May 15, 2024
The Honorable Phil Mendelson
Councilof the District of Columbia
John A. Wilson Building
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 504
Washington, DC 20004
Dear Chairman Mendelson:
In accordance with section 2ofthe Confirmation Act of 1978, effective March 3, 1979 (D.C. Law
2-142; D.C. Official Code § 1-523.01), and pursuant to section 212 of the District of Columbia
Health Occupations Revision Act of 1985, effective March 25, 1986 (D.C. Law 6-99; D.C. Official
Code § 3-1202.12), I am pleased to nominate the following person:
Ms. Selerya Moore
Ingraham Street, NW
Washington, DC 20011
(Ward 4)
for reappointment as a consumer member of the Board of Social Work, for a term to end March 3,
Enclosed, you will find biographical information detailing the experience ofthe above-mentioned
nominee, together with a proposed resolution to assist the Council during the confirmation process.
I would appreciate the Council’s earliest considerationofthis nomination for confirmation. Please
do not hesitate to contact me, or Steven Walker, Director, Mayor's Office of Talent and
Appointments, should the Council require additional information.
~at the request of the Mayor
15 To confirm the reappointment of Ms. Seleyra Moore to the Board of Social Work.
18 resolution may be cited as the "Board of Social Work Selerya Moore Confirmation Resolution of
19 2024".
20 Sec. 2. The Council of the District of Columbia confirms the reappointment of:
22 Ms. Selerya Moore
23 Ingraham Street, NW
24 Washington, DC 20011
25 (Ward 4)
27 as a consumer member of the Board of Social Work, established by section 212 of the District of
28 Columbia Health Occupations Revision Act of 1985, effective March 25, 1986 (D.C. Law 6-99;
29 D.C. Official Code§ 3-1202.12), for a term to end March 3, 2026.
30 Sec. 3. The Council of the District of Columbia shall transmit a copy of this resolution,
31 upon its adoption, to the nominee and to the Office of the Mayor.
32 Sec. 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
oi O. Moore
For more than forty years I have worked as an administrator, manager, and educator. I thrive in
environments that are innovative, fluid, and communicative where the goal is to provide
excellent service
President, Women’s Missionary Society, Second Episcopal Districtof the African Methodist
Episcopal Church, Washington, DC (2021 to Present)
Responsible for the over 6, 000 members of the Second Episcopal District’s Women’s
Missionary Society. As the President, I plan and conduct an annual mission institute designed to
meet the needs of the membership in harmony with the purpose, plans and objectives of the
Connectional/Intemational organizations: in collaboration with the Episcopal Supervisor and
Treasurer establish financial policies, build budgets and encourage the supportofthe financial
objectives of the Intemational organization by the level below the Episcopal District
(Conference): schedule periodic meetings with the Conference Presidents to ensure
programmatic functions and responsibilitiesof the Conference are being carried out; and submits
reports for each Connectional/Intemnational Executive Board and Quadrennial meetings on the
workofthe Episcopal District
Board Member, Bright Beginnings, Washington, DC
(2020 to 2022)
Bright Beginnings, Inc. (BBI) serves families who are housing insecure via Early Head Start and
Head Start services to 260 children: 100% Early Head Start and Head Start eligible. As a Board
Member, I perform legal and regulatory responsibilities, and serve as a member and former Chair
of the Program Committee. The Program Committee is responsible for oversightofall services
for pregnant mothers, children, and families.
Consumer Member, District of Columbia Board ofSocial Work, Washington, DC
(2015 to Present)
The Board of Social Work regulates the practice of social work in DC, including specialties
\ithin the profession. As the Consumer Memberofthe Board, I am responsible for providing a
consumer lens regarding the administration of the law/regulations and enforcement of the same,
the review and evaluationofapplications, making recommendations of standards and
procedures, and the review and/or investigation of complaints and the resolution of the same.
Adjunct Faculty, Trinity Washington University, Department of Education, Washington, D.C.
(2014 -to Present)
Trinity Washington University is recognized as a comprehensive institution that offers a
wide rangeofeducation programs for an inter-generational population. I provide
S.O. Moore 2
undergraduate and graduate level educational experiences inclusive of lectures; and the
developmentofwriting activities designed for students to synthesize and analyze
reading/instructional material
Early Childhood Education Tester, Bridges Public Charter School, Washington, DC
(2015 — 2019)
Administer language arts, literacy, and cognitive assessments to young children ages 3 to 5
Consultant, National Children’s Center, Washington, D.C.
(2016 ~ 2017)
National Children’s Center (NCC) provides comprehensive services to children and
youth with disabilities and their families. As an Early Childhood Education Consultant, I
provide expertise in the areas ofmanagement, Teaching and Learning, human resources,
and compliance to the organization’s multi-disciplinary administration team during the
reorganizationofthe Early Learning Center (the largest inclusion program in the District
of Columbia).
Teacher, District ofColumbia Public Schools, Early Childhood Education, Washington, D.C.
& 1991 -2000)
I analyzed and interpreted data from an online assessment program to develop targeted plans
for students based on their individualized needs.I served as the Grade Level Chair; and was
elected by my colleagues to serve on the Personnel Committee. During my 1991-2000
tenure, I also served as the Secretary of the Local School Restructuring Team and a site
Demonstration Teacher.
Consumer Member, District ofColumbia Board of Psychology, Washington, DC
(2008 to 2010)
The Board of Social Work regulates the practiceofpsychology in DC. As the Consumer
Memberofthe Board, I provide a consumer lens regarding the administration of the regulations
and enforcementofthe same, making recommendations for standards and procedures, and the
review and/or investigation of complaints and the resolutionofthe same.
Manager, Education Service Area, District of Columbia Public Schools, Head Start
Program/Early Childhood Education, Washington, D.C. (2001-2010)
For over thirty years the District of Columbia Public Schools has provided full day early
childhood education options to families. I coordinated daily operations of 36 Head
Start/Early Childhood classrooms located in 20 DC Public Schools. In this position, I
interacted with multiple stakeholders in the Early Childhood Education community inclusive
of parents, students, teachers, principals, community-based program administrators and staff,
and union representatives. This position also provided an opportunity for me to strengthen
my data analytical skills via implementing and analyzing internal audits and child
outcomes/assessments ensuring compliance with federal Head Start performance standards.
Special Education Mentor Teacher, District ofColumbia Public Schools, Head Start
S.0. Moore 3
Program, Washington, D.C. (2000-2001)
I provided differentiatedstaff development and support in Early Childhood Special
Education to General Education Teachers working in inclusive classrooms. I also served as a
specialist during school level and community-based IEP and/or Multi-Disciplinary meetings
and hearings.
Education Specialist (Diagnostic Prescriptive), District of Columbia Commission on Mental
Health Services, Departmentof Human Services, Washington, D.C. (1987-1991)
implemented daily Psychoeducation Diagnostic Prescriptive Special Education
experiences to Seriously Emotionally Impaired Early Childhood aged children and their
families. | also collaborated with a multi-disciplinary team inclusiveof a Psychiatrist,
Psychologist, Clinical Social Worker, Speech Pathologist, and Paraprofessional providing
recommendations based on analysisof data from assessments and daily work with
Family Services Specialist-Program Assistant I, Department of Human Resources,
Montgomery County Government, Rockville, MD (1986-1987)
I designed and implemented activities for the parent services component of Montgomery
County Maryland’ first locally funded Child Care Subsidy Program. I was the liaison
between families and state and/or local agencies; and between the program and other county
and community-based agencies or organizations.
Certificate of Advance Graduate Studies, 2006, Staff Development/Adult Education
Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA
Post Graduate Studies, 1991-1992, Special Education, George Washington University
Washington, D.C.
Master of Arts, 1974, Child Development/HEC, Texas Southern University, Houston, TX
Bachelor of Arts, 1972, Child Development/HEC, University of Houston, Houston, TX
Executive Office of the Mayor— Mayor’s OfficeofTalent and Appointments
John A, Wilson Building | 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 600 | Washington, DC 20004
Selerya Moore
Ms. Selerya Moore has been a District resident for the past thirty-eight
years. She is very active in her community having served as a Chair of
ithe Mayor's Advisory Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect (during
Mayor Pratt’s Administration), as a Consumer Member Board on the
Boardof Psychology, as former President of the Federation of
Democratic Women, former President of the D.C. Democratic
Women’s Club, and the former Treasurer and Parliamentarianof the
Ward 4 Democrats. She has also served on Ward 4’s Redistricting Task Force and is a current
member of the Board of Social Work.
Ms. Moore is an adjunct faculty member at Trinity Washington University. Prior to retiring in
2014, she held positions as a District of Columbia Public Schools Early Childhood Education
Service Manager, Special Education Mentor Teacher, and Classroom Educator. Ms. Moore also
worked as an Education Specialist (Diagnostic Prescriptive) for the District of Columbia's
Department ofBehavioral Health, formerly known as the Commission on Mental Health.
A Ward 4 resident, Ms. Moore earned her BachelorofArts in Child Development/HEC from Texas
Southern University, her Master of Arts in Child Development/HEC from the University of
Houston, and a Certificate of Advance Graduate Studies in Staff Development and Adult
Education from Regent University.
Executive Office of Mayor Muriel Bowser
kok ok
Office of the General Counsel to the Mayor
Tomas Talamante, Steve Walker
Betsy Cavendish
April 5, 2024
Legal sufficiency reviewofResolutions nominating Wanda Wheeler and
Selerya Moore as membersofthe Board of Social Work
This is to Certify that this office has reviewed the above-referenced resolutions and
found them to be legally unobjectionable. If you have any questions in this regard, please do not
hesitate to call Erika Satterlee, Deputy General Counsel, Executive Office of the Mayor, at 202-
Sym boc
724-1303, or me at 202-724-7681.
Elizabeth A. (Betsy) Cavendish
The Jahn A Wilson ing» 1580Pennsylvania Avenue, NW > Suie300 > Washington, DC. 20004 + Oiice
(203) 724-7681