Substitute Senate Bill No. 439, Public Act No. 24-106, is a legislative act that revises Section 54-102uu of the general statutes to broaden the scope of eligibility for compensation for wrongful incarceration. The bill specifies that individuals whose convictions have been vacated or reversed due to grounds consistent with innocence or serious misconduct by state officials are now eligible for compensation. "Grounds consistent with innocence" are defined to include situations where substantial evidence exists, whether previously known or newly discovered. The Claims Commissioner is tasked with determining eligibility within 90 days of a hearing, and compensation is set at a minimum of two hundred percent of the median family income for each year of incarceration, with adjustments for inflation and other relevant factors. The bill also allows for additional payments for employment training, counseling, and education, and requires claimants to forgo further legal action against the state after receiving compensation. Deadlines for filing claims are established based on the date of pardon or dismissal.

The bill also introduces measures to prevent claimants from receiving duplicate benefits from different government units for the same wrongful conviction and ensures that the estates of deceased claimants can receive compensation if the claim was pending at the time of death. It sets forth procedures for handling compensation claims during periods when the General Assembly is not in session, ensuring they are considered at the next regular session. Additionally, the bill clarifies that its provisions do not apply to any agreements or stipulations made under section 3-125a. The bill was enacted on June 4, 2024.

Statutes affected:
Raised Bill: 54-102uu
JUD Joint Favorable Substitute: 54-102uu
File No. 527: 54-102uu
Public Act No. 24-106: 54-102uu