House Bill No. 5501, introduced in the General Assembly with File No. 376, is an act concerning a study of manufacturing issues in the state. The bill mandates that the Commissioner of Economic and Community Development conduct a study on manufacturing issues within the state. The study is to include an analysis of the impact of these issues on commercial activity. The Commissioner is required to submit a report on the findings of this study to the joint standing committee of the General Assembly that oversees matters related to commerce by January 1, 2025. This bill is effective from passage and creates a new section in the law.
The fiscal impact statement and bill analysis prepared for the General Assembly members indicate that there is no fiscal impact associated with this bill. The Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) is expected to conduct the study using existing resources, and there are no anticipated impacts on state or municipal finances in the out years. The bill does not specify detailed requirements for the study, which allows the DECD to manage the study within its current capacity. The Commerce Committee has given a Joint Favorable report on the bill with a vote of 20 in favor and 4 against on March 21, 2024.