District of Columbia Housing Authority
1m Horth Cajitol Street N.E.,
Washington, DC 2002-7500
[202] Sl)-1000 I tkhousilg_org
Brenda Dona'ld, Executive Director
September 9, 2021
The Honorable Phil Mendelson
Council of the District of Columbia
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 504
Washington, DC 20004
Dear Chainnan Mendelson:
Pursuant to D.C. Code 2-352.02 (b)(2), I have enclosed for consideration by the Council of the
District of Columbia, the Council Contract Summary for a proposed contract, in the amount of
three million two hundred sixty-one thousand seven hundred fifty dollars and fifty-seven cents
($3,261,750.57) between the District of Columbia Housing Authority ("DCHA") and Micon
Constructions, Inc. ("Micon"). This proposed contract is for the Lead Abatement of the
Townhouses at Benning Terrace, located at 4450 G Street in the Northeast quadrant of
Washington, DC (the "Project").
OCHA plans to enter into the contract with Vigil and finance the Project using an allocation of
$50,000,000 in capital funds appropriated by the Council of the District of Columbia in the FY21
OCHA procured Micon pursuant to DCHA Solicitation Number 0007-2019, a Request for Job
Order Contractors, issued on May 30, 2019. Under a Job Order Contracting ("JOC'') contract,
DCHA awards an approved contractor a Detailed Scope of Work and the contractor prepares a
cost proposal using a construction catalog, which contains a range of construction and
construction related tasks and prices. OCHA awarded Micon a one-year contract with three
additional one-year options. Pending approval by the Council, OCHA proposes to award to
Micon a contract for the Project.
As always, T am available to discuss any questions you may have regarding the proposed
contact. In order io facilitate a response to any questions conceming this action,
Your staff contact Thor Nelson, Inictim Chief. Planning, Design & Construction,please have
Office of
Capital Programs at (202) 937-7367.
Look forward to your tavorable considerationofthis proposed contract.
buck Soil
Brenda Donald
Executive Director
ce: Nyasha Smith, Secretary to the Council
Pursuant to D.C. Official Code 2-352.02(c), as amended, the following is provided:
(1) The name of the proposed contractor, the contract/loan amount, and the term of
the proposed contract:
Contractor: Micon Constructions, Inc.
Contract Amount: $3,261,750.57
Contract Term(s): 281 days
Source Selection Method: Job Order Contracting Procurement
(2) Description of the Goods and Services to be provided:
Pursuant to D.C. Official Code 2-352.02(b)(2), as amended, I have enclosed for
consideration the Job Order Contract ("JOC") for the Lead Abatement of the
Townhouses at Benning Terrace, located at 4450 G Street in the Northeast quadrant of
Washington, DC (the Project).
(3) A description of the selection process, including the number of offerors, the
evaluation criteria, the evaluation results, and the basis for selecting the
proposed contractor:
DCHA has determined that the proposed contract meets the procurement and
selection requirements applicable to DCHA.
The JOC procurement is a duly recognized procurement method that allows DCHA to
select numerous construction contractors for multi-year contracts. This method allows
DCHA to undertake a wide variety of renovation, repair and construction projects
throughout its portfolio without having to specify the projects on which a particular
contractor will work. Under the JOC, the contractor receives from DCHA an approved
Detailed Scope of Work and the contractor prepares a cost proposal using a construction
catalog which contains a range of construction and construction-related tasks and prices.
Each task has a complete and detailed description, an established unit of measure, and an
established unit price. The unit price includes the direct cost of labor, materials, and
April 15, 2029, DCHA issued Solicitation Numbers, 0007-2019 and 0019-2019, a
Request for Job Order Contractors. The procurement solicited bids from qualified
construction companies who had the capacity, experience, staff, and ability to
undertake numerous projects. In addition, the solicitation stated that DCHA would
award a one-year base contract with options to award four additional one-year
contracts, based on satisfactory performance.
In response to the 2019 solicitation, DCHA received eighty-seven (87) bids and made
thirteen (13) awards. Among those selected, DCHA awarded a JOC to Micon under
Solicitation Number 0007-2019 for a one-year base contract. Subsequently, DCHA
has exercised its contractual option and awarded 3 one-year contracts to Micon.
{0030164 -}
Accordingly, DCHA has an existing JOC with Micon Construction., and has provided
Micon Construction, with a Detailed Scope of Work for the Project. Micon
Construction has evaluated the scope of work and has submitted a price of
$3,261,750.57 to construct the Project.
The initiation and completion of the required work are clearly within the scope of the
services to be provided by the procured contractor. The scope of work for the Project
contains sufficient details and plans. DCHA will pay for such services using the
allocation of $50,000,000 in capital funds appropriated by the Council of the District of
Columbia in the FY21 budget.
(4) Background and qualifications of the proposed contractor:
Since award of the JOC to Micon Construction, on May 30, 2019, DCHA has awarded 6
individual task orders with a total value of $1,776,635.44. Micon Construction has
successfully completed this work on time and within budget for these projects.
(5) Performance standards and expected outcomes of the proposed contract:
DCHA expects that the Project will be constructed according to approved construction
documents and consistent with all District code and building regulations. The contractor
is also responsible for meeting LSBDE subcontracting goals and employment goals as
required by DCHA and the District.
(6) Description of the funding source for the proposed agreement and a
certification that the proposed agreement is consistent with the
District's financial plan and budget:
DCHA was allocated $50,000,000 in capital funds in the Fiscal Year 2021 budget
by the Council of the District of Columbia for the development and rehabilitation
of its real estate portfolio.
(7) A certification of legal sufficiency:
The Legal Sufficiency Memorandum is attached.
(8) A certification that the proposed contractor's/proposed owner is in
compliance with District tax laws:
The District tax law compliance certification is attached.
(9) The status of the proposed contractor as a certified local, small or
{0030164 -}
disadvantaged business enterprise.
(10) A statement indicating whether the proposed contractor is currently
debarred from providing services or good to the District or federal
DCHAs Office of Administrative Service has conducted a federal and local
search of Micon Construction and has found no evidence of federal or District
(11) Where the contract, if executed, will be made available online:
Available on DCHA website.
{0030164 -}
* Governmentofthe District ofColumbia
mmm OfliceoftheChief Financial Officer 1101 4" Street, SW
lm Office of Tax and Revenue Washington, DC 20024
Date ofNotice: June 14, 2021 Notice Number: 0005728636 Be
1200 PERRY STREET NE 100 Case ID: 846561
As reported in the Clean Hands system, the above referenced individual/entity has no outstanding
liability with the District of Columbia Office of Tax and Revenue or the Department of Employment
Services. Asof the date above, the individual/entity has complied with DC Code 47-2862, therefore
this Certificate of Clean Hands is issued.
D.C. CODE 47-2862 (2006)
AuthorizedBy Mare Aronin
Chief, Collection Division
To validate this certificate, please visit MyTax.DC.gov. On the MyTax DC homepage, click the
Validate a Certificate of Clean Hands hyperlink under the Clean Hands section.
41101 4th Street SW, Suite W270, Washington, DC 20024/Phone: (202) 724-5045/MyTax.DC.gov
Thereby certify that the proposed Job Order Contract (JOC) between the District of Columbia
Housing Authority (*DCHA) and Micon Constructions, Inc. (Micon), to provide funding for
the Lead Abatement of the Townhouses at Benning Terrace, in the umount of three million two
hundred sixty-one thousand seven hundred fifty dollars and fifty-seven cents ($3,261,750.57)
from capital funds allocated to DCHA in the Fiscal Year 2021 budget, is in compliance with the
applicable Federal and District of Columbia (the District) Regulations and the DCHAs
policies and procedures.
Drunk th 9: Ff
Brenda Donald _ Date September 8, 2021
Executive Director, DCHA
Ihave reviewed this proposed action. DCHA will make available three million two hundred
sixty-one thousand seven hundred fifty dollars and fifty-seven cents {$3,261.750.57). This
action is within DCHA's apportionment and budget authority and such funds are available for
administration by DCHA in the FY2021 budget.
Jb A. Sam ahi
John Sarah Date September 8, 2021
VP and Chief Financial Officer, DCHA.
TO: Brenda Donald
Executive Director
FROM: Andrea Powell
Deputy General Counsel
DATE: September 9, 2021
SUBJECT: Pursuant to D.C. Official Code 2-352.02(b)(2), as amended, I have enclosed
for consideration the Job Order Contract ("JOC") for the lead abatement of
the Townhouses at Benning Terrace, located at 4450 G Street in the
Northeast quadrant of Washington, DC (the Project).
This memorandum responds to a request that the Office of the General Counsel review for legal
sufficiency the proposed contract (Contract) between the District of Columbia Housing
Authority (DCHA) and Micon Constructions, Inc. (Micon) related to the hereinafter
described project:
The Project is for the lead abatement of the Townhouses at Benning Terrace.
1. Procurement Process
On April 15, 2019, DCHA issued Solicitation Numbers, 0007-2019 and 0019-2019, a Request
for Job Order Contractors. The procurement solicited bids from qualified construction
companies who had the capacity, experience, staff, and ability to undertake numerous projects.
In addition, the solicitation stated that DCHA would award a one-year base contract with options
to award four additional one-year contracts, based on satisfactory performance.
The JOC procurement is a duly recognized procurement method that allows DCHA to select
numerous construction contractors for multi-year contracts. This method allows DCHA to
undertake a wide variety of renovation, repair and construction projects throughout its portfolio
without having to specify the projects on which a particular contractor will work. Under the
JOC, the contractor receives from DCHA an approved Detailed Scope of Work and the
contractor prepares a cost proposal using a construction catalog which contains a range of
construction and construction-related tasks and prices. Each task has a complete and detailed
description, an established unit of measure, and an established unit price. The unit price includes
the direct cost of labor, materials, and equipment.
In response to the 2019 solicitation, DCHA received eighty-seven (87) bids and made thirteen
(13) awards. Among those selected, DCHA awarded a JOC to Micon under Solicitation Number
0007-2019 for a one-year base contract. Subsequently, DCHA has exercised its contractual
option and awarded 3 one-year contracts to Micon.
2. Description of Proposed Contract
The Contract is for the lead abatement of the Townhouses at Benning Terrace, located at 4450 G
Street in the Northeast quadrant of Washington, DC (the Project). The Contract is in the
amount of three million two hundred sixty-one thousand seven hundred fifty dollars and fifty-
seven cents ($3,261,750.57). The JOC Task number is DJ68-DC16.01.
Accordingly, DCHA has provided Micon with a Detailed Scope of Work for the Project. Micon
has evaluated the scope of work and has submitted a price of $ 3,261,750.57 to construct the
Project. The initiation and completion of the required work are clearly within the scope of the
services to be provided by the procured contractor. The scope of work for the Project contains
sufficient details and plans. DCHA will fund the work with a FY2021 allocation from the Public
Housing Rehabilitation and Maintenance Fund.
3. Legal Review
The DCHA Office of the General Counsel (OGC) has reviewed the JOC Contract with
Contractor for legal sufficiency. The review indicates that DCHA followed a competitive
process in making the award to the Contractor. OGCs review of the Contract indicated that it is
legally sufficient. In addition, we are not aware of any pending legal claims of the Contractor
against DCHA.
The Contract term is not to exceed one year (365 days) and the Contract will be funded with
funds from the Public Housing Rehabilitation and Maintenance Fund. Accordingly, the Contract
must be submitted to the District Council for review and approval in accordance with D.C. Code
Section 2-352.02 (b)(2).
Andrea Powell
Deputy General Counsel
District of Columbia Housing Authority
WHEREAS, District of Columbia Housing Authority (OCHA), its instrumentalities
and affiliates require a large capacity of contracts to accomplish various projects for
repair, alteration, modernization, maintenance, rehabilitation, demolition, construction
and environmental services at various properties;
WHEREAS, on April 14, 2019, DCHA advertised an Invitation for Bid (IFB") in
The Washington Post, Afro American, The Current Newspaper, The Washington
informer, Hill Rag, El Tiempo Latino and East of the River. Copies were emailed to all
District Government Certified Business Entity members and all District of Columbia
Department of Housing and Community Development ("DHCD") Section 3 vendors;
WHEREAS, on April 15, 2019, Solicitation No.s 0007-2019, 0008-2019, 0009-
2019, 0010-2019, 0011-2019, 0012-2019, 0013-2019, 0014-2019, 0015-2019, 0016-
2019, 0017-2019, 0018-2019 and 0019-2019 for Job Order Contract (JOC) General
Construction, Electrical, Mechanical, Asbestos Testing & Abatement and Lead Testing
& Abatement for repair, alteration, modernization, maintenance, rehabilitation
demolition and construction of infrastructure, buildings and structures by means of Job
Orders issued under JOC Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts JOC
Contract) was issued to the Department of Small and Local Business Development,
bidders interested in doing business with DCHA, posted to the DCHA Website and
issued directly to thirteen (13) firms;
WHEREAS, on April 30, 2019, DCHA hosted a mandatory pre-bid conference,
and seventy-one (71) interested firms attended;
WHEREAS, by May 30, 2019, DCHA received eighty-seven (87) bids;
WHEREAS, the solicitation stated that multiple awards would be made to the
firms with reasonable and competitively bid adjustment factors in accordance with the
requirements of the solicitation; limited to only one (1) award to any single Contractor;
WHEREAS, based on the bids and the results of the bid review and validation
process, DCHA determined that thirteen (13) Contractors: TMG, Micon Construction
Inc., Padula Construction Company, Irreno Construction Co., Inc., Consys, Inc., Vigil
Contracting, inc, Autumn General Contracting, LLC, Montage, Inc., Centennial
Contractors, Mo Construction, C & A Electric, Inc., RSC Electrical & Mechanical and
ALL. Merton, Inc. met the reasonable and competitive bid requirements of the |FB and
qualified as capabie of providing JOC services for the trades bid; and
{0034663 -}
WHEREAS, DCHA performed a review of the Federal Systems Award
Management and the District's Excluded Parties List on June 18, 2019, and has
determined that above listed firms do not appear on that list.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Commissioners of
District of Columbia Housing Authority hereby authorizes the Executive Director to
execute thirteen (13) contracts to provide repair, alteration, modernization,
maintenance, rehabilitation, demolition and construction of infrastructure, buildings and
structures by means of Job Orders issued under JOC Indefinite Delivery Indefinite
Quantity (1D1Q) contracts (JOC Contract) at various properties owned by or done on
behalf of, the Authority or any of its instrumentaiities or affiliates, for a period of up to
five (5) years, based upon one (1) base year with four (4) one-year options, in the
minimum aggregate amount of Three Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars
$325,000.00 not to exceed the maximum aggregate amount of Three Hundred Eighty
Milion Dollars $380,000,000.00, subject to the availability of funding as follows:
eens ee Cee I TE
ST arteCoC Nein ROauN ea Ct)
0007-2019 | TMG $25,000 $10,000,000 | $50,000,000
0007-2019 | Micon Construction inc. $28,000 $10,000,000 | $50,000,000
0007-2019 | Padula Construction Company $25,000 $10,000,000 | $50,000,000