House Bill 5453 (File No. 461) introduces significant changes to the Connecticut Siting Council's composition and procedures, effective October 1, 2024. The bill modifies the council's membership to include the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection or their designee, the chairperson of the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority or their designee, one designee each from the speaker of the House and the president pro tempore of the Senate, five public members appointed by the Governor with specific experience in ecology and engineering, and four ad hoc members from municipalities affected by proposed facilities. It limits the affiliations of certain members with utilities or regulatory agencies and requires the hiring of employees with expertise in engineering and financial analysis. The bill also updates the duties of the council, changes the title from "chairman" to "chairperson," and allows the chairperson to appoint an executive director.

The bill amends the application process for electric transmission facilities, demanding a detailed analysis of the costs and benefits for state ratepayers, including comparisons with alternative sites and plans. It sets a clear and convincing evidence standard for council decisions on public need and environmental impact, considering economic and aesthetic values. The bill also introduces new criteria for the approval of electric transmission lines, emphasizing cost-effectiveness and reasonable cost distribution among ratepayers. Additionally, it mandates stricter notice requirements for utility companies seeking to acquire residential property by condemnation and requires the council to consider utilities' environmental impact and research expenditures. The fiscal impact includes costs to the Siting Council Fund for compensation of additional representatives.

Statutes affected:
Raised Bill: 16-50j, 16-50l, 16-50p, 16-50s
GAE Joint Favorable: 16-50j, 16-50l, 16-50p, 16-50s
File No. 461: 16-50j, 16-50l, 16-50p, 16-50s