June 18, 2024
Honorable Phil Mendelson
Council of the District of Columbia
John A. Wilson Building
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 504
Washington, DC 20004
Dear Chairman Mendelson:
Pursuant to Section 451 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act (D.C. Official Code §
1-204.51) and the Procurement Practices Reform Act (D.C. Official Code § 2-351.01 et seq.),
enclosed for consideration and approval by the Council of the District of Columbia is proposed
modification No. M0005 to contract No. CW94739 with Ramsell Corporation in the amount of
$2,000,000. This modification increases the option period two not-to-exceed amount from
$7,547,236.86 to $9,547,235.86. The period of performance for option period two is January 18,
2024, through January 17, 2025.
Under the proposed contract, Ramsell Corporation shall continue to provide a Pharmacy Benefits
Management System for DC Health’s AIDS Drug Assistance Program. This program provides
access to prescription coverage and health care for District residents infected with HIV who are
uninsured or underinsured. The proposed change to increase the contract by $2,000,000 is being
requested due to an increase in costs associated with inflated insurance rates and the dissolution
of subsidies previously provided for by the Affordable Care Act.
My administration if available to discuss any questions you may have regarding the proposed
contract modification. In order to facilitate a response to any questions you may have, please have
your staff contact Marc Scott, Chief Operating Officer, Office of Contracting and Procurement, at
(202) 724-8759.
I look forward to the Council’s favorable consideration of this contract modification.
Muriel Bowser
Office of Contracting and Procurement
Pursuant to section 202(c-1) of the Procurement Practices Reform Act of 2010, as amended, D.C.
Official Code § 2-352.02(c-1), the following contract summary is provided:
(A) Contract Number: CW94739
Proposed Contractor: Ramsell Corporation (Ramsell)
Contract Amount: Not-to-exceed (NTE) $9,547,235.86
Unit and Method of Compensation: Monthly fee for premiums and co-payment management
Term of Contract: January 18, 2024, through January 17, 2025
Type of Contract: Firm-Fixed Price with a Cost Reimbursement component
Sourcing Method: Invitation for Bids
(B) For a contract containing option periods, the contract amount for the base period and for
each option period. If the contract amount for one or more of the option periods differs from
the amount for the base period, provide an explanation of the reason for the difference:
Base Period Amount: $7,514,944
(January 18, 2022 - January 17, 2023)
Council Approval Resolution No. CA24-0362
Option Period One Amount: NTE $7,530,851.32
(January 18, 2023 – January 17, 2024)
Council Approval Resolution No. A25-0085
Option Period Two Amount: NTE $9,547,235.86
(January 18, 2024 – January 17, 2025)
Council Approval Resolution No. CA25-0546
Explanation of difference from the base period (if applicable): The contract amount for option
period two reflects an increase of costs associated with inflated insurance rates and the dissolution
of subsidies previously provided for by the Affordable Cares Act (ACA).
Option Period Three Amount: NTE $9,564,111.94
Explanation of difference from base period (if applicable):
The contract amount for option period three reflects an increase of costs associated with inflated
insurance rates and the dissolution of subsidies previously provided for by the ACA.
Option Period Four Amount: NTE $9,581,494.29
Explanation of difference from base period (if applicable): The contract amount for option period
four reflects an increase of costs associated with inflated insurance rates and the dissolution of
subsidies previously provided for by the ACA.
(C) The goods or services to be provided, the methods of delivering goods or services, and any
significant program changes reflected in the proposed contract:
Ramsell shall continue to provide a Pharmacy Benefit Management System for DC Health’s Aids
Drug Assistance Program (ADAP), the Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis and Post exposure Prophylaxis
program, and the Medication Assisted Therapy program.
(D) The selection process, including the number of offerors, the evaluation criteria, and the
evaluation results, including price, technical or quality, and past performance components:
An Invitation for Bids (IFB), Doc575975, was issued on August 17, 2021, as an open market
IFB, in accordance with 27 DCMR 1600. The IFB was publicized in the Washington Times on
August 19, 2021, and OCP’s website via e- Sourcing on August 17, 2021. It closed on September
10, 2021, and resulted in one bid received from Ramsell.
Ramsell’s bid was evaluated based on the bid submission requirements listed in the IFB, including
proof of experience, past performance, contracts with District pharmacies, and system compliances.
Ramsell met all the bid submission requirements; therefore, the Contracting Officer deemed them the
lowest responsive, responsible bidder.
(E) A description of any bid protest related to the award of the contract, including whether the
protest was resolved through litigation, withdrawal of the protest by the protestor, or
voluntary corrective action by the District. Include the identity of the protestor, the grounds
alleged in the protest, and any deficiencies identified by the District as a result of the protest:
(F) The background and qualifications of the proposed contractor, including its organization,
financial stability, personnel, and performance on past or current government or private
sector contracts with requirements similar to those of the proposed contract:
Ramsell has been providing this service to the District for over seven years. The contractor has
demonstrated through past performance reports that its organization has the history, organizational
and technical experience, including the key personnel, required to successfully meet the requirements
of the proposed contract. Likewise, it has been determined that the proposed contractor maintains the
financial resources, accounting and operational controls to successfully fulfill the District’s
requirement. The proposed contractor has been determined responsible in accordance with the
District’s standards for responsibility.
(G) The period of performance associated with the proposed change, including date as of which
the proposed change is to be made effective:
The period of performance for the proposed Modification M0005 is January 18, 2024, through
January 17, 2025.
(H) The value of any work or services performed pursuant to a proposed change for which the
Council has not provided approval, disaggregated by each proposed change if more than one
proposed change has been aggregated for Council review:
(I) The aggregate dollar value of the proposed changes as compared with the amount of the
contract as awarded:
(J) The date on which the contracting officer was notified of the proposed change:
March 14, 2024
(K) The reason why the proposed change was sent to Council for approval after it is intended to
take effect:
DC Health was unable to anticipate the increase of costs associated with inflated insurance rates and
the dissolution of subsidies previously provided for by the ACA.
(L) The reason for the proposed change:
On December 6, 2023, Council Approval Resolution No. CA25-0546, approved the exercise of option
year two. The proposed change is being requested to allow for the continuation of services, so District
residents infected with HIV who are uninsured or underinsured will have access to prescription
coverage and health care. The amount approved for option year two is insufficient to meet the needs
of the program to adequately serve District residents. Over the past several months, insurance rates
have increased by 15% or more among almost half of the nation’s insurance carriers. These carriers
provided supplemental assistance in paying out-of-pocket costs for low-income individuals. In
addition, the ACA mandate that previously helped provide subsidies to health insurance companies
to offset these costs has been dissolved. The DC ADAP Pharmacy Benefit program serves as the
primary insurance payor for many uninsured and underinsured District residents living with HIV.
Without the increase to the program many Districts residents living with HIV will be left underserved.
(M) The legal, regulatory, or contractual authority for the proposed change:
In accordance with 27 DCMR, Chapter 36, Section 3600, the contracting officer is authorized to
execute a contract modification.
(N) A summary of the subcontracting plan required under section 2346 of the Small, Local, and
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Development and Assistance Act of 2005, as amended,
D.C. Official Code § 2-218.01 et seq. (“Act”), including a certification that the subcontracting
plan meets the minimum requirements of the Act and the dollar volume of the portion of the
contract to be subcontracted, expressed both in total dollars and as a percentage of the total
contract amount:
Subcontracting plan waiver WR-4999, was approved by the Department of Small and Local Business
Development on November 29, 2023.
(O) Performance standards and the expected outcome of the proposed contract:
The expected outcome of the proposed increase is to continue providing maintenance and support
services for PBMS so District residents infected with HIV will continue to receive access to
prescription coverage and health care. The District expects Ramsell to comply with the performance
standards and guarantees set forth in the contract.
(P) The amount and date of any expenditure of funds by the District pursuant to the contract
prior to its submission to the Council for approval:
There is no expenditure of funds by the District pursuant to the contract prior to its submission to
the Council. Modification M0004 exercising option period two in the amount of $7,547,235.86, was
approved by Council on December 8, 2023, and executed on January 17, 2024.
(Q) A certification that the proposed contract is within the appropriated budget authority for the
agency for the fiscal year and is consistent with the financial plan and budget adopted in
accordance with D.C. Official Code §§ 47-392.01 and 47-392.02:
The Agency Financial Officer has certified that funds in the amount of $9,547,235.86 are available
to continue maintenance and support services for PBMS.
(R) A certification that the contract is legally sufficient, including whether the proposed
contractor has any pending legal claims against the District:
The contract has been determined legally sufficient. The contractor has no pending legal claims
against the District.
(S) A certification that Citywide Clean Hands database indicates that the proposed contractor is
current with its District taxes. If the Citywide Clean Hands Database indicates that the
proposed contractor is not current with its District taxes, either: (1) a certification that the
contractor has worked out and is current with a payment schedule approved by the District;
or (2) a certification that the contractor will be current with its District taxes after the District
recovers any outstanding debt as provided under D.C. Official Code § 2-353.01(b):
On May 8, 2024, the Citywide Clean Hands database certified that the contractor is current with its
District taxes.
(T) A certification from the proposed contractor that it is current with its federal taxes, or has
worked out and is current with a payment schedule approved by the federal government:
The contract has self-certified, via Bidder Offeror form, that it is current with its federal taxes.
(U) The status of the proposed contractor as a certified local, small, or disadvantaged business
enterprise as defined in the Small, Local, and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
Development and Assistance Act of 2005, as amended; D.C. Official Code § 2-218.01 et seq.:
The contractor is not a certified local, small or disadvantage business enterprise.
(V) Other aspects of the proposed contract that the Chief Procurement Officer considers
(W) A statement indicating whether the proposed contractor is currently debarred from providing
services or goods to the District or federal government, the dates of the debarment, and the
reasons for debarment:
As of May 8, 2024, the contractor does not appear on the Office of Inspector General Exclusions
Database, the Federal Excluded Parties List or the District’s list of Debarred and Suspended
(X) Any determination and findings issues relating to the contract’s formation, including any
determination and findings made under D.C. Official Code § 2-352.05 (privatization
Determination and Findings for Contractor Responsibility dated May 8, 2024
Determination and Findings for Price Reasonableness dated May 8, 2024
Determination and Findings for Cost Reimbursement dated October 18, 2021
(Y) Where the contract, and any amendments or modifications, if executed, will be made
available online:
Office of Contracting and Procurement website
(Z) Where the original solicitation, and any amendments or modifications, will be made available
Office of Contracting and Procurement website
Government of the District of Columbia
Office of the Chief Financial Officer 1101 4th Street, SW
Office of Tax and Revenue Washington, DC 20024
Date of Notice: May 8, 2024 Notice Number: L0011835870
200 WEBSTER ST STE 300 Case ID: 5591201
OAKLAND CA 94607-4108
As reported in the Clean Hands system, the above referenced individual/entity has no outstanding
liability with the District of Columbia Office of Tax and Revenue or the Department of Employment
Services. As of the date above, the individual/entity has complied with DC Code § 47-2862, therefore
this Certificate of Clean Hands is issued.
D.C. CODE § 47-2862 (2006)
Authorized By Melinda Jenkins
Branch Chief, Collection and Enforcement Administration
To validate this certificate, please visit On the MyTax DC homepage, click the
“Validate a Certificate of Clean Hands” hyperlink under the Clean Hands section.
1101 4th Street SW, Suite W270, Washington, DC 20024/Phone: (202) 724-5045/
Government of the District of Columbia
Office of the Chief Financial Officer
Department of Health
TO: Nancy Hapeman
Chief Procurement Officer
Office of Contracting and Procurement
THRU: Delicia V. Moore
for Associate Chief Financial Officer
Human Services Support Cluster
FROM: Adreana Deane
Agency Fiscal Officer
Department of Health
DATE: June 4, 2024
SUBJECT: Certification of Funding Availability for Ramsell, Contract #CW94739
The Office of the Chief Financial Officer hereby certifies that the sum of $6,138,618.00 is included in the
4 to fund the costs
associated with the Department of Health contract with Ramsell to provide pharmacy benefits
management, prescription drug payments and health insurance premium services. An additional
$3,408,617.86 of funding for Fiscal Year 2025 is dependent on a final approved budget. This
certification supports the Ramsell contract during the period from January 18, 2024 to January
17, 2025. The fund allocation is as follows:
Vendor: Ramsell, LLC Contract #: CW64376
Fiscal Year 2024 Funding Period: 01/18/24 to 03/31/24
FY Agency Fund Program Cost Account Award Project Task/Sub Amount
Code Center task
2024 HC0 4020002 700035 70079 7132001 2000653 200824 23.03 $2,365,000.00
Fiscal Year 2024 Funding Period: 04/01/2024 to 09/30/2024
FY Agency Fund Program Cost Account Award Project Task/Sub Amount
Code Center task
2024 HC0 4020002 700035 70079 7132001 2001608 200824 24.03 $3,773,618.00
Fiscal Year 2024 Contract Total: $6,138,618.00
2201 Shannon Place SE 4th Washington, D.C. 20020 -5955
Fiscal Year 2025 Funding Period: 10/01/2024 to 01/17/2025
FY Agency Fund Program Cost Account Award Project Task/Sub Amount
Code Center task
2025 HC0 4020002 700035 70079 7132001 2001608 200824 24.03 $3,408,617.86
Fiscal Year 2025 Contract Total: $3,408,617.86
Should you have any questions, please contact me at 202-442-9222.
2201 Shannon Place SE 4th Washington, D.C. 20020 -5955
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