September 18, 2023
2 Chairman Phil Mendelson
3 at the request of the Mayor
13 To confirm the reappointment of Ms. Karyn Bigelow to the Food Policy Council.
15 resolution may be cited as the "Food Policy Council Karyn Bigelow Confirmation Resolution of
16 2023".
17 Sec. 2. The Council of the District of Columbia confirms the reappointment of:
18 Ms. Karyn Bigelow
19 15th Street, NW
20 Washington, DC 20009
21 (Ward 1)
23 as a public member of the Food Policy Council, established by section 3 of the Food Policy
24 Council and Director Establishment Act of 2014, effective March 10, 2015 (D.C. Law 20-191;
25 D.C. Official Code § 48-312), for a term to end March 1, 2026.
26 Sec. 3. The Council of the District of Columbia shall transmit a copy of this resolution,
27 upon its adoption, each to the nominee and to the Office of the Mayor.
28 Sec. 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
Co-Executive Director
CONTACT Creation Justice Ministries /June 2021 - Present
Ensures ongoing programmatic excellence, rigorous program
evaluation, and consistent quality of finance and administration,
fundraising, communications, and systems; recommend timelines
and resources needed to achieve strategic goals
Manages small remote staff
Leads advocacy efforts in concert with ecumenical and interfaith
EDUCATION alliances, aswell as secular organizations
MSc in Global Food Security Leads grant-funded project to organize Black churches and
University of Edinburgh denominations on issues related to climate change
2020 - 2024 Leads work with Black farmers in discussions about sustainability
Expand revenue generation activities to support program operations
Master of Divinity (M.Div.) Conducts foundation relations to generate resourcesnecessaryfor
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary program operations
2012-2016 Implements the activities of the organization on priority issues
Advocate for policies consistent with the missionofthe organization
B.A. Social Relations and Policy by forging strategic working relationships with both policymakers
Michigan State University and faith leaders
Coordinate, support, and grow the workofthe organization's
2008- 2012 members, expanding its work as a forum for information and best-
AFFLIATIONS practices sharing and encouraging the development of cooperative
Steering Committee—ABC program initiatives within and between the organization's members
Creation Justice Network (2016- Oversee and administer the development and consequent
Present) achievement of specific measurable programmatic goals for the
Leadership Committee—Pan African Develops educational resources, statements, and additional
Young Adult Network (2015-2022) materials
Policy Advisor and Project Manager for Climate Change & Food
Board of Directors—Pittsburgh Security Portfolio
Theological Seminary (2016-2019) Breadfor the World Institute /January 2019 - Present
Led cross-department working group to execute climate work plan
TRAININGS Co-chaired the virtual 2020 Advocacy Summit to get grassroots
engagement on nutrition programs
Food Systems Summit Dialogues Co-developing simulation to help members understand the
Training (2021) interconnections between climate change, nutrition, and
Certificate in Beekeeping (2021) agriculture
Dismantling White Supremacy in the Leads planning efforts around climate-related digital campaigns to
Workplace Challenge (2020) grow the list serve of members interested in climate change
DEI Facilitative Leadership (2020) Researched intersections between climate change and food
security both domestically and internationally
Race Forward Racial Equity (2018) Applied race and gender equity lens to climate change portfolio
GreenFaith Junior Fellow (2016) Developed congressional and administration policy
HungerJustice Leaders (2015) recommendation for organization's climate portfolio
Young People For Fellow (2011) Coordinated the International Funding Institutions Working Group
to secure U.S. contribution to the IDA replenishment at the World
WRITING SAMPLES Government Relations Project Manager and Policy Analyst
Bread for the World /January 2016 -January 2019
+ Led working group to plan 3-year bridge plan
“Learning from Flint” + Wrote monthly and bi-yearly reports used for the overall
“african Americans & Climate Change” evaluation of the effectivenessofthe organization
“Latinos on the Front Line of Climate * Coordinated events, including prayer breakfast with faith leaders
Advocacy” and Annual Lobby Day with over 300 participants
“Connecting Racism with ‘+ Organized weekly legislative update for all staff members
Environmental Justice: “I Can't Breathe” + Handled expense reports, visa reports, check requisitions, and
“A Tale of Two Islands and a Hurricane” monitored department and special project budgets
«Managed department's data entry with Raiser's Edge
+ Led social media planning efforts around the Paris Agreement
—— PREVIOUS + Co-lead Black History Month efforts to recognize the contributions
RESEARCH of Africans and African Americans towards ending hunger in the
Climate Change, Hunger, and Equity US and around the world
* Maintains system for lobbyist registrations by monitoring all fling
(race, gender, and class) deadlines, preparing and filing timely reports, including the Lobby
Environmental Justice Disclosures and Contribution reports
‘+ Interacts with congressional offices to schedule and at times
Sentencing Guidelinesand Judicial attend meetings and provides legislative research on policy and
statistics to be used for publicationsby the organization
Food Security in Nepal Pan African Church Relations Fellow
Womanist Theology and Food Breadfor the World /June 2015 - August 2015
‘+ Served as a representative of the organization at conferences for
networking and potential partnerships
—— SKILLS Scholar
Ronald E. McNair Fellowship / February 2010 - November 2010
Strategic Planning + Researched sentencing guidelines and judicial discretion for drug
offenses under the mentorship of Dr. Sheila Maxwell, professor in
Research, Analysis and Writing the School ofCriminal Justice at Michigan State University.
Comparing mid-western states, my research showed that the
creation of sentencing guidelines lowered the average sentence
Raiser’s Edge/RE NXT for drug offences in comparison to states that did not have any
sentencing guidelines. However, sentencing guidelines took away
judge's discretion to lessen punishments for first-time and
Microsoft Suite nonviolent offenders
* Attended development workshops in proper etiquette and
effective public speaking through Toast Masters
Office of Representative Steve Cohen / April 2007 - May 2008
Representative Eleanor H. Norton Youth Leadership Program through the Congressional
Black Coucus Foundation
* Utilized IQ software to enter data and process information on
+ Researched and compiled data as a basis for talking points for
Congressman Cohen's speeches
* Composed legislative correspondence to constituents on issues,
such as mental health, polio, and education
Executive Office of the Mayor - Office ofTalent and Appointments
John A, Wilson Building | 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 600 | Washington, DC 20004
Karyn Bigelow
Karyn Bigelow is the Co-Executive Director of Creation
Justice Ministries and a current member of the Food Policy
Ms. Bigelow has expertise in food security, food systems,
environmental racism, and climate change and is a certified
beekeeper. Currently, Ms. Bigelow leads grant-funded
programs to organize Black churches, demoninations, and
farmers on issues related to climate change and
sustainability. As the former Bread For the World Institute
7 Policy Advisor and Project Manager for the Climate Change
and Food Security Portfolio, Ms. Bigelow targeted her efforts to addressing the intersections of
climate change, food security, and racial equity. During her tenure with Bread For the World, Ms.
Bigelow also co-led Black History Month efforts to recognize the contributionsofAfricans and
African Americans to end hunger globally.
‘A Ward 1 resident, Ms. Bigelow received a Bachelorof Science in Social Relations and Policy
from Michigan State University and a Master of Divinity from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary.
She is also pursuing a Master of Science in Global Food Security and Nutrition from the University
of Edinburgh.
Executive Office of Mayor Muriel Bowser
wk Ok
Office of the General Counsel to the Mayor
To: Tommy Wells, Steve Walker
From: Betsy Cavendish
Date: February 13, 2023
Subject: Legal sufficiency review of Resolutions nominating Karyn Bigelow, José Funk
McDonald Morales, and Ronnie Webb as members of the Food Policy Council
This is to Certify that tnis office has reviewed the above-referenced resolutions and
found them to be legally unobjectionable. If you have any questions in this regard, please do not
hesitate to call Vanessa Careiro, Deputy General Counsel, Executive Office of the Mayor, at
202-724-1303, or me at 202-724-7681.
r Catone
Elizabeth Cavendish
The JohnA. Wilson Building» 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW > Suite 300» Washington, D.C. 20004 > Office (202) 724-7681