House Bill No. 5429, also known as Public Act No. 24-140, is an act concerning the commissary implementation plan for youth in Department of Correction facilities. The bill mandates that by July 1, 2023, the Department of Correction, in consultation with a subcommittee of the Juvenile Justice Policy and Oversight Committee, must develop and submit a plan to provide an integrated positive behavior motivation system for youths in correctional facilities. This system will be used as payment for commissary goods instead of a monetary system. The plan also includes revised commissary policies and procedures, increased incentives for good health and cultural diversity, equitable access to commissary for disadvantaged youths, provision of menstrual products, transition of saved commissary allocations, ongoing training and assistance, a continuous quality improvement system, and biannual surveys or focus groups for feedback from the youth.

The bill specifies that the Department of Correction must immediately implement more equitable commissary options for certain youths and fully implement the plan by November 1, 2023. Additionally, a new insertion requires that by July 1, 2024, the Commissioner of Correction must report to the General Assembly's joint standing committees on appropriations, children, and the judiciary regarding the implementation of the plan and any recommendations for changes to the plan or its implementation. This report must be in accordance with the provisions of section 11-4a of the general statutes. The act was approved on June 6, 2024.