Senate Bill 454 (sSB454 File No. 552), titled "AN ACT CONCERNING PHOTO NOISE VIOLATION MONITORING DEVICES," introduces the use of "photo noise violation monitoring devices" or noise cameras to enforce vehicle noise ordinances. Municipalities can authorize these devices through an ordinance, which will require a written warning for a first violation, a $100 fine for a second violation, and a $250 fine for subsequent violations. The bill defines the terms related to the devices, outlines the operation and review process for images captured, and specifies the fines and hearing procedures. It also ensures privacy by limiting the capture and retention of personally identifiable information and requires annual reports on the devices' operation. The bill includes insertions of new sections and the deletion of the conjunction "or" in one section, indicating the addition of the new act to the list of ordinances for which a citation notice can be sent. The bill is set to be effective from July 1, 2024.
The bill provides several defenses for vehicle owners cited for noise violations, such as driving an emergency vehicle, the vehicle being reported stolen, non-compliance of the noise monitoring device, muffler repair or replacement within 14 days of the violation, or proof of compliance with maximum decibel levels after inspection. It mandates that noise cameras capture only license plates, not images of vehicle occupants, and restricts the storage and disclosure of personally identifiable information. Municipalities must submit annual reports on the operation of the noise monitoring devices, and the DMV must update noise limits to reflect industry standards by October 1, 2024. The fiscal impact statement notes potential costs to the Department of Motor Vehicles and municipalities, as well as potential revenue gains from fines.
Statutes affected: Raised Bill: 4-66o