The proposed bill, General Assembly Proposed Bill No. 981, aims to expand Medicaid eligibility for older persons and individuals with disabilities by amending title 17b of the general statutes. Specifically, it mandates that the Commissioner of Social Services provide Medicaid coverage to those who would otherwise qualify but have lost their eligibility for Supplemental Security Income due to a cost-of-living adjustment under Social Security Title II. This change aligns with the federal regulation 42 CFR 435.135.
The bill's intent is to enhance access to Medicaid by allowing for the deduction of cost-of-living adjustments from income calculations related to the Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance program, in accordance with the Pickle amendment, Section 503 of Public Law 94-566. This legislative change seeks to ensure that vulnerable populations are not unfairly penalized by adjustments that could otherwise disqualify them from receiving necessary healthcare coverage.