June 20, 2024
The Honorable Phil Mendelson
Council of the District of Columbia
John A. Wilson Building
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 504
Washington, DC 20004
Dear Chairman Mendelson:
In accordance with section 2 of the Confirmation Act of 1978, effective March 3, 1979 (D.C. Law 2-
142; D.C. Official Code § 1-523.01), and pursuant to section 4 of the Office on Ex-Offender Affairs
and Commission on Re-Entry and Ex-Offender Affairs Establishment Act of 2006, effective March 8,
2007 (D.C. Law 16-243; D.C. Official Code § 24-1303), I am pleased to nominate the following
Rev. Ricardo W. Sheppard
54th Street, SE
Washington, DC 20019
(Ward 7)
for appointment as a public voting member of the Commission on Re-Entry and Returning Citizen
Affairs, filling a vacant seat, for a term to end August 4, 2027.
Enclosed, you will find biographical information detailing the experience of the above-mentioned
nominee, together with a proposed resolution to assist the Council during the confirmation process.
I would appreciate the Council’s earliest consideration of this nomination for confirmation. Please
do not hesitate to contact me, or Steven Walker, Director, Mayor’s Office of Talent and
Appointments, should the Council require additional information.
Muriel Bowser
2 'Chairman Phil Mendelson
3 at the request of the Mayor
15 To confirm the appointment of Ricardo W. Sheppard to the Commission on Re-Entry and
16 Returning Citizen Affairs.
19 resolution may be cited as the "Commission on Re-Entry and Returning Citizen Affairs Ricardo
20 W. Sheppard Confirmation Resolution of 2024".
21 Sec. 2. The Council of the District of Columbia confirms the appointment of:
23 Rev. Ricardo W. Sheppard
24 54th Street, SE
25 Washington, DC 20019
26 (Ward 4)
28 as a public voting member of the Commission on Re-Entry and Returning Citizen Affairs,
29 established by section 4 of the Office on Ex-Offender Affairs and Commission on Re-Entry and
30 Ex-Offender Establishment Act of 2006, effective March 8, 2007 (D.C. Law 16-243; D.C.
31 Official Code § 24-1303 ), filling a vacant seat, for a term to end August 4, 2027.
32 Sec. 3. The Council of the District of Columbia shall transmit a copy of this resolution,
33 upon its adoption, to the nominee and to the Office of the Mayor.
34 Sec. 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
Rector, The Episcopal Church of the Atonement, Washington DC 2019-Present
Offers Pastoral Care to the parish and community
eee ecee
Oversees preparation for baptism, confirmation, reaffirmation and reception
Prepares and teaches Bible Study
Equips Laity to minister to the extensive list of homebound members
Train and prepare deacons and seminarians for parish ministry
Oversees the administration of the life of the church, in consultation with the Vestry.
Chair Diocesan Canon 54 church assessment committee
Chairperson, Committee on Black Ministries Diocese of Washington 2023 -Present
‘© Convene, set agendas and liaison with diocesan staff representative
© Organize sub-committees to work with churches to develop and implement sustainable programs
‘© Chair the committee as it seeks to guide, support, and empower Black Churches
‘© Arrange logistics of meeting locations
‘Chaplain, Bishop Walker Episcopal School for Boys, Washington, DC 2021 -2023
© Developed and taught religious study classes
* Developed and lead School Worship.
© Provided pastoral care to students, parents, teachers and administrators
Priest-in-Charge, St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, New Brunswick NJ 2016 - 2019
Offered sermons each week based ordinarily on the lectionary readings for the day.
Coordinated and supervised the work of all other participants in worship, including readers, lay
eucharistic ministers, choirs, musicians.
Developed other worship opportunities and services as appropriate.
Taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ by word and example,
Oversaw Christian Education in the church, including education for young people and adults.
Provided pastoral care in relation to birth, marriage and death,
Equipped the laity for extending pastoral care to one another.
Offered spiritual counsel and guidance to the members of the church.
Assisted in the development of ministries of service to the wider community.
Volunteer, Juvenile Justice Commission, Bordentown NJ 2017 - 2019
© Developed curriculum and provide instruction in the following topic areas:
> Character building classes
> Anger Management
> Life Skills
> Spiritual Guidance
Seminarian, Trinity Cathedral, Trenton, NJ & Christ Church Episcopal, Tenn, 2013 - 2016
© Assisted at the Altar during Eucharist
* Served as Eucharistic Minister
© Coordinated acolyte schedule
Ricardo W. Sheppard Page 2
* Preached at Rite | and Rite Il services
© Made hospital and home visits with Rector
* Served as lector
Assistant to Pastor, Hebron Baptist Church, Brooklyn, NY 2007 - 2012
* Assisted the pastor in worship services, including, communion, and baptisms
Taught Bible Study and Sunday School
* — Made hospital visitations
Conducted Funerals
Helped convey ideas and suggestions of the congregants to the pastor
Youth and Outreach Minister, Hebron Baptist Church, Brooklyn, NY 2007 - 2012
© Coordinated activities and programs for the youth
Provided counseling, practical job training and spiritual guidance to the youth
* Went into the community to spread the Gospel and ascertain the needs of the community
* Mentored men and women returning to the community from incarceration
* Recruited and supervised volunteers for outreach programs
Prison Partnership Coordinator, Hudson River Presbytery, Scarborough, NY 2008 - 2011
Created, coordinated and implemented strategic prison ministry programming for the Presbyteries’ 89
* Presented information and ideas to the faith community to educate and energize their involvement in
prison ministry
Provided first hand expertise to churches assisting individuals returning from prison
Enlisted volunteers to work within the numerous programs inside and outside the prisons
Built collaboration with other faith organizations and service providers
‘Acted asa liaison between the Presbytery and NYS Department of Correctional Services
Joined forces with Presbytery of New York as an overture advocate to successfully present
recommendations to Presbytery USA
Partnered with other caregivers to organize, and present the first annual New York Re-entry Conference
ChefiCook, Crystal Spoon, Tarrytown, NY 2007 - 2008
Cooked and supervised the assembly of meals for the Immigration Detention Center
* Prepared seven entrees and coordinated vegetables daily for a gourmet delicatessen
Performed as a breakfast/short-order cook
Head Chef Assistant Chef, Black Jack's Pub& Grill, Croton on Hudson, NY 2006 - 2007
‘* Advanced from Assistant Chef to Head Chef taking on all kitchen responsibilities including designing and
planning the restaurant new menu
‘Supervised kitchen staff in the preparation of lunch and dinner menu items
Responsible for purchase and inventory control as well as coordination with food service representatives
* Consulted with clients to determine menu selection for all catered functions
Recruiter, United States Marine Corps 1990 - 1993
Provided pertinent information to potential recruits to encourage them to enlist in the Marine Corps
© Developed networks within the community, service organizations and school systems to identity
potential recruits
Trained and motivated enlisted recruits in preparation for entry into Boot Camp
Ricardo W. Sheppard Page 3
‘Commandant, Marine Corps League Department of New York (Volunteer) 2018-2019
* Provided leadership and management of 52 Detachments
Effectively communicated with the members, the community and other organizations.
© Efficiently plan, direct and articulate mutually agreed upon objectives,
Ricardo W. Sheppard Page 4
Sewanee School of Theology: Diploma of Anglican Studies 2015 - 2016
Princeton Theological Seminary: Masters of Divinity 2012 - 2015
College of New Rochelle: Bachelor of Arts 2009 - 2012
New York State Department of Labor Culinary Arts School 2003 - 2006
Certificate of Completion Apprenticeship Training
United States Marine Corps (Honorable Discharge) 1983 - 1993
Past Commandant Marine Corps League, Department of New York
Member of Union of Black Episcopalians, DC Chapter
Executive Office of the Mayor – Mayor’s Office of Talent and Appointments
John A. Wilson Building | 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 600 | Washington, DC 20004
Ricardo W. Sheppard
Rev. Ricardo W. Sheppard currently serves as the Rector of the
Episcopal Church of The Atonement in Southeast Washington, DC.
Rev. Sheppard has served in different capacities with returning citizens,
including as a volunteer at the Juvenile Justice Commission in
Bordentown, NJ, and as the Prison Partnership Coordinator for Hudson
River Presbytery in Scarborough, NY. His church currently supports the
Mayor’s Office of Returning Citizens with aid such as clothing, toys for
Children during the holidays and transportation assistance. He is also
very aware of the barriers that affect returning citizens as he has had to
overcome many of them himself.
Rev. Sheppard enlisted in the United States Marine Corps directly out
of high school and served with distinction until he was honorably discharged in 1993.
A Ward 7 resident, Mr. Sheppard earned his Bachelor of Arts from the College of New Rochelle
and his Master of Divinity from the Princeton Theological Seminary.
Executive Office of Mayor Muriel Bowser
Office of the General Counsel to the Mayor
To: Tomas Talamante, Steve Walker
From: Betsy Cavendish
Date: June 7, 2024
Subject: Legal sufficiency review of Resolutions nominating James Berry, Jr., Kennetta
Calloway, Larry Moon, James Dunn, Ricardo W. Sheppard, Maurice Tyree, and
Myra Woods as members of the Commission on Re-Entry and Returning Citizen
This is to Certify that this office has reviewed the above-referenced resolutions and
found them to be legally unobjectionable. If you have any questions in this regard, please do not
hesitate to call Erika Satterlee, Deputy General Counsel, Executive Office of the Mayor, at 202-
724-1303, or me at 202-724-7681.
Elizabeth A. (Betsy) Cavendish
The John A. Wilson Building • 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW • Suite 300 • Washington, D.C. 20004 • Office (202) 724-7681