Substitute House Bill No. 5473 (File No. 417) focuses on the expansion of municipal sewerage systems to support housing development, particularly affordable housing. The bill requires municipal water pollution control authorities (WPCAs) to prepare and update water pollution control plans that include strategies for providing sewer service to multifamily housing developments. These plans must be filed with the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection and posted on the municipality's website. The bill introduces new definitions and updates existing ones, such as "Affordable housing deed restrictions," "Affordable housing development," and various terms related to sewerage systems. It also establishes the sustainable and equitable infrastructure support program, administered by the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management (OPM), to provide funding for sewer connections and infrastructure improvements for affordable housing development. Additionally, the bill calls for a study by the majority leaders' roundtable group on affordable housing to consider eliminating municipal design review processes for residential developments.

The bill includes insertions that redefine terms and update the scope of the law, as well as deletions to remove outdated language. It renumbers existing subsections and validates certain acts of sewer authorities from the past. The bill's fiscal impact involves costs to OPM for staffing and potential costs to WPCAs for plan updates, which may be offset by OPM grants. The bill's provisions are set to take effect on October 1, 2024, with the study provision effective upon passage. The bill also outlines the criteria for affordable housing developments to qualify for funding and gives the OPM secretary discretion in awarding funds based on various factors, including the impact on the housing stock and cost efficiency.

Statutes affected:
PD Joint Favorable Substitute: 7-245, 7-246
File No. 417: 7-245, 7-246