District of Columbia Housing Authority
300 7th Street SW I 10th Floor
Washington, DC 20024
(202) 535-1000 I dchousing.org
Keith L. Pettigrew, Executive Director
May 29, 2024
The Honorable Phil Mendelson
Council of the District of Columbia
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 504
Washington, DC 20004
Dear Chairman Mendelson:
Pursuant to D.C. Code §2-352.02 (b )(2), I have enclosed for consideration by the Council of the District of Columbia
("Council"), the Council Contract Summary for a proposed contract, in the amount of One Million Nine Hundred Ninety­
Four Thousand Six Hundred Fifty-Two and 40/00 Dollars ($1,994,652.40) between the District of Columbia Housing
Authority ("OCHA") and Padula Construction Company, Inc. ("Padula"). This proposed contract is for lead abatement
in units at the Greenleaf Senior project located at 1200 Delaware Avenue, SW, Washington, DC (the "Project").
OCHA plans to enter into the contract with Padula to finance the lead abatement of the Project using an allocation of
$1,994,652.40 in capital funds appropriated by the Council of the District of Columbia in the District of Columbia FY
2024 Approved Budget and Financial Plan.
OCHA procured Padula pursuant to OCHA Solicitation Number 0007-2019, a Request for Job Order Contractors.
Under a Job Order Contracting ("JOC") contract, OCHA awards an approved contractor a Detailed Scope of Work and
the contractor prepares a cost proposal using a construction catalog, which contains a range of construction and
construction related tasks and prices. OCHA awarded Padula a one-year contract with four additional one-year
options. Pending approval by the Council, OCHA proposes to award to Padula a contract to complete the Project.
As always, I am available to discuss any questions you may have regarding the proposed contract. In order to facilitate
a response to any questions concerning this action, please have your staff contact Alethea McNair, my Chief of Staff, at
(202) 993-8190.
I look forward to your favorable consideration of this proposed contract.
OCHA is committed to providing equal access to this event for all participants 6 residents with disabilities. If you need a reasonable accommodation, please contact our ADA/504
Department at AOA504@dchousing.org with your complete request. If you need a sign language or foreign language interpreter, please go to dchousing.org/language or call
202-535-1000. Please allow at least 3 business days to make the necessary arrangements.
ce: Nyasha Smith, Secretary to the Council
Pursuant to D.C. Official Code § 2-352.02(c), as amended, the following is provided:
(1) The name of the proposed contractor, the contract/loan amount, and the term the
proposed contract:
Contractor: Padula Construction Company, Inc.
Contractor Principal: Donato Padula
Contract Amount: $1,994,652.40
Contract Term(s): 364 days
Source Selection Method: Job Order Contracting Procurement
(2) Description of the Goods and Services to be provided:
Pursuant to D.C. Official Code §2-352.02(b)(2), as amended, I have enclosed for
consideration the Job Order Contract ("JOC") for Lead Abatement in Units at Greenleaf
Senior, located at 1200 Delaware Avenue in the Southwest quadrant of Washington, DC
(the “Project”).
(3) A description of the selection process, including the number of offerors, the
evaluation criteria, the evaluation results, and the basis for selecting the
proposed contractor:
DCHA has determined that the proposed contract meets the procurement and
selection requirements applicable to DCHA.
The JOC procurement is a duly recognized procurement method that allows DCHA to
select numerous construction contractors for multi-year contracts. This method allows
DCHA to undertake a wide variety of renovation, repair and construction projects
throughout its portfolio without having to specify the projects on which a particular
contractor will work. Under the JOC, the contractor receives from DCHA an approved
Detailed Scope of Work and the contractor prepares a cost proposal using a construction
catalog which contains a range of construction and construction-related tasks and prices.
Each task has a complete and detailed description, an established unit of measure, and an
established unit price. The unit price includes the direct cost of labor, materials, and
April 15, 2029, DCHA advertised an Invitation for Bid (“IFB”) with Solicitation
Number, IFB-2019, in the Washington Post, Afro American, The Current Newspaper,
The Washington Informer, Hill Rag, El Tiempo Latino, and East of the River. Copies
were mailed to all District Government Certified Business Entity Members and all
District of Columbia Department of Housing and Community Development (“DHCD”)
Section 3 vendors.
The procurement solicited bids from qualified construction companies who had the
capacity, experience, staff, and ability to undertake numerous projects. In addition, the
{0030164 -}
solicitation stated that DCHA would award a one-year base contract with options to
award four additional one-year contracts, based on satisfactory performance.
In response to the IFB-2019 Solicitations, DCHA received bids from eighty-seven (87)
firms and made thirteen (13) awards. Among those selected, DCHA awarded a JOC to
Padula Construction Company, Inc. under Solicitation Number 0007-2019 for a one-
year base contract with options to award four (4) additional one (1) year contracts to
renew with a minimum contract amount of $25,000 and a maximum contract amount
of $10,000,000 with a maximum aggregate contract total amount of $50,000,000.
Accordingly, DCHA has an existing JOC with Padula Construction Co., Inc. and has
provided Padula Construction Co. Inc. with a Detailed Scope of Work for the Project.
Padula Construction Co. Inc. has evaluated the scope of work and has submitted a price
of $1,994,652.40 to construct the Project.
The initiation and completion of the required work are clearly within the scope of the
services to be provided by the procured contractor. The scope of work for the Project
contains sufficient details and plans.
(4) Background and qualifications of the proposed contractor:
Since award of the JOC to Padula Construction Co., Inc. on May 30, 2019, DCHA has
awarded 26 individual task orders with a total value of $33,310,046.98. Padula
Construction Company, Inc. has successfully completed this work on time and within
budget for these projects.
(5) Performance standards and expected outcomes of the proposed contract:
DCHA expects that the Project will be constructed according to approved construction
documents and consistent with all District code and building regulations. The contractor
is also responsible for meeting LSBDE subcontracting goals and employment goals as
required by DCHA and the District.
(6) Description of the funding source for the proposed agreement and a
certification that the proposed agreement is consistent with the
District's financial plan and budget:
The funding source for the proposed agreement will be capital funds appropriated by
the Council of the District of Columbia in the FY 2024 Approved Budget and
Financial Plan.
(7) A certification of legal sufficiency:
The Legal Sufficiency Memorandum is attached.
{0030164 -}
(8) A certification that the proposed contractor's/proposed owner is in
compliance with District tax laws:
The District tax law compliance certification is attached.
(9) The status of the proposed contractor as a certified local, small or
disadvantaged business enterprise.
Padula Construction Company, Inc. is a LBE, SBE, & DZE, business.
(10) A statement indicating whether the proposed contractor is currently
debarred from providing services or good to the District or federal
DCHA’s Office of Administrative Service has conducted a federal and local
search of Padula Construction Company, Inc. and has found no evidence of
federal or District debarment.
(11) A Certification that the contractor is currently not, and will not, be in
violation of the District of Columbia Code §1-1163.34a regarding
prohibited contributions.
The District of Columbia Code §1-1163.34a certification is attached.
(12) Where the contract, if executed, will be made available online:
Available on DCHA website.
{0030164 -}
PadulaAvenCo nstructi2000 on CompFaxan y
ue SE, Washington, DC 3 (202) 543-7722. (202) 46-2389
41445 Pennsylvania
at Greenleaf Senior
PROJECT: DJ67-DC35.01 — Lead Abatement Units
members ofthe Construction Team listed
I, Donato Padula, hereby attest and affirm that all
the Federal Procurement or Non-
below are not listed in the List of Parties Excluded from
Procurement Programs.
SUBCONTRACTOR: Clarkson Systems and Analyses, Inc.
SUBCONTRACTOR: Colonial Electrical Contractors, LLC
SUBCONTRACTOR: James George and Company, Inc.
SUBCONTRACTOR: Alvarado Construction Services, LLC (WBE)
stockholder, officer or director of any members
| further attest and affirm that no principal, major Procurement
of the team is debarred from participating in a Federal Pkocurement or Non-
=v Luan
Donato Padula
05-15 ~24
I Hereby Certify, that on this 7Sday ot Ma ared 2024 , before me, the subscriber,
Padula known to me or
Notary Public ofthe District of Columbia personally appe Donato
e is subscribed to the within instrument and
satisfactorily proven to be the persons whosethenam
acknowledge that he executed the same for purposes therein contained.
AS WITNESS my hand and notarial seal.
wha vie:Man 1f2r ,
SN wy
My Commission Expires: G16 7078
Exp -o4raas
ary x PUBS
District of ColumbiaresNot
Apr. 14, 2028 0 he
My Com mis sio n Expi
Padula Construction Company
1445 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20003 (202) 543-7722 Fax (202) 546-2389
‘The undersigned hereby certifies that Padula Construction Co., Inc. is currently not, andwillnot be, in violation of
District ofColumbia Code §1-1163.34a, which provides 2 covered contractor shall not contribute to a prohibited
fecipient during the prohibited period.
Title: est NemT
Thereby certify that on this [34 ay ofMay.2024, DonrochyT2rclel Sersonally appeared and signed this
document and acknowledged thayHgshe was the “RXOSiCleAEFPadula Construction Co., Inc.
State/County/District ofColumbia Notary rnin, byfQaSAS
“Dui of Colu mbia Notary Pub2028
‘My Com mis sio n Exp ires Feb. 14,
Padula Construction Company
1445 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20003 (202) 643-7722 Fax (202) 546-2389
DJ67- 5.01-
DC35. 01 - LeadA batemment
Lead Abate entUn itsat
Units at Green
GreenleafSe niorr
leaf Senio
Certification Regarding Federal Taxes
1, Donato Padula, hereby attest and affirm that asofthe below date, the Contractor Padula
Construction Company, Inc. has no Federal Income Tax due or, in the alternative, has agreed to a
payment schedule as approved by the Federal government.
Donato Padula
I Hereby Certify, that on this_/F_ day of March 2024,
Notary Publicofthe District of Columbia personally appeared Donatbefore
me, the subscriber, a
Padula known to me or
satisfactorily proven to be the persons whose name is subscribed to the within instru ment and
acknowledge that he executed the same for the purposes therein contained.
AS WITNESS my hand and notarial seal.
Notary Public:
My Commission Expires: “-/¥~“ZF
District of Columbia Notary Public
My Commission Expires Apr. 14, 2028
Padula Construction Company
1445 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20003 (202) 643-7722 Fax (202) 546-2389
PROJECT: DJ67-DC35.01 - Lead Abatement Units at Greenleaf Senior
Certification Regarding No Pending Litigation
1, Donato Padula, hereby attest and affirm that as of the below date, the Contractor Padula
Construction Company, Inc. has no pending claims or pending litigation against the District of
Donato Padula
I Hereby Certify, that on this “8 day of March 2024, before me, the subscriber, a
Notary Publicof the District of Columbia personally appeared Donato Padula known to me or
satisfactorily proven to be the persons whose name is subscribed to the within instrume nt and
acknowledge that he executed the same for the purposes therein contained.
AS WITNESS my hand and notarial seal. Alte i
Notary Publie:
My Commission Expires: —_ 7“ Y-A22F
(- J Of -
District of Columbia Notary Public
My Commission Expires Apr. 14, 2028
Initial File #: 800761
Entity Type: For-ProfitCorporation
THIS IS TO CERTIFY that all applicable provisions of the District of Columbia
Organizations Code (Title 29) have been complied with and accordingly, this CERTIFICAT
GOOD STANDING is hereby issued to
WE FURTHER CERTIFY that the domestic entity is formed under the law of the District
01/29/1980; that all fees, and penalties owed to the District for entity filings collected
through the
Mayor have been paid and Payment is reflected in the records of the Mayor; The entity's most
recent biennial report required by § 29-102.11 has been delivered for filing to the Mayor; and the
entity has not been dissolved. This office does not have any information about theentity’s
business practices and financial standing and this certificate shall not be construed as
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOFIhave hereunto set my hand and caused the sealofthis
office to
be affixed as of 3/13/2024 6:50 PM
Business and Professional Licensing Administration