Senate Bill 381 (sSB381 File No. 572) proposes significant changes to the mandated reporter requirements in the state's general statutes, with an effective date of July 1, 2024. The bill expands the definition of mandated reporters to include any school employee who suspects a student is a victim of sexual offenses by a school employee. It removes penalties for failure to report and interference with reporting, as well as the requirement for educational program participation for those found guilty of such offenses. The bill also provides protections for employees who report suspected child abuse or neglect in good faith, including immunity from liability and protection against employer discrimination or retaliation. It introduces penalties for knowingly making false reports and requires notification to the Commissioner of Education and school authorities if a school employee or certificate holder is convicted of crimes involving child abuse, neglect, or certain sexual offenses.

The bill amends Section 17a-101o of the general statutes to address failures to report child abuse or neglect by mandated reporters, broadening the scope beyond just employees of local or regional boards of education. It changes the language from "delayed reporting" to "failure to report" and mandates the Commissioner of Children and Families to maintain a database of such failures, conduct assessments, and develop a policy for assessing failures to report. The bill outlines legal consequences for failure to report, with penalties ranging from a class A misdemeanor to a class E felony, and requires guilty parties to participate in an educational and training program. Additionally, the bill amends procedures for employment background checks in schools, requiring applicants to disclose past investigations or disciplinary actions related to abuse, neglect, or sexual misconduct, and prohibits employment offers under certain circumstances. It also mandates updated training for school employees on conducting preliminary inquiries and reporting procedures, with the training provision effective upon passage.

Statutes affected:
Raised Bill: 10-153f, 10-145i, 10-149a, 10-221s
ED Joint Favorable Substitute Change of Reference: 10-153f, 10-145i, 10-149a, 10-221s
APP Joint Favorable Substitute: 10-145i, 10-149a, 10-221s
File No. 572: 10-145i, 10-149a, 10-221s