Maurice D. Edington, Ph.D.
November 14, 2023
The Honorable Phil Mendelson, Chairman
Council of the District of Columbia
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 504
Washington, DC 20004
Dear Chainnan Mendelson:
In accordance with the provisions of D.C. Code§§ 1-611.05, 1-611.11 and 1-608.58, I am forwarding to you a
proposed compensation resolution for introduction and approval by the Council of the District of Columbia. The
resolution is as follows:
"University of the District of Columbia Revised Compensation Scale For UDC
Undergraduate And Graduate Students Approval Resolution of2023"
The proposed resolution would approve wage increases for all graduate and undergraduate students employed by
the University of the District of Columbia. The sources of funds for the student wages are institutional and federal
Considering the significance of this action to our students, I respectfully request that the Council affinnatively
approve expeditiously the "University of The District of Columbia Revised Compensation Scale for UDC
Undergraduate and Graduate Students Approval Resolution of 2023."
If you have questions, please contact me at 202-274-5100. Thank you for your consideration.
~ -
Maurice D. Edington, Ph.D.
4200 Connecticut Avenue, NW - Washington, District of Columbia 20008
Phone: 202.274.6016 • www, • Facsimile: 202.274.5304
~hairmaoPhil Mendelson
3 at the request of the University of the District of
4 Columbia
14 Chairman Phil Mendelson, at the request of the University of the District of Columbia introduced
15 the following resolution to approve the Proposed Compensation Resolution entitled
16 "University of the District of Columbia Approval of Revised Compensation Scale
17 For Undergraduate And Graduate Students".
20 resolution may be cited as the "University of The District Of Columbia Revised Compensation
21 Scale For UDC Undergraduate And Graduate Students Approval Resolution of2023".
23 Sec. 2. Pursuant to § 1-611 .11 of the District of Columbia Government Comprehensive
24 Merit Personnel Act of 1978, effective March 3, 1979 (D.C. Law 2-139; D.C. Official Code § 1-
25 611.11 (i)(4), the Council approves the compensation scale for the University of the District of
26 Columbia, student workers in work-study, teaching assistant and other related capacities
27 recommended by the Board of Trustees and transmitted to the Council by the Board
28 Chairperson on October 10, 2023 and which is reflected in the attached pay schedule and the
29 resolution adopted by the Board at a meeting on September 12, 2023.
31 Sec. 3. The compensation schedule changes approved in section 2 of the resolution shall
32 become effective upon approval by the Council of the District of Columbia.
34 Sec. 4. Fiscal Impact Statement.
36 The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the University of the District of
37 Columbia's Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal impact statement required by section 4a of the
38 General Legislative Procedures Act of 1975, approved October 16, 2006 (120 Stat. 2038; D.C.
39 Official Code§ 1-301.47(a).
41 Sec. 5. The Secretary of the Council shall transmit a copy of this resolution, upon its
42 adoption, to the University of the District of Columbia's President and the Mayor.
44 Sec. 6. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
WHEREAS, pursuant to D.C. Code§§ 1-611.05, 1-611.11 and 1-608.58, the Board of Trustees
shall provide for the periodic review of its basic compensation systems, including but not limited
to, a review of the adequacy of the rates of basic pay for all employees including students; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to D.C. Code §1-611.1, the Board of Trustees shall provide continuing
conformity with the principle of equal pay for substantially equal work; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to D.C. Code§§ 1-611.05, 1-611.11 and 1-608.58, the Board of Trustees
shall cause to be submitted to the Council of the District of Columbia all proposed pay changes
and adjustments to the compensation systems; and
WHEREAS, the University currently utilizes a flat compensation structure whereby all students
employed by the University receive minimum wage regardless of their position, classification or
capacity; and
WHEREAS, the minimum wage rate utilized by the District of Columbia increased from $16.10
to $17.00 effective July I, 2023; and
WHEREAS, the University strives to ensure employment opportunities for students remain
competitive and enriching as a valuable component of the student educational experience, and a
cornerstone of campus life for both graduates and undergraduates, and
WHEREAS, the current compensation structure does not incentivize graduate students to seek
employment on campus when their experience and maturity qualify them for job prospects with
compensation above the minimum wage; and
WHEREAS, the University receives grants where the compeosation may ex.ceed the maximum
compensation on the compensation table for students and the University must comply with the
requirements ofthe grants.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the University of the
District of Columbia approves a revised compensation table, attached hereto as Exhibit A, and
approves compensation for students as required by grants received by the University.
Sturhmt WnrkP.1'.!i C.nmn1m!liltfnn UnivP.r:<.itv nf thP. Oi.\trir.t nf Cnlum hill
Office of the Chief Financial Officer
TO: The Honorable Phil Mendelson
Chairman, Council of the District of Columbia
THRU: Paris Saunders /JdA.U, S ~
Associate Chief Financial Officer, Education Cluster
FROM: Roy Layne het~.JU-
Chief Financial:i6ffiCi6( University of the District of Columbia
DATE: October 23, 2023
RE: Approval of Compensation System Changes for the University of the District of
Columbia's Student Employees.
The University has not identified additional funding in the operating budget to support the
estimated fiscal impact of the revised compensation table for student employees.
The University has sufficient funding available in the FY 2024 operating budget to implement
the minimum wage rates of the revised student compensation table for undergraduate students.
The University does not have sufficient funding available in the FY 2024 operating budget to
implement the minimum wage rates for certain graduate students nor any wages in excess of the
minimum rates of the table.
The University must reduce student employee FfEs and hours to offset the increased minimum
wage for certain graduate students and any wages in excess of the minimum wage rates in the
revised compensation table, unless the position is funded by a grant.
The Board of Trustees ("Board") of the University of the District of Columbia passed Resolution
No. 2023~39 (Resolution) on September 12, 2023, which provided a new compensation structure
for students employed by the University.
The University currently utilizes a flat compensation structure whereby all students employed by
the University are paid the District of Columbia's minimum wage rate, currently $17.00 hourly,
regardless of their position, classification, or capacity. The Resolution approved a revised
4200 Connecticut Avenue N.W. I Building 39, 2 nd Floor I Washington, DC 20008 I 202.274.5488 I
compensation table for student employees that allows wage rates in excess of the District's
minimum wage rate, as shown below:
Position: Education Lenl: Recommended Sala1·y
Ran _e owiv).
" 01·k Studj _~ ~ - .... ____ _j~U~·~' ~ ~ mi.a~
' !!!t~e and~Gra~duat~~e!___JJ
, $17 .00 - $22.50
\Vork Study Aide m U~duate and Graduate $17 .oo - $22.50
Student " 7orke1· - - - - - - u-._- duate and Graduate- $17 .00 - $22.50
Residential Ufe Ad,1sor U • duate and Graduate $17 .00 - $25.50
, UnderRJ'aduate Research Undergraduate $17.00- $25.50
, G.-aduate Teaching AssJ!tan_t -1--Gra
__te_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-+-$_2_2_.5_0_-_____ $_27_._0 0~ - ~~
Graduate Research Assistant Graduate $22.50 - $27 ..00
The minimum wage of the revised compensation table is equal to the District's minimum wage
rate for five (5) of the seven (7) student employee categories. However, the minimum wage rate
of the revised table for two (2) categories (Graduate Teaching Assistants and Graduate Research
Assistants) is greater than the District's current minimum wage.
Additionally, the Resolution approved compensation in excess of the maximum compensation on
the revised table for student positions funded by grants. The maximum compensation rate for
these grant-funded student positions is not defined in the Resolution other than that the
maximum compensation must comply with the requirements of the grants.
Financial Impact:
The University has not identified additional funding in the operating budget in FY 2024 to pay
for the fiscal impact of the revised compensation table for students employed by the University.
The University has sufficient funding available in the FY 2024 operating budget to implement
the minimum wage of $17 .00 hourly for undergraduate students who are already being paid the
required minimum wage of $17 .00 hourly; therefore, there is no increase in costs for those
student employees. Wages in excess of the minimum rates for undergraduate students are
contingent on the availability of additional funding in future fiscal years or proportional
offsetting reductions to student FTEs and hours.
The University has not identified sufficient funding available in the FY 2024 operating budget to
support the cost of the increased minimum wage rate for certain graduate students. The fiscal
impact of the rate increases for certain graduate students are shown in the table below.
Funds & Spedal
Q& 030
The estimated fiscal impact of the minimum wage rate increase for Graduate Research Assistants
and Graduate Teaching Assistants is $15,173 ($14,095 in Regular pay-other and $1,078 in
Fringe Benefits Expenses). Fringe Benefits Expenses are calculated as 7.65% to account for
Socia) Security and Medicare taxes.
Because no additiona) funding has been identified in the FY24 operating budget for this cost
increase, the University must offset the, otherwise, resu)ting fiscal impact by a proportional
reduction in student employee FTEs and hours (equivalent to 0.3 FTEs and 626 hours worked by
Graduate Student(s) being paid $22.50 hourly).
The fiscal impact associated with grant-funded student positions is not substantive because any
wages in excess of minimum wage for those positions are subject to requirements of the grantors
and funding availability of those grants.
The below table summarizes the estimated fiscal impact of implementing only the minimum
wage rates of the revised table for the current and each of the following four (4) fiscal years if no
offsetting reduction were made to student employee FTEs and hours. The University must
impose a reduction in FTEs and hours, as compared to FY 2023 actual hours worked, to offset
the below costs increases that would, otherwise, be incurred.
FY2024 FY2026 Total
$14,095 $14,095 $14,095 $14,095 $70,475
$ 1,078 $ 1,078 $ 1,078 $ 1,078 $ 5,390
$15,173 $15,173 $15,173 $15,173 $15,173 $75,865
Should you have any questions, please contact Brian Connell, Budget Officer, at or 202-274-6057.
1. Board of Trustees UDC Resolution No. 2023~39
2. UDC Financial Impact Statement
Submitted by the Operations Committee: August 24, 2023
Approved by the Board of Trustees: September 12, 2023
~p/th )) /jdf_
Christopher D. Bell
Chairperson of the Board
St11d1mt wortc,m; f.()mn,m!iiltlnn llnivf!~ltv nf thf! Dlmict nf C:nlumht..1
Exhibit A
- ··-· -- - -·--- -··-··•··-·-··•"-"""'"''"""-''""''''""'"" -
Position: Education Level: Recommended Salary
_ _ _ ___ ___ _ _ _Rang~ (Hourly)
i Work Study Ai~e !Y ! Undergraduate and Graduate ! $17.00_-:-.~27.:?9. __
Work Study Aide ID Undergraduate and Graduate $17.00 - $22.50
I Student Worker •- .. --~i_u_n_d_ergraduate and Graduate ···- J..$17.00 :.. $22.5_0 _ - --
Residen!!al_!,if~ Advi~o_r _~_U_n_d_e r~_ d~te ~d Grad~te , $17.00 - $25.50
i Undergraduate Research i Undergraduate : $17.00 - $25.50
1 Assistant ---- - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - .. _ ... .
Graduate Tea~_hing ~-s'-~~!8'!! Graduat~--- __ ----- --- ------ _______$22.50 - $27.00
Graduate Research Assistant Graduate 1 $22.SQ_::-- $p.oo
---·~·~ ·,.· 18.SI
Fiscal Impact Statement
TO: The Board of Trustees
FROM: Managing Director of Finance A. r~
DATE: July 24, 2023
SUBJECT: Student Employment Worker's Proposed Compensation Scale
It has been concluded that the proposed recommendation to revise the compensation structure
for student employees would result in no significant financial impact to the University's
operating budget.
The University of the District of Columbia seeks to adjust student compensation, both at the
undergraduate and graduate levels, to be in line with the new minimum wage which will be
adopted by the District of Columbia on July 1, 2023. Currently all UDC students earn
minimum wage through a flat compensation practice for student workers. UDC proposes the
adoption of pay ranges for various student employment roles, all of which would have a floor
of $17 .00 - the new minimum wage in the District. The new student compensation structure
will not only accommodate the new minimum wage but also allows students funded through
grants, sponsored programs, and external resources to earn compensation above minimum
wage which is particularly relevant for graduate students whose grants have provisions for
compensation commensurate with their capacity, training, and academic level. Without a
corresponding pay table, students funded through grants are unable to avail themselves of
higher wages that would be supported through their project budget.
These changes will help ensure the retention of student workers as UDC becomes more
competitive with off-campus employment opportunities. Similarly, stronger compensation
options for graduate students can potentially improve enrollment in UDC's graduate
Fiscal Impact
The adoption of this modified compensation structure will have no significant fiscal impact
upon the institution. UDC will increase student compensation to the new minimum wage of
$17/hour which may result in fewer FTEs that can be supported through current resources.
Students who are supported through grants and sponsored programs will be eligible to receive
compensation according to the respective budget parameters if they fall within the ranges
delineated in the adopted pay table which is provided below:
4200 Connecticut Avenue NW I Washington, DC 200081 Phone: 202.274.6409 I
Based on the internal breakdown of UDC student labor force:
Position: Education Level: Recommended Salary
.__ ----,,¾---··-·---·- •·---.... ___ Rang~ (!!ourly)
. Wofk Study Aide IV ____ f Unclergraduate and Graduate J $17.00 - $22.50
Work Study Aide III '. Under~duate and Graduate $17 .00 - $22.50 • ___ _
~!'!~~!!LW~!:lc~~- .. ·---- j Undergrad.uat~ S!!~ ~ ~te __J $17.00 -:: $22.50 - '
Resid~ntialiife Advisor _ l UJ!dergraduate and Gradua_te ____ $17.00 - $25.50
Undergraduate Research I Undergraduate ; $17.00 - $25.50
Assistant _---· --1--. ______ . . . . ·-··--··· .. _
Graduate Teaching Graduate $22.50 - $27.00
Graduate Research ,-Graduate $22.50 - $27.00
. Assistant - - --····--- - . _____ __,_______ - -· - - -
All student workers employed by UDC would adhere to the above pay ranges and under no
circumstances could a student earn more than what is prescribed for their given job
classification. With the adoption of the student pay table, approximately 300 students who are
compensated through grants and sponsored programs may benefit from additional
compensation. UDC will continue exploring funding options and resources to offer more
students work opportunities above minimum wage.
4200 Connecticut Avenue NW I Washington, DC 20008 I Phone: 202.274.5050 I 2
- - -1851
Office of the General Counsel
To! The Honorable Phil Mendelson
Council of the District