Substitute House Bill No. 5522, also known as Special Act No. 24-21, authorizes the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection to lease a specific parcel of state land in the town of Woodstock to the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) of Metropolitan Hartford, Inc. This lease is for the benefit of YMCA Camp Woodstock and is set for a 25-year period. The cost of the lease is to be determined by the average of appraisals from two independent appraisers selected by the commissioner, in addition to the administrative costs of executing the lease. The parcel in question is approximately 19.3 acres, identified as Lot 35-09 on the town of Woodstock Tax Assessor's Map 7272, and is located adjacent to Camp Road. The lease is contingent upon approval by the State Properties Review Board.

The bill specifies that the leased land must be used for passive recreation purposes, which include activities such as fishing, swimming, boating, hiking, bicycling, and camping. It allows for the construction of bicycle and hiking trails, a trailhead, and an associated parking lot that can accommodate up to twenty motor vehicles. Any other uses must be approved in writing by the commissioner. If YMCA Camp Woodstock fails to use the parcel for passive recreation or subleases any part of it, the lease will terminate, and the land will revert to the state of Connecticut. The State Properties Review Board is required to review the lease within thirty days of receiving a proposed agreement from the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, which retains care and control of the land until the lease is executed. The Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection is responsible for all other aspects of the transaction. The act was approved on May 30, 2024.