Substitute House Bill No. 5518, also known as Special Act No. 24-20, is a legislative act concerning the conveyance of a specific parcel of state land in the town of Canton, Connecticut. The act authorizes the Commissioner of Transportation to sell a parcel of land, approximately 1.53 acres in size and located at 37 Bridge Street in Canton, to the town at a price equal to its fair market value. This value is to be determined by the average of appraisals from two independent appraisers selected by the commissioner, in addition to the administrative costs of the conveyance. The parcel is depicted on a map prepared by Yellow Dog Surveys LLC and is subject to an easement in favor of the Department of Transportation. The conveyance is also subject to the approval of the State Properties Review Board.

The bill outlines the process for the sale, stating that the State Properties Review Board must complete its review of the conveyance within thirty days of receiving a proposed agreement from the Department of Transportation. The land will remain under the control of the Department of Transportation until the conveyance is finalized. The State Treasurer is responsible for executing and delivering the necessary deed or instrument for the conveyance. The Commissioner of Transportation is tasked with handling all other aspects of the conveyance. Any proceeds from the sale of the land and any improvements on it are to be transferred to the State Treasurer for deposit into the Special Transportation Fund. The act was approved on June 5, 2024.