C. Official Code § 47-363(a) and the
Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024, P.L. 118-14, approved March 23, 2024, the Office
of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) has reviewed the Mayor’s request to reprogram Fiscal Year
2024 Special Purpose Revenue funds budget authority in the amount of $302,636 within the
Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE).
This reprogramming is below the $500,000 threshold amount requiring approval by Council.
However, another reprogramming from DOEE has already been approved, and this
reprogramming would result in a cumulative change to the budget of DOEE of more than
$500,000. Budget authority is needed to support Indirect Cost Recovery expenses.
This action will reprogram budget authority within DOEE’s Natural Resources and Environmental
Services divisions, from Account Group 714100C (Government Subsidies and Grants) to Account
Group 701100C (Continuing Full Time). Budget authority is available based on the original
appropriation but requires reprogramming to meet revised spending plans.
John A. Wilson Building * 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW * Suite 229 * Washington, DC 20004
Phone: (202) 727-6234 * Fax: (202) 724-5222 *
The Honorable Phil Mendelson, Chairman
FY 2024 Reprogramming Request for $302,636 of Special Purpose Revenue Funds Budget Authority within the
Department of Energy and Environment
Page 2
The Office of Budget and Planning’s analysis indicates that the reprogramming will not have an
adverse impact on DOEE’s budget or the District’s financial plan. The OCFO has no objection to
this reprogramming request.
Glen Lee
Chief Financial Officer
cc: Muriel Bowser, Mayor of the District of Columbia
Kevin Donahue, City Administrator
Jennifer Budoff, Budget Director, Council of the District of Columbia
Jennifer Reed, Director, Office of Budget and Performance Management, Office of the
City Administrator
Angell Jacobs, Deputy Chief Financial Officer and Chief of Staff, Office of the Chief
Financial Officer
Eric M. Cannady, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Office of Budget and Planning
Stacy-Ann White, Director, Operating Budget, Office of Budget and Planning
Richard Jackson, Director, Department of Energy and Environment
George Dines, Associate Chief Financial Officer, Government Services Cluster
Lazaro Dela Cruz, Agency Fiscal Officer, Department of Energy and Environment
Tomas Talamante, Director, Office of Policy and Legislative Affairs, Executive Office of
the Mayor
Sarina Loy, Deputy Director, Office of Policy and Legislative Affairs, Executive Office
of the Mayor
Department of Energy and Environment
TO: Office of Policy and Legislative Affairs (OPLA)
FROM: Richard Jackson, Interim Director RAT
Department of Energy and Environment
THROUGH: Lazaro Dela Cruz pay ety ne
Agency Fiscal Officer Lazaro L. dela Cruz times
Semmatneneoe s
DATE: June 1, 2024
SUBJECT: FY 2024 Request to Reprogramatotal of $504,781.14 of Local Funds
within the Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) for Indirect
Cost Recovery allocation,
‘The Department of Energy and Environment requests to reprogram $504,781.14 of Local Funds
within the agency to reallocate the Indirect Cost Recovery (IDCR) budget from a NPS account
(7141020) to a PS account (7011003) to post the FY 24 allocated Indirect expenses.
Why are the funds needed?
The funds are needed to ensure the Indirect Cost Recovery expenses are properly recorded in
DIFS using the proper account number (#7011003). The DIFS team chose to change the
recording of the expenses after DOEE had budgeted the FY 24 expenses elsewhere (#7141020)
based on previous years in recording the Indirect cost recovery expenses in a Non-Personnel
Services account,
Is this a reprogramming to restore a budget cut authorized by the Mayor and/or Council?
No, this is not a reprogramming to restore a budget cut authorized by the Mayor and/or Council.
How will the funds be reprogrammed?
Indirect costs already budgeted in account # 7141020 will be moved to account # 7011003 for
the local match that was assigned to federal grants. See the attached worksheet for specific
IERIEENVIRONMENT 1200Fist StreetNE, Sh Foor, 3 Washington, DC20002|(2)
(202) 535-2600|'
Why are the funds available?
The funds are available due to the change by the DIFS team to record indirect costs into a PS
account rather than the NPS account that was used in previous years. The District Department of
Energy and Environment had initially budgeted the FY 24 budget in DIFS account # 7141020
which was the equivalent of NPS comp object 0523 in SOAR.
What hardship will the District faceif the action is postponed until the subsequent fiscal
If this reprogramming is not approved, the agency can’t post the indirect expenses in the proper
account. This will cause billing problems to the US Government and Private grantorsif the
expenses are not placed in the proper budget account. Also, our financial system will not reflect
the correct expense categories in DIFS.
What programs, services or other purchases will be delayed as a result of the action, and
the impact on the program or agency?
The postingofthe indirect cost expenses could be delayed or canceled.
Should you have any questions, please contact Kelvin A. Parson, Budget Officer at or (202) 535-2613
Attachment: Attributes Sheet
HEMEENVIRONMENT 1200 1200Fist Street
NE, Sth Floor, Washington, OC 20002 | (202) 535-2600 |
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Glen Lee
Chief Financial Officer
June 26, 2024
The Honorable Phil Mendelson
Council of the District of Columbia
John A. Wilson Building
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 504
Washington, DC 20004-3001
Dear Chairman Mendelson:
Pursuant to the Reprogramming Policy Act of 1980, D.C. Official Code § 47-363(a) and the
Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024, P.L. 118-14, approved March 23, 2024, the Office
of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) has reviewed the Mayor’s request to reprogram Fiscal Year
2024 Special Purpose Revenue funds budget authority in the amount of $302,636 within the
Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE).
This reprogramming is below the $500,000 threshold amount requiring approval by Council.
However, another reprogramming from DOEE has already been approved, and this
reprogramming would result in a cumulative change to the budget of DOEE of more than
$500,000. Budget authority is needed to support Indirect Cost Recovery expenses.
This action will reprogram budget authority within DOEE’s Natural Resources and Environmental
Services divisions, from Account Group 714100C (Government Subsidies and Grants) to Account
Group 701100C (Continuing Full Time). Budget authority is available based on the original
appropriation but requires reprogramming to meet revised spending plans.
John A. Wilson Building * 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW * Suite 229 * Washington, DC 20004
Phone: (202) 727-6234 * Fax: (202) 724-5222 *
The Honorable Phil Mendelson, Chairman
FY 2024 Reprogramming Request for $302,636 of Special Purpose Revenue Funds Budget Authority within the
Department of Energy and Environment
Page 2
The Office of Budget and Planning’s analysis indicates that the reprogramming will not have an
adverse impact on DOEE’s budget or the District’s financial plan. The OCFO has no objection to
this reprogramming request.
Glen Lee
Chief Financial Officer
cc: Muriel Bowser, Mayor of the District of Columbia
Kevin Donahue, City Administrator
Jennifer Budoff, Budget Director, Council of the District of Columbia
Jennifer Reed, Director, Office of Budget and Performance Management, Office of the
City Administrator
Angell Jacobs, Deputy Chief Financial Officer and Chief of Staff, Office of the Chief
Financial Officer
Eric M. Cannady, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Office of Budget and Planning
Stacy-Ann White, Director, Operating Budget, Office of Budget and Planning
Richard Jackson, Director, Department of Energy and Environment
George Dines, Associate Chief Financial Officer, Government Services Cluster
Lazaro Dela Cruz, Agency Fiscal Officer, Department of Energy and Environment
Tomas Talamante, Director, Office of Policy and Legislative Affairs, Executive Office of
the Mayor
Sarina Loy, Deputy Director, Office of Policy and Legislative Affairs, Executive Office
of the Mayor
Department of Energy and Environment