House Bill No. 5476, identified as File No. 420, is a legislative proposal concerning municipal issues, specifically addressing the topic of interlocal agreements between municipalities. The bill proposes to amend Section 7-148cc of the general statutes, effective October 1, 2024. The amendment involves technical changes, including the replacement of the phrase "the provisions" with "any provision" and changing "provisions" to "provision" in the context of the statutes or other legal frameworks that allow municipalities to jointly perform functions that they could otherwise perform separately.
The bill facilitates the process by which two or more municipalities can enter into agreements to jointly perform functions, as permitted under sections 7-339a to 7-339l of the general statutes. The term "municipality" within this context is defined to include various forms of local government within the state of Connecticut. The bill has been reported favorably by the Committee on Planning and Development and does not have any fiscal impact on the state or municipalities, as noted in the Fiscal Impact Statement and Bill Analysis sections. The bill is solely for the purpose of making technical changes and does not reflect any specific intent of the General Assembly beyond that.
Statutes affected: Raised Bill: 7-148cc
PD Joint Favorable: 7-148cc
File No. 420: 7-148cc