House Bill No. 5512, introduced in the February Session of 2024 and reported favorably by the Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding, mandates a study of the Department of Revenue Services' collections processes. The purpose of the study is to identify potential legislative and programmatic changes that could enhance efficiency and reduce the administrative costs associated with state revenue collections. The Commissioner of Revenue Services is tasked with conducting this study and is required to submit a report detailing findings and recommendations to the joint standing committee of the General Assembly with jurisdiction over finance, revenue, and bonding matters by January 1, 2025.

The bill includes a new section, marked by the insertion "from passage Section 1 New section," indicating that this is a new legislative initiative. The fiscal impact statement attached to the bill clarifies that there is no expected fiscal impact on the state or municipalities as a result of this bill. The Department of Revenue Services is expected to have the necessary expertise to conduct the study without additional resources. The bill does not have any implications for municipal finances in the out years either. The Office of Legislative Research notes that it does not analyze Special Acts, and the committee action shows a joint favorable vote of 50 to 1 on April 2, 2024.