May 10, 2024
The Honorable Phil Mendelson
Council of the District of Columbia
John A. Wilson Building
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 504
Washington, DC 20004
Dear Chairman Mendelson:
In accordance with section 2 of the Confirmation Act of 1978, effective March 3, 1979 (D.C. Law 2-
142; D.C. Official Code § 1-523.01), and pursuant to D.C. Official Code § 25-201(a), I am pleased to
nominate the following individual:
Mr. Ryan L. Jones
Galloway Street, NE
Washington, DC 20011
(Ward 5)
for appointment as a member of the Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Board, filling a vacant seat
formerly held by Rafi Crockett, for the remainder of an unexpired term to end May 7, 2027.
Enclosed, you will find biographical information detailing the experience of the above-mentioned
nominee, together with a proposed resolution to assist the Council during the confirmation process.
I would appreciate the Council’s earliest consideration of this nomination for confirmation. Please
do not hesitate to contact me, or Steven Walker, Director, Mayor’s Office of Talent and
Appointments, should the Council require additional information.
Muriel Bowser
3 at the request of the Mayor
15 To confirm the appointment of Ryan L. Jones to the Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Board.
18 resolution may be cited as the "Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Board Ryan L. Jones
19 Confirmation Resolution of 2024".
20 Sec. 2. The Council of the District of Columbia confirms the appointment of:
22 Mr. Ryan L. Jones
23 Galloway Street, NE
24 Washington, DC 20011
25 (Ward 5)
27 as a member of the Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Board, established by D.C. Official Code§
28 25-201, filling a vacant seat formerly held by Rafi Crockett, for the remainder of an unexpired
29 term to end May 7, 2027.
30 Sec. 3. The Council of the District of Columbia shall transmit a copy of this resolution,
31 upon its adoption, to the nominee and to the Office of the Mayor.
32 Sec. 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
Ryan L. Jones
‘The George Washington University Law School, Washington, DC
LLM, Intellectual Property, Fall 2014
Activities: GW Munich Intellectual Property Summer Program 2014, MaxPlanckInstitute forIntellectual Property
Law School intramural basketball team member, winning two championships
Southern Illinois University Schoolof Law, Carbondale, IL
JD., December 2011, early graduate
Activities: Intellectual Property Society, Member’
Intemational Law Society, Member
Black Law Student Association, President
Honors: ‘Thurgood MarshallScholarshipAward 2011
Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY
B.A. Psychology, May 2007
Activities: Men’s VarsityBasketball Team
Honors: Honor Roll, 2005-2006
2005 All-Academic Team for the Southem Conference, while at Elon University
Admitted to the Barofthe District of Columbia, the District Court for the District of Columbia, the CourtofAppeals for the DC
Circuit, the Federal Circuit CourtofAppeals, and The Supreme Court of the United States.
District ofColumbia, Office ofthe Attorney General January 2023 — November 2023
Associate Attorney General,forSpectalProjects, Washington, D.C.
Provided counseltotheAttomeyGeneral andChiefDeputyAttomeyGeneralon mattersgermanetotheoperations oftheOfficeof.
AttomeyGeneralandonmatters oflegal significance totheDistrict ofColumbia, its Residents, the Mayor, and CounciloftheDistrict of
Columbia. Responsibilities required interface with Civil Litigation, Office of Solicitor General, Personnel Labor and Employment, Public
Advocacy, Public Safety, Legal Counsel, and Commercial Divisions. Appeared as counsel, representing an agency in a civil litigation matter.
Provided legal counsel toteams withinthe front officeand Divisions. Operated in a supportive role with Community Engagement and the
ViolenceReduction Unit. Works withDeputyAttomeysGeneralandAssistantAttorneysGeneralonmatterspendingwiththe Office where
strategizing effective resolutions are critical to office duties.
Ryan L. Jones Law,LLC January 2014 —January 2023
Atorney, Washington, D.C.
Provided legal counsel to a large business community organization, and its membership, regarding employment and labor related matters.
Led theEmployerAdvocacyProgram sponsored bythe DC Chamber, byproviding counsel to Employersandrepresentation of Employers
before theOfficeofAdministrative Hearings. Alsoprovided legal updates to the business communityin quarterly seminars. ‘The law
practice operated as a full-service law firm providing counsel to individuals, burgeoning businesses, and govemments when confronted
with various legal issues. The practice focused on litigation and transactional matters in intellectual property and other business affairs
counseling and provided administrative, trial, and appellate litigation counsel.
Office ofCableTelevision,Film,Music, and Entertainment April 2016 — July2017
Directorof Legislation andPolicy, Washington, D.C
Draftedandrevisedlegislationthatgovemscabletelevisionregulationandfilmandtelevisionofficeduties. Corresponded withthe
‘Council and Officeofthe Mayor to promote the goalsofthe agency through legislation. Monitored legislation from the District Council to
advise theagency.Assisted with intemal legal counsel on legislative and policy matters that confront the agency. Prepared agency for
Performance and Budget Hearings before District Council.
Litigation/Discovery Attorney January 2014 — April 2016
Attorney, Washington, D.C.
Conducted numerous eDiscovery and document review matters while contracting with law firms via legal staffing agencies, Coordinated
all aspects ofthe electronic discovery including document preservation, collection, responsiveness, privilege review, and production,
Drafted privilege logs. Conducted reviews for quality control ofdocuments reviewed. Worked closely with counsel and associates
regarding witnesspreparationand case fact development in anticipationoflitigation and production to administrative agencies. Litigation
included matters regarding Product Liability, FCPA, Pharmaceuticals, Intellectual Property, Telecommunications,Healthcareand
Insurance, Antitrust, Mergers and Acquisition, Securities, and Shareholder Actions. Proficient using various litigation software programs.
American Psychiatric Association July 2013 ~ December 2013
Law Clerk, Office ofLegalCounsel, Arlington, VA
Reviewedand edited contracts and licensing agreements between theassociationand vendors wishing to distribute the association’s
published works. Researched various bodies oflaw (using standard and alternative methods), including but not limitedtohealth care,
intellectual property, employment, and real property in order to draft legal memoranda analyzing issues germane tothe association's
purpose. Compiled and summarized federal law, state law, and regulations for the purposeofhaving effective governmental relations
includingresearchoftheAffordable CareActinconcert with otherpublichealthlaws. Researched and summarized caselawfordrafting
complaints, motions, and briefs for litigation, at various stages where the association was bringing cases on behalf ofits members.
Assisting in managementofinternal legal affairsofthe association,
United States Patent and Trademark Office ‘Summer 2011
Extern, Officeofthe Administrator for Policy and Extemal Affairs, Alexandria, VA
Participated in weekly and daily developments within the legal group to educate other parts ofthe USPTO and foreign bodies. Drafted a
‘memorandumfor theAdvisory CommitteeonEnforcementforthe WorldIntellectualPropertyOrganization. Researched anddrafteda
‘memorandumof regulations regarding counterfeit pharmaceuticals. Edited a summaryof Trans-Pacific PartnershipAgreement treaty
Adduci, Mastriani & Schaumberg, LLP Summer 2010
‘Summer Associate, Intemational Trade, Customs, and IP Litigation, Washington, DC
Researched and drafted legal memoranda analyzing international trade law, intellectual property law, issues confronting the U.S.
Intemational Trade Commission and U.S. Customs and Border Protection. During litigation, provided quality control and analysis of
exhibits, compositionofexhibit descriptions, revisions to exhibit lists, and monitoring of admitted evidence at Intemational Trade
‘Commission hearings. Conducted research on legal trends at Intemational Trade Commission.
‘The Honorable Glynnis D. Hill, Philadelphia County Court ofCommon Pleas October 2012- January 2013
JudicialFellow, Criminal Division, Philadelphia, PA
Assisted in proposing motions, opinions, orders, appellate briefs, memoranda, and Post-ConvictionReliefAct rulings. Assisted with pre-
trial preparation discussionsofrelevant motions, orders, andfacts. Observedcourt sessions, prepared notes,andreviewedpending cases.
‘The Honorable Chief Judge Eric T. Washington, District ofColumbia Court ofAppeals April 2012- May 2012
JudicialIntern, Washington, DC
Assisted in proposingopinionsanddrafted memoranda summarizing appellate briefs. Conducted legalresearchof rules relating to federal
and state law. Observed appellate hearings, preparednotes, and participated in discussionsofpendingand concludedhearings.
‘TheHonorableAnita Josey-Herring, District ofColumbia Superior Court Summer 2010
JudicialIntern, Civil Division, Washington, DC
Assistedindraftinganorder rulingonpre-trialmotionsin a wrongful deathcase.Assistedwithpre-trial preparationbyassemblingbinders
ofrelevant documents including motions and orders. Observed court sessions, prepared notes, and participated in discussionsofpending
Georgetown University — School of Continuing Studies August 2022— present
AdjunctProfessor ~ Sports law, Contracts, Negotiations, Washington, D.C.
Teaches acourseonlawasit relatestosports,contracts,andthe powerofnegotiation,Thecoursegivesanin-depthunderstanding ofhow
litigation, transactional work, law making, and unionization affects athletes, leagues, and sports franchises alike. The course aims to
prepare studentstoentertheprofessional worldor continuetheiracademicpursuitswith abetterunderstandingoftheinterconnectionof
these concepts.
‘Candidate for District of Columbia's Officeof Attorney General April 2021 —June2022
Candidate, Washington, D.C.
‘The Ryan Jones for AG Campaign experienced successes other than the ultimate success. The campaign completed each stage required to
‘open,obtainmatchingfundsas a FairElections Candidate,andterminatethecampaignaccountafteranaudit by theOfficeof Campaign
Finance. Thecampaigngatheredthe mostpetitionsignaturesinorderto appearonthe 2022Primaryballot,andwonWard 8.The
‘campaign eamed the endorsementof Run For Something, and two elected officials, and other community members.
Districtof Columbia Mayor’s CommissionforAfrican American Affairs. Author and huge advocateofhealth, wellness, and travel.
Executive Office of the Mayor – Mayor’s Office of Talent and Appointments
John A. Wilson Building | 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 600 | Washington, DC 20004
Ryan L. Jones
Mr. Ryan L. Jones is a DC-based attorney and litigator specializing in
intellectual property law. Mr. Jones is the founder and principal of
Washington, D.C.-based Ryan L. Jones Law, LLC, a law firm where he
represents clients who need legal assistance for a variety of needs–
including sports and entertainment. He has successfully filed
trademarks before the USPTO and copyrights with the U.S. Copyright
Mr. Jones served as an Associate Attorney General for Special Projects
with the D.C. Office of the Attorney General, providing counsel to
Attorney General Brian Schwalb. Before Mr. Jones served in the
Attorney General’s office, he served as Director of Legislation and Policy at the D.C. Office of
Cable Television, Film, Music, and Entertainment, as well as a Law Clerk with the American
Psychiatric Association.
A Ward 5 resident, Mr. Jones earned his Bachelor of Arts in psychology from Stony Brook
University, his Juris Doctor from Southern Illinois University School of Law, and his Master of
Laws from George Washington University Law School in Intellectual Property Law.
Executive Office of Mayor Muriel Bowser
Office of the General Counsel to the Mayor
To: Tomas Talamante, Steve Walker
From: Betsy Cavendish
Date: April 18, 2024
Subject: Legal sufficiency review of Resolutions nominating Ryan L. Jones and Teri
Janine Quinn as members of the Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Board
This is to Certify that this office has reviewed the above-referenced resolutions and
found them to be legally unobjectionable. If you have any questions in this regard, please do not
hesitate to call Erika Satterlee, Deputy General Counsel, Executive Office of the Mayor, at 202-
724-1303, or me at 202-724-7681.
Elizabeth A. (Betsy) Cavendish
The John A. Wilson Building • 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW • Suite 300 • Washington, D.C. 20004 • Office (202) 724-7681