May 22, 2024
The Honorable Phil Mendelson
Council of the District of Columbia
John A. Wilson Building
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 504
Washington, DC 20004
Dear Chairman Mendelson:
In accordance with section 2 of the Confirmation Act of 1978, effective March 3, 1979 (D.C. Law 2-
142; D.C. Official Code § 1-523.01), and pursuant to section 203 of the Green Finance Authority
Establishment Act of 2018, effective August 22, 2018 (D.C. Law 22-155; D.C. Official Code § 8-
173.23), I am pleased to nominate the following individual:
Ms. Deborah Loomis
34th Street, SE
Washington, DC 20032
(Ward 7)
for reappointment as a voting member with financial, project management or legal expertise in clean
energy, clean infrastructure, clean transportation, stormwater management, or green infrastructure of
the Green Finance Authority Board, for a term to end July 9, 2027.
Enclosed, you will find biographical information detailing the experience of the above-mentioned
nominee, together with a proposed resolution to assist the Council during the confirmation process.
I would appreciate the Council’s earliest consideration of this nomination for confirmation. Please
do not hesitate to contact me, or Steven Walker, Director, Mayor’s Office of Talent and
Appointments, should the Council require additional information.
Muriel Bowser
2 Chairman Phil Mendelson
3 at the request of the Mayor
15 To confirm the reappointment of Deborah Loomis to the Green Finance Authority Board.
18 resolution may be cited as the "Green Finance Authority Board Deborah Loomis Confirmation
19 Resolution of 2024".
20 Sec. 2. The Council of the District of Columbia confirms the reappointment of:
22 Ms. Deborah Loomis
23 34th Street, SE
24 Washington, DC 20032
25 (Ward 7)
27 as a voting member with financial, project management or legal expertise in clean energy, clean
28 infrastructure, clean transportation, stormwater management, or green infrastructure of the Green
29 Finance Authority Board, established by section 201 of the Green Finance Authority
30 Establishment Act of 2018, effective August 22, 2018 (D.C. Law 22-155; D.C. Official Code§
31 8-173.21), for a term to end July 9, 2027.
32 Sec. 3. The Council of the District of Columbia shall transmit a copy of this resolution,
33 upon its adoption, to the nominee and to the Office of the Mayor.
34 Sec. 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
Deborah Loomis
Passionate, action-oriented climate leader with extensive experience leading multi-disciplinary and multi-
stakeholder teams across large organizations. Published thought leader of influential climate policy publications.
Proven track record of advising senior clients on complex and high-visibility issues, and obtaining results by
working collaboratively with regulators, partner agencies, and across the Department of Defense.
Climate Policy & Security Natural Climate Solutions Clean Energy Transition
Water Resilience Endangered Species & Wildlife Law Marine Sanctuaries & Monuments
Clean Water Act Tribal & Cultural Resources Coastal Zone Management Act
Senior Advisor for Climate Change to the Secretary of the Navy (August 2021-Present) 80 hrs/wk;
• As part of the Biden Administration, selected as the first Senior Advisor for Climate Change to serve in the
Department of the Navy (DON).
• Published the Department’s first climate strategy aligned to the Secretary’s strategic guidance, and developed
an associated campaign plan to execute specific initiative to achieve the goals set in the strategy.
• Lead a Department-wide working group that includes 100+ technical and subject matter experts from across
the Navy and Marine Corps, to include researchers, logisticians, public health professionals, natural resource
specialists, energy managers, master planners, manpower experts, educators, and more.
• Serve as Executive Director of the DON’s Climate Executive Steering Committee, which includes all
Departmental Assistant Secretaries and Senior Officers from the Navy and Marine Corps Staffs.
• Departmental lead for all climate-related resourcing, and lead DON representative on DoD climate-related
working groups on topics ranging from climate literacy to wargaming. Regular speaker on climate policy and
initiatives to internal and external audiences.
• Developed Department-wide partnership with USACE Engineering with Nature program to increase natural
infrastructure, improve water resilience, and achieve carbon drawdown across the Navy and Marine Corps.
• Manage a team of one active duty servicemember, one civilian counsel, and five contractors.
Assistant Counsel (Environment), Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC (March 2020-August
2021) 80 hrs/wk; NH-0905-IV
• Lead environmental planning counsel for an organization of 80,000+ people and $25bn annual budget,
responsible for Navy shipyards and testing of new sea systems, with dozens of offices around the world.
Co-Founder (2019-2021)
• The Provenance Co. takes land out of conventional chemical-laden agriculture, and restores the native prairie
using holistically managed animals. In so doing, Provenance makes landscapes more resilient, sequestering
carbon, restoring the water cycle, and bringing hope to rural communities devasted by industrial agriculture.
Senior Counsel, Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Energy, Installations & Environment) Washington, DC
• Lead DoN counsel for all major Navy at-sea training and testing environmental planning documents and
litigation worldwide, providing guidance to lower echelons on all relevant environmental statutes and
consultations with regulators around the United States on CZMA, ESA, NHPA, MMPA, and NMSA.
• Lead DoN counsel for Guam and Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas environmental planning,
compliance and litigation; working with other federal agencies from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to the
Department of Homeland Security, and across the Department of the Navy and Department of Defense.
After more than 4 years of failed negotiations, was part of a small Navy team that brokered an agreement
between the Marine Corps, USFWS and the U.S. Geological Survey for shared and compatible use of a
national wildlife refuge in Guam.
• During a contentious NHPA consultation involving the basing of new electronic attack aircraft at NAS
Whidbey Island, coordinated negotiations and responded to numerous inquiries from the state Governor,
congressional, NGO, and other stakeholders.
Deputy Counsel, OPNAV N45 (Fleet Readiness and Logistics), Washington, DC (2016-2018)
• Lead OPNAV counsel for environmental planning and permitting for all Navy training and testing activities at
sea, worldwide. Worked extensively with natural resource statute regulators on MMPA, ESA, Clean Water
Act (stormwater and other compliance) marine sanctuaries, , essential fish habitat, and coastal zone
management consultations.
• After a strong pro-plaintiff 9th Circuit opinion in a case involving critical Navy sonar operations overseas,
coordinated Navy strategy and negotiating position, effectively advancing Navy’s interests within DoD up to
the National Security Council. Negotiated a settlement which protected all Navy operations, contrary to
operational concessions Navy had made in earlier rounds of litigation. Then later obtained the Deputy
Secretary of Defense’s approval to invoke a national defense exemption to protect Navy operations.
Deputy Environmental Counsel, U.S. Fleet Forces Command, Norfolk, VA (2013-2016)
• Navy liaison to an inter-governmental pilot project that took a “whole of government” approach to
combatting sea level rise and climate change in the Hampton Roads region. Worked collaboratively with
representatives from the state, several municipalities, other federal agencies, academia, and NGOs.
• Lead environmental planning counsel for all Navy at-sea training and testing activities in the Atlantic
• Lead counsel on cross-functional team of environmental professionals that developed first of its kind
environmental compliance for an expeditionary Navy ice camp supporting submarine training and testing and
scientific research on an ice floe in the Arctic. Worked extensively with EPA, National Marine Fisheries
Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) as
well as native Alaskan tribal groups. When the ice floe supporting the camp broke apart, jeopardizing lives and
equipment, served as Navy’s primary conduit to EPA in managing the emergency evacuation.
• Recognized best environmental planning team by the Chief of Naval Operations and Secretary of the Navy
Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, DC (2012-2013)
• Student pursuing masters of law with a focus in environmental and energy law
Deputy Special Counsel to the Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, DC (2010-2012)
• Personal counsel to the most senior officer in the Navy and one of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Deputy Executive Assistant to the Judge Advocate General (JAG), Washington DC (2009-2010)
• Personal advisor to the Navy JAG (the senior military attorney in the Department of the Navy)
Criminal Defense Attorney; Officer-in-Charge, Jacksonville FL (2006-2009)
• Represented dozens of clients litigating contested trials, guilty pleas, and administrative hearings on a wide
range of criminal charges. Supervised 6 attorneys and 6 paralegals.
• Managed 5 tax preparation centers in 4 states, served hundreds of legal assistance clients on estate planning,
family law, consumer, credit, and landlord tenant issues.
Georgetown University Law Center, Washington DC (2003-2006)
• Student pursuing juris doctor focusing on international law
Navy Liaison to U.S. Senate, Washington, DC (2002-2003)
• Liaison between U.S. Senators and professional staff members and Navy leaders around the world
Surface Warfare Officer, Norfolk, VA and San Diego, CA (1998-2003)
• Supervised department 25 personnel composed of various divisions which included the ship’s navigation team,
administrative staff, medical staff, and the ship’s maintenance program for 340-person crew
• Safely charted and navigated over 40,000 miles in Pacific and Indian Oceans and Persian Gulf
• Coordinated ship’s action during apprehension and detention of UN sanctions violators in Persian Gulf
• As ship’s public affairs officer coordinated embarked international press corps covering Tomahawk missile
launches as part of NATO actions in Kosovo
LLM, Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, DC (2013)
• Focused on energy and environmental law; graduated with distinction (3.78/4.0)
• Thomas Chetwood Bradbury prize for achieving highest GPA in the individualized program
• Recognized by professors for submitting the best exam in International Environmental Law and International
Commercial Arbitration courses
JD, Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, DC (2006)
• Graduated with honors (3.6/4.0); Global Law Scholar
• 1st Place team finish at European Law Moot Court regional competition in Gothenburg, Sweden; 2nd Place
team finish at European Law Moot Court final round competition in Luxembourg
• Represented Georgetown Law at the WTO Moot Court competition in Geneva, Switzerland
• President, Georgetown Military Law Society
Huntsman Program in International Studies and Business, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
• Graduated cum laude (3.6/4.0)
• BS in Economics from the Wharton School – Concentration in Finance
• BA in International Studies from the College of Arts & Sciences
• Certificate of Practical Business French from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Paris)
• Appointed by Mayor Muriel Bowser and confirmed by the DC Council to serve as a member of the Board of
Directors of the DC Green Bank. Review, advise, and approve projects ranging from solar generation, energy
efficiency retrofits, stormwater infrastructure, and transportation electrification across all 8 wards of DC.
(August 2021-Present)
• Public Voices Fellow with the OpEd Project & Yale Program on Climate Change Communication (2021)
• The Climate 21 Project – Co-author of Climate 21 Project memo on actions the Department of Defense
should take on climate change under the Biden Administration (February 2021)
• Co-author, The World Climate Security Report, which was unveiled by the Center for Climate and Security at
the Munich Security Conference (February 2020)
• Truman National Security Project, Defense Council, and Energy & Climate Expert Group (2018-present)
• DC Department of Energy & Environment Sustainability Ambassador (2017-2019)
• Selected as a fellow to the University of Pennsylvania’s Global Social Impact House (2015)
• Fluent in Italian and French
Executive Office of the Mayor - Office of Talent and Appointments
John A. Wilson Building | 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 600 | Washington, DC 20004
Deborah Loomis
Ms. Deborah Loomis currently serves in the Biden Administration as the
Department of the Navy’s first Senior Advisor for Climate Change. In
that capacity she is the senior advisor on climate change for both the
United States Navy and United States Marine Corps, providing policy
advice on climate action ranging from energy to public health, education,
and nature-based solutions.
Ms. Loomis began her career as a surface warfare officer, as one of the
early group of women onboard surface combatants. She deployed to the
Persian Gulf and in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans onboard two
destroyers before earning a Navy scholarship to attend law school. After receiving her law degree
from Georgetown University Law Center, Ms. Loomis joined the Navy JAG Corps where she
advised several four-star admirals, including the Chief of Naval Operations, and has served as a
Navy legislative liaison to the United States Senate. Ms. Loomis returned to Georgetown
University to earn a master of laws degree with a focus on energy and environmental law and
became one of the Navy JAG Corps’ most experienced environmental attorneys, working within
the Department of Defense. Her last tour in uniform was as senior counsel to the Assistant
Secretary of the Navy for Energy, Installations, and Environment.
Ms. Loomis has been working on climate change for many years. She understands that climate is
a critical security issue and is committed to changing the culture and priorities within the
Department of Defense to reflect this reality. While stationed in Norfolk, she was one of the
founding members of a pilot project that brought together representatives from the federal, state,
and local governments to address sea level rise using a whole of government approach. In DC, she
has been engaged with the Center for Climate and Security, and was a co-author of the World
Climate Security Report 2020 which was unveiled at the prestigious Munich Security Conference.
Ms. Loomis also co-wrote the Climate 21 Project’s report on what action the Department of
Defense should take on climate change. She is a member of the Truman National Security Project,
where she is part of the energy and climate expert group.
A committed Washingtonian, Ms. Loomis was appointed a D.C. Sustainability Ambassador in
2017, and has worked with local non-profits committed to eliminating food waste and increasing
access to healthy food. In 2019 she co-founded The Provenance Co., a company that is
implementing regenerative practices to restore native grasslands on the U.S. Great Plains.
A Ward 7 resident, Ms. Loomis, received a commission in the Navy upon graduating from the
University of Pennsylvania with dual degrees from the Wharton School and the College of Arts
and Sciences, her Juris Doctor and Master of Laws degrees from Georgetown University Law
Executive Office of Mayor Muriel Bowser
Office of the General Counsel to the Mayor
To: Tomas Talamante, Steve Walker
From: Betsy Cavendish
Date: May 15, 2024
Subject: Legal sufficiency review of Resolutions nominating Deborah Loomis, Todd
Monash, and Ricardo Nogueira as members of the Green Finance Authority
This is to Certify that this office has reviewed the above-referenced resolutions and
found them to be legally unobjectionable. If you have any questions in this regard, please do not
hesitate to call Erika Satterlee, Deputy General Counsel, Executive Office of the Mayor, at 202-
724-1303, or me at 202-724-7681.
Elizabeth A. (Betsy) Cavendish
The John A. Wilson Building • 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW • Suite 300 • Washington, D.C. 20004 • Office (202) 724-7681